Uttam K. Tambar, Ph.D.
Bonnie Bell Harding Professor in Biochemistry
Chair of Organic Chemistry Graduate Program
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Educational Experience:
- A.B. Magna Cum Laude in Chemistry & Physics, Harvard University 2000 (Cynthia Friend and Stuart Schreiber)
- Ph.D., California Institute of Technology 2006 (Brian Stoltz)
- NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University 2006-2009 (James Leighton)
Honors and Awards:
- ACS Cope Scholar Award (2024) - press release
- Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2020)
- Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of the Indian Chemical Society (2020)
- Welch Foundation Norman Hackerman Award in Chemical Research (2019) - press release and video
- Chair of the Chemistry and Cancer Program, Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center (2018)
- Chair of Organic Chemistry Graduate Program (2017)
- Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship (2013)
- NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award (2012)
- Novartis Award Lecturer at Boston University (2012)
- Thieme Chemistry Journal Award (2012)
- Member of the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center (2009-Present)
- W.W. Caruth, Jr. Endowed Scholar in Biomedical Research (2009-Present)
- Stereochemistry GRC Chair’s Award for Exceptional Accomplishments in Chemistry (2008)
- NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship (2006-2009)
- American Chemical Society Travel Grant from Division of Medicinal Chemistry (2008)
- National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow (2001-2004)
- Institute of Chemistry and Cell Biology Grant for Undergraduate Research (1999)
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute Grant for Undergraduate Research (1998)
- Harvard College Research Program Award (1998, 1999, 2000)