Wen-Hong Li Lab

About Wen-hong Li Lab

The Li group is part of the Cell Biology Department at UT Southwestern, a rich learning environment with outstanding colleagues and state-of-the-art facilities. Our research centers around islet biology and diabetes. We combine diverse techniques including molecular and cellular biology, molecular engineering and chemical synthesis, as well as animal physiology to study islet cells both in vitro and in vivo.

Dr. Li runs a relatively small laboratory (< 8 people) with focused research objectives. This ensures that he can interact frequently with each person in the group. He encourages independent thinking, and catalyzes collaboration by matching people with complementary skills to increase productivity within the group. Our lab has weekly group meetings, during which lab members present their latest findings. At these meetings, we discuss both successes and failures and try to bring out incongruities that might lead to new discoveries.


We investigate mechanisms responsible for maintaining islet cell function and to devise new strategies for enhancing beta cell fitness and robustness to prevent or treat diabetes.

See our research
Pancreatic islet

Contact Us

Questions and comments about the website should be directed to Email.

All general lab inquiries, requests for reagents, reprints, etc. should be directed to Wen-Hong:

  • Email
  • Phone: 214-648-3879
  • Office: North Campus, NL5.108A
  • Lab: NL5.110E

Mailing address

Name c/o Wen-Hong Li Lab
NL05110E, Cell Biology, UTSW
5901 Forest Park Road
Receiving - North Campus Dock
Dallas, TX 75390

Li Lab address

We are located on the 5th floor, NL5.110, in the NL building on the North Campus of the UT Southwestern Medical Center.

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