Meet the Principal Investigator

Dustin Hancks
Assistant Professor
CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research
Department of Immunology
Postdoc, Evolutionary Genetics, University of Utah
Ph.D. Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Pennsylvania
B.S. Biology, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
A.A. Black Hawk College
Current Lab Members
Suzette Palmer
Research Assistant
B.S. Biology, Texas A&M University
Host-Pathogen Interactions using Evolutionary Analysis

Samrawit (Sam) Alemu

Natalia Herrera
Research Assistant
B.S. Microbiology and Immunology, UT San Antonio
M.S. Biology, UT San Antonio
Host-Pathogen Interactions

Chelsea Pinkham, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Ph.D. Biosciences, George Mason University
M.S. Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, George Mason University
B.S. Biology, George Mason University
Host-Pathogen Interactions

Sruthi Chappidi, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Ph.D., Software Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas
M.S. Software Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas
B.S. Biology with Minor in Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas

Tyron Chang
Graduate Student
Genetics Development and Disease
UTSW Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program, 2015
B.S. Chico State University
Host-Pathogen Interactions

Mahsa Sorouri
Graduate Student
Ph.D. Candidate, Biomedical Studies, Baylor University
M.S. Biotechnology, Johns Hopkins University
B.S. Biotechnology, University of Nebraska Omaha
Host Response to Pathogens

Lab Alumni
Palmy Jesudhasan, Ph.D.
Now at USDA
Research Scientist
Ph.D. Zoology, University of Madreas, Chennai India
Host Immune Response to Infection

Austin King
UTSW Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program, 2018-2019
B.S. Biology, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Host Immune Response

Favor Adeyinka
Science Access to Resources at UT Southwestern (STARS) Program, 2018
Rising Senior, Young Women's Leadership Academy at Bill Arnold
Host-Pathogen Interactions Using Evolutionary Analysis

Mridula Srinivas
Previous Rotation Students
Mikayla Stokes
Previous Rotation Students
Acacia Young
Previous Rotation Students