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PKM-? is not required for hippocampal synaptic plasticity, learning and memory.
Volk LJ, Bachman JL, Johnson R, Yu Y, Huganir RL 2013 Jan Nature 7432 493 420-3Regulation of AMPA receptor function by the human memory-associated gene KIBRA.
Makuch L, Volk L, Anggono V, Johnson RC, Yu Y, Duning K, Kremerskothen J, Xia J, Takamiya K, Huganir RL 2011 Sep Neuron 6 71 1022-9Arc/Arg3.1 regulates an endosomal pathway essential for activity-dependent ?-amyloid generation.
Wu J, Petralia RS, Kurushima H, Patel H, Jung MY, Volk L, Chowdhury S, Shepherd JD, Dehoff M, Li Y, Kuhl D, Huganir RL, Price DL, Scannevin R, Troncoso JC, Wong PC, Worley PF 2011 Oct Cell 3 147 615-28A mouse model of the human Fragile X syndrome I304N mutation.
Zang JB, Nosyreva ED, Spencer CM, Volk LJ, Musunuru K, Zhong R, Stone EF, Yuva-Paylor LA, Huber KM, Paylor R, Darnell JC, Darnell RB 2009 Dec PLoS Genet. 12 5 e1000758