
Primary research papers

Gao, D., Li, T., Li, X-D., Chen, X., Li, Q-Z., Wight-Carter, M., and Chen, Z.J. (2015) Activation of Cyclic GMP-AMP Synthase by Self DNA Causes Autoimmune Diseases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112, E5699-705.

Collins, A.C., Cai, H., Li, T., Franco, L.H., Li, X-D., Nair, V.R., Scharn, C.R., Stamm, C.E., Levine, B., Chen, Z.J*., Shiloh, M.U*. (2015) Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase is an innate immune sensor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA. Cell Host Microbe 17, 820-828. *co-corresponding author

Liu, S., Cai, X., Wu, J., Cong, Q., Chen, X., Li, T., Du, F., Ren, J., Wu, Y., Grishin, N., and Chen, Z.J. (2015) Phosphorylation of innate immune adaptor proteins MAVS, STING and TRIF induces IRF3 activation. Science 347, aaa2630.

Ren, J., Chen, X., and Chen, Z.J. (2014) IKKbeta Is An IRF5 Kinase that Instigates Inflammation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111, 17438–17443.

Cai, X., Chen, J., Xu, H., Liu, S., Jiang, Q.X., Halfmann, R., and Chen, Z.J. (2014) Prion-like Polymerization Underlies Signal Transduction in Antiviral Immune Defense and Inflammasome Activation. Cell. 156(6):1207-22.

Xu, H., He, X., Zheng, H., Huang, L.J., Hou, F., Yu, Z., de la Cruz, M.J., Borkowski, B., Zhang, X., Chen, Z.J., and Jiang, Q.X. (2014) Structural basis for the prion-like MAVS filaments in antiviral innate immunity. Elife. 3:e01489.

Zhang, X., Wu, J., Du, F., Xu, H., Sun, L., Chen, Z., Brautigam, C.A., Zhang, X., and Chen, Z.J. (2014) The cytosolic DNA sensor cGAS forms an oligomeric complex with DNA and undergoes switch-like conformational changes in the activation loop. Cell Rep. 6(3):421-30. 

Li, X.D., Wu, J., Gao, D., Wang, H., Sun, L., and Chen, Z.J. (2013) Pivotal Roles of cGAS-cGAMP Signaling in Antiviral Defense and Immune Adjuvant Effects. Science 341(6152):1390-4.

Liu, S., Chen, J., Cai, X., Wu, J., Chen, X., Wu, Y-T., Sun, L., and Chen, Z.J. (2013) MAVS recruits multiple ubiquitin E3 ligases to activate antiviral signaling cascades. eLife 2:e00785.

Gao, D., Wu, J., Wu, Y-T., Du, F., Aroh, C., Yan, N., Sun, L., and Chen, Z.J. (2013) Cyclic GMP-AMP Synthase Is an Innate Immune Sensor of HIV and Other Retroviruses. Science 341:903-906.

Zhang, X., Shi, H., Wu, J., Zhang, X., Sun, L., Chen, C., and Chen, Z.J. (2013) Cyclic GMP-AMP containing mixed phosphodiester linkages is an endogenous high-affinity ligand for STING. Mol. Cell 51:226-235.

Sun, L., Wu, J., Du, F., Chen, X., and Chen, Z.J. (2012) Cyclic GMP-AMP Synthase Is a Cytosolic DNA Sensor That Activates the Type I Interferon Pathway. Science 339, 786-791.

Wu, J., Sun, L., Chen, X., Du, F., Shi, H., Chen, C., and Chen Z.J. (2012) Cyclic GMP-AMP Is an Endogenous Second Messenger in Innate Immune Signaling by Cytosolic DNA. Science 339, 826-830.

Li, X.D., and Chen, Z.J. (2012) Sequence specific detection of bacterial 23S ribosomal RNA by TLR13Elife 1, e00102.

Jiang, X., Kinch, L., Brautigam, C.A., Chen, X., Du, F., Grishin, N., and Chen, Z.J. (2012) Ubiquitin-induced oligomerization of RIG-I and MDA5 activates antiviral innate immune responseImmunity 36, 959-973.

Tanaka, Y., and Chen, Z.J. (2012). STING Specifies IRF3 Phosphorylation by TBK1 in the Cytosolic DNA Signaling PathwayScience Signaling 5, ra20.

Skaug, B., Chen, J., Du, F., He, J, Ma, A., and Chen, Z.J. (2011) Direct, non-catalytic mechanism of IKK inhibition by A20Molecular Cell 44, 559-571.

Hou, F., Sun, L., Zheng, H., Skaug, B., Jiang, Q.X., and Chen, Z.J. (2011). MAVS Forms Functional Prion-like Aggregates to Activate and Propagate Antiviral Innate Immune ResponseCell 146, 448-461.

Li, X.D., Chiu, Y.H., Ismail, A.S., Behrendt, C.L., Wight-Carter, M., Hooper, L.V., and Chen, Z.J. (2011). Mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) monitors commensal bacteria and induces an immune response that prevents experimental colitisProc Natl Acad Sci USA 108, 17390-17395.

Zeng, W., Sun, L., Jiang, X., Chen, X., Hou, F., Adhikari, A., Xu, M., and Chen, Z.J. (2010) Reconstitution of the RIG-I pathway reveals a signaling role of unanchored polyubiquitin chains in innate immunityCell 141, 315-330.

Zhao, M., Li, X.D., and Chen, Z. J. (2010) CC2D1A, a DM14 and C2 domain protein, activates NF-kappaB through the canonical pathwayJ Biol Chem 285, 24372-24380.

Zeng, W., Xu, M., Liu, S., Sun, L., Chen, Z.J. (2009) Key role of Ubc5 and K63 polyubiquitination in viral activation of IRF3Molecular Cell 36, 302-314.

Xu, M., Skaug, B., Zeng, W., and Chen, Z.J. (2009) A ubiquitin replacement strategy reveals distinct mechanisms of IKK activation by TNFa and IL-1bMolecular Cell 36, 315-325.

Xia, Z.P., Sun, L., Chen, X., Pineda, G., Jiang, X., Adhikari, A., Zeng, W., and Chen, Z.J. (2009). Direct activation of protein kinases by unanchored polyubiquitin chainsNature 461, 114-119.

Chiu, Y.H., Macmillan, J.B., and Chen, Z.J. (2009). RNA polymerase III detects cytosolic DNA and induces type I interferons through the RIG-I pathwayCell 138, 576-591.

Bhoj, V.G., Sun, Q., Bhoj, E., Somers, C., Chen, X., Torres, J-P., Mejias, A., Gomez., A., Jafri, H., Ramilo, O., Chen, Z.J. (2008). MAVS and MyD88 are essential for innate immunity but not cytotoxic T lymphocyte response against respiratory syncytial virusProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 14046-14051.

Chiu, Y-H., Sun, Q.,  and Chen, Z.J. (2007) E1-L2 activates both ubiquitin and FAT-10Molecular Cell 27, 1014-1023.

Sun, Q., Sun, L., Liu, H-H., Chen, X., Seth, R.B., Forman, J. and Chen, Z.J. (2006) The specific and essential role of MAVS in antiviral innate immune responsesImmunity 24, 633-642.

Ea, C-K., Deng, L., Xia, Z-P., Pineda, G., and Chen, Z.J. (2006) Activation of IKK by TNFa requires site-specific ubiquitination of RIP1 and polyubiquitin binding by NEMOMolecular Cell 22, 245-257.

Liu, H-H., Xie, M., Schneider, M.D., and Chen, Z.J. (2006) The essential role of TAK1 in thymocyte development and activationProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 11677-11682.

Li, X-D., Sun, L., Seth, R.B., Pineda, G., and Chen, Z.J. (2005) The Hepatitis C Virus Protease NS3/4A Cleaves MAVS off the Mitochondria to Evade Innate ImmunityProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102, 17717-17722.

Seth, R.B., Sun, L., Ea, C., and Chen, Z.J. (2005) Identification and characterization of MAVS: a mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein that activates NF-kB and IRF3Cell 122, 669-682.

Kanayama, A., Seth, R.B., Ea, C-K, Hong, M., Shaito, A., Deng, L., and Chen, Z.J. (2004) TAB2 and TAB3 activate the NF-kB pathway through binding to polyubiquitin chainsMolecular Cell 15, 535-548.

Sun, L., Deng, L., Ea, C-K., Xia, Z-P., and Chen, Z.J. (2004) The TRAF6 ubiquitin ligase and TAK1 kinase mediate IKK activation by BCL10 and MALT1 in T lymphocytesMolecular Cell 14, 289-301.

Ea, C-K., Sun, L., Inoue, J-I, and Chen, Z.J. (2004) TIFA activates IKK by promoting the oligomerization and ubiquitin ligase activity of TRAF6Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101, 15318-15323.

Wang, C., Deng, L., Hong, M. Akkaraju, G.R., Inoue, J-i., and Chen, Z.J. (2001) TAK1 is a ubiquitin-dependent kinase of MKK and IKKNature 412, 346-351.

Deng, L., Wang, C., Spencer, E., Yang, L., Braun, A., You, J., Slaughter, C., Pickart, C., and Chen, Z.J. (2000) Activation of the IkB kinase complex requires a dimeric ubiquitin conjugating enzyme complex and the formation of a unique polyubiquitin chainCell 103, 351-361.

Spencer, E., Jiang, J., and Chen, Z.J. (1999) Signal-induced ubiquitination of IkBa by the F-box protein, Slimb/b-TrCPGenes & Dev. 13, 284-294.

Reviews and Previews

Cai, X., Xu, H., and Chen, Z.J. (2016) Prion-like polymerization in immunity and cell death. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. pii: a023580. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a023580

Chen, Q., Sun, L., and Chen, Z.J. (2016) Regulation and function of the cGAS-STING pathway of cytosolic DNA sensing. Nat Immunol17. 1142-1149

Cai, X., and Chen, Z.J. (2014) Prion-like polymerization as a signaling mechanism. Trends Immunol 35, 622-630.

Cai, X., Chiu, Y.H., and Chen, Z.J. (2014) The cGAS-cGAMP-STING Pathway of Cytosolic DNA Sensing and Signaling. Mol Cell 54, 289-296.

Wu, J., and Chen, Z.J. (2014) Innate immune sensing and signaling of cytosolic nucleic acids. Annual Review of Immunology 32, 461-488.

Chen, J, Chen, Z.J. (2013) Regulation of NF-κB by ubiquitination. Curr Opin Immunol 25(1):4-12. 

Chen, Z.J., and Ye, J. (2012) Getting to grips with hepatitis. elife 1, e00301.

Chen, Z.J. (2012). Ubiquitination in signaling to and activation of IKKImmunol Rev 246, 95-106.

Yan, N., and Chen, Z.J. (2012). Intrinsic antiviral immunityNat Immunol 13, 214-222.

Jiang, X., and Chen, Z.J. (2012). The role of ubiquitylation in immune defense and pathogen evasionNat Rev Immunol 12, 35-48.

Jiang, Q.X., and Chen, Z.J. (2011). Structural insights into the activation of RIG-I, a nanosensor for viral RNAsEMBO Rep 13, 7-8.

Jiang, X., and Chen, Z.J. (2011). Viperin links lipid bodies to immune defenseImmunity 34, 285-287.

Liu, S., and Chen, Z.J. (2011). Expanding role of ubiquitination in NF-kappaB signalingCell Res 21, 6-21.

Sun, L., Liu, S., and Chen, Z.J. (2010) SnapShot: Pathways of Antiviral innate immunityCell 140, 436.

Skaug, B., and Chen, Z.J. (2010) Emerging role of ISG15 in antiviral immunityCell 143, 187-190.

Bhoj, V.G., and Chen, Z. J. (2009) Ubiquitylation in innate and adaptive immunityNature 458, 430-437.

Skaug B., Jiang, X., and Chen,Z. J. (2009) The role of ubiquitin in NF-kB Regulatory PathwaysAnnu. Rev. Biochem. 78, 769-796.

Adhikari, A., and Chen, Z.J. (2009) Diversity of polyubiquitin chainsDevelopmental Cell 16, 485-486.

Chen, Z.J., and Sun, L.J. (2009). Nonproteolytic functions of ubiquitin in cell signalingMolecular Cell 33, 275-286.

Chiu, Y.H., Zhao, M., and Chen, Z.J. (2009) Ubiquitin in NF-kB SignalingChemical Review 109, 1549-1560.

Zeng, W., and Chen, Z.J. (2008) MITAgating viral infectionImmunity 29, 513-515.

Bhoj, V.G., and Chen, Z. J. (2008) Linking retroelements to autoimmunityCell 134, 569-571.

Bhoj, V.G., and Chen, Z. J. (2008) Mitochondrial antiviral signaling. In Cellular Signaling and Innate Immune Responses to RNA Virus Infections. A. Brasier, A. Garcia-Sastre, S.M. Lemon, eds. (Washington D.C: ASM Press). pp 39-51.

Seth, R. B., and Chen, Z. J. (2007). Smads keep TABs on inflammationNat Immunol 8, 477-478.

Adhikari, A., Xu, M., and Chen, Z. J. (2007). Ubiquitin-mediated activation of TAK1 and IKKOncogene 26, 3214-3226.

Fitzgerald K.A., and Chen, Z.J. (2006) Sorting out Toll signalsCell 125, 834-836.

Seth, R. B., Sun, L., and Chen, Z. J. (2006). Antiviral innate immunity pathwaysCell Res 16, 141-147.

Chen, Z. J., Bhoj, V., and Seth, R. B. (2006). Ubiquitin, TAK1 and IKK: is there a connection? Cell Death Differ. 1-6.

Schulman, B. A., and Chen, Z. J. (2005). Protein ubiquitination: CHIPping away the symmetryMolecular Cell 20, 653-655.

Chen, Z.J. (2005) Ubiquitin signaling in the NF-kB pathwayNature Cell Biology 7, 758-765.

van Oers, N. S., and Chen, Z. J. (2005). Kinasing and clipping down the NF-kB trailScience 308, 65-66.

Xia, Z. P., and Chen, Z. J. (2005). TRAF2: a double-edged sword? Sci STKE 2005, pe7.

Pineda, G., Ea, C-K., and Chen, Z.J. (2005) Ubiquitination and TRAF signaling. In TRAFs. H, Wu, eds. Landes Bioscience.

Sun, L., and Chen, Z.J. (2004). The novel functions of ubiquitination in signalingCurr Opin Cell Biol 16, 119-126.

Chen, Z.J. and Fuchs, S. Y. (2004). Ubiquitin-dependent activation of NF-kB: K63-linked ubiquitin chains – a link to cancer? Cancer Biol Ther 3, 286-288.

Deng, L., and Chen, Z.J. (2003) Role of ubiquitin in NF-kB signaling. In Nuclear Factor kB. Regulation and Role in Disease. R. Beyaert, eds. (Kluwer). pp 139-160.

Collaborative papers

Christensen, M.H., Jensen, S.B., Miettinen, J.J., Luecke, S., Prabakaran, T., Reinert, L.S., Mettenleiter, T., Chen, Z.J., Knipe, D.M., Sandri-Goldin, R.M., et al. (2016). HSV-1 ICP27 targets the TBK1-activated STING signalsome to inhibit virus-induced type I IFN expression. EMBO J 35, 1385-1399.

Kolter, J., Feuerstein, R., Spoeri, E., Gharun, K., Elling, R., Trieu-Cuot, P., Goldmann, T., Waskow, C., Chen, Z.J., Kirschning, C.J., et al. (2016). Streptococci Engage TLR13 on Myeloid Cells in a Site-Specific Fashion. J Immunol 196, 2733-2741.

Stein, K., Brand, S., Jenckel, A., Sigmund, A., Chen, Z.J., Kirschning, C.J., Kauth, M., and Heine, H. (2016). Endosomal recognition of Lactococcus lactis G121 and its RNA by dendritic cells is key to its allergy-protective effects. J Allergy Clin Immunol. pii: S0091-6749(16)30609-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.06.018.

Tenekeci, U., Poppe, M., Beuerlein, K., Buro, C., Muller, H., Weiser, H., Kettner-Buhrow, D., Porada, K., Newel, D., Xu, M., Chen, ZJ., Busch, J., Schmitz, ML., Kracht., M (2016). K63-Ubiquitylation and TRAF6 Pathways Regulate Mammalian P-Body Formation and mRNA Decapping. Mol Cell 62, 943-957.

Shi, H., Wu, J., Chen, Z.J., and Chen, C. (2015) Molecular basis for the specific recognition of the metazoan cyclic GMP-AMP by the innate immune adaptor protein STING. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112, 8947-8952.

Zeng, M., Hu, Z., Shi, X., Li, X., Zhan, X., Li, X.D., Wang, J., Choi, J.H., Wang, K.W., Purrington, T.Tang, M, Fina, M, DeBerardinis, RJ, Moresco, EM, Pedersen, G, McInerney, GM, Hedestam, GB, Chen, Z.J, Beutler, B. (2014). MAVS, cGAS, and endogenous retroviruses in T-independent B cell responses. Science 346, 1486-1492.

Rongvaux, A., Jackson, R., Harman, C.C., Li, T., West, A.P., de Zoete, M.R., Wu, Y., Yordy, B., Lakhani, S.A., Kuan, C.Y.Taniguchi, T, Shadel, GS, Chen, Z.J., Iwasaki, A, Flavell, RA. (2014). Apoptotic caspases prevent the induction of type I interferons by mitochondrial DNA. Cell 159, 1563-1577.

Deng, L., Liang, H., Xu, M., Yang, X., Burnette, B., Arina, A., Li, X.D., Mauceri, H., Beckett, M., Darga, T.Huang, X, Gajewski, TF, Chen, Z.J, Fu, YX, Weichselbaum, RR. (2014). STING-Dependent Cytosolic DNA Sensing Promotes Radiation-Induced Type I Interferon-Dependent Antitumor Immunity in Immunogenic Tumors. Immunity 41, 843-852.

Peisley A, Wu B, Xu H, Chen ZJ, Hur S. (2014) Structural basis for ubiquitin-mediated antiviral signal activation by RIG-I. Nature 509, 110-114.

Dai, P., Wang, W., Cao, H., Avogadri, F., Dai, L., Drexler, I., Joyce, J.A., Li, X.D., Chen, Z, Merghoub, T., Shuman S, Deng L. (2014). Modified vaccinia virus Ankara triggers type I IFN production in murine conventional dendritic cells via a cGAS/STING-mediated cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway. PLoS Pathog 10, e1003989.

Chong, R.A., Wu, K., Spratt, D.E., Yang, Y., Lee, C., Nayak, J., Xu, M., Elkholi, R., Tappin, I., Li, J.Hurwitz, J, Brown, BD, Chipuk, JE, Chen, Z.J, Sanchez R, Shaw GS, Huang L, Pan ZQ. (2014). Pivotal role for the ubiquitin Y59-E51 loop in lysine 48 polyubiquitination. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111, 8434-8439.

Yuan, W.C., Lee, Y.R., Lin, S.Y., Chang, L.Y., Tan, Y.P., Hung, C.C., Kuo, J.C., Liu, C.H., Lin, M.Y., Xu, M. Chen, Z.J., Chen, R.H. (2014). K33-Linked Polyubiquitination of Coronin 7 by Cul3-KLHL20 Ubiquitin E3 Ligase Regulates Protein Trafficking. Mol Cell 54, 586-600.

Dubois, S.M., Alexia, C., Wu, Y., Leclair, H.M., Leveau, C., Schol, E., Fest, T., Tarte, K., Chen, Z.J., Gavard, J., Bidère, N. (2014) A catalytic-independent role for the LUBAC in NF-kappaB activation upon antigen receptor engagement and in lymphoma cells. Blood 123,2199-2203.

El Maadidi, S., Faletti, L., Berg, B., Wenzl, C., Wieland, K., Chen, Z.J., Maurer, U., and Borner, C. (2014) A Novel Mitochondrial MAVS/Caspase-8 Platform Links RNA Virus-Induced Innate Antiviral Signaling to Bax/Bak-Independent Apoptosis. Journal of immunology 192, 1171-1183.

Yoo, S.H., Mohawk, J.A., Siepka, S.M., Shan, Y., Huh, S.K., Hong, H.K., Kornblum, I., Kumar, V., Koike, N., Xu, M., Nussbaum, J., Liu, X., Chen, Z., Chen, Z.J., Green, C.B., Takahashi, J.S. (2013) Competing E3 ubiquitin ligases govern circadian periodicity by degradation of CRY in nucleus and cytoplasm. Cell 152(5):1091-105.

Hao, Y.H., Doyle, J.M., Ramanathan, S., Gomez, T.S., Jia, D., Xu, M., Chen, Z.J., Billadeau, D.D., Rosen, M.K., Potts, P.R. (2013) Regulation of WASH-dependent actin polymerization and protein trafficking by ubiquitination. Cell 152(5):1051-64.

Ermler, M.E., Yerukhim, E., Schriewer, J., Schattgen, S., Traylor, Z., Wespiser, A.R., Caffrey, D.R., Chen, Z.J., King, C.H., Gale, M., Jr. Colonna M., Fitzgerald, K.A., Buller, R.M., Hise, A.G. (2013). RNA helicase signaling is critical for type i interferon production and protection against Rift Valley fever virus during mucosal challenge. Journal of virology 87, 4846-4860.

Zhou, A.Y., Shen, R.R., Kim, E., Lock, Y.J., Xu, M., Chen, Z.J., and Hahn, W.C. (2013) IKKepsilon-Mediated Tumorigenesis Requires K63-Linked Polyubiquitination by a cIAP1/cIAP2/TRAF2 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Complex. Cell Rep 3, 724-733.

Zhang, L., Xu, M., Scotti, E., Chen, Z.J., and Tontonoz, P. (2013). Both K63 and K48 ubiquitin linkages signal lysosomal degradation of the LDL receptor. J Lipid Res 54, 1410-1420.

Ren, J., Wang, Q., Kolli, D., Prusak, D.J., Tseng, C.T., Chen, Z.J., Li, K., Wood, T.G., and Bao, X. (2012). Human metapneumovirus M2-2 protein inhibits innate cellular signaling by targeting MAVS. Journal of virology 86, 13049-13061.

Yin, Q., Tian, Y., Kabaleeswaran, V., Jiang, X., Tu, D., Eck., M.J., Chen, Z.J., and Wu, H. (2012) Cyclic di-GMP sensing via the innate immune signaling protein STINGMolecular Cell 46, 735-745.

Xu, K., Sacharidou, A., Fu, S., Chong, D.C., Skaug, B., Chen, Z.J., Davis, G.E., and Cleaver, O. (2011). Blood vessel tubulogenesis requires Rasip1 regulation of GTPase signalingDev Cell 20, 526-539.

Dixit, E., Boulant, S., Zhang, Y., Lee, A.S., Odendall, C., Shum, B., Hacohen, N., Chen, Z.J., Whelan, S.P., Fransen, M., Nibert, M. L., Superti-Furga, G., Kagan, J.C. (2010) Peroxisomes are signaling platforms for antiviral innate immunityCell 141, 668-681.

Dong, X., Feng, H., Sun, Q., Li, H., Wu, T.T., Sun, R., Tibbetts, S.A., Chen, Z.J., and Feng, P. (2010) Murine gamma-herpesvirus 68 hijacks MAVS and IKKbeta to initiate lytic replicationPLoS Pathog 6, e1001001.

Huang, H.R., Chen, Z.J., Kunes, S., Chang, G.D., and Maniatis, T. (2010) Endocytic pathway is required for Drosophila Toll innate immune signalingProc Natl Acad Sci USA 107, 8322-8327.

McWhirter, S.M., Barbalat, R., Monroe, K.M., Fontana, M.F., Hyodo, M., Joncker, N.T., Ishii, K.J., Akira, S., Colonna, M., Chen, Z.J., Fitzgerald K.A., Hayakawa Y., and Vance R.E. (2009). A host type I interferon response is induced by cytosolic sensing of the bacterial second messenger cyclic-di-GMPJ Exp Med. 206, 1899-1911.

Liu, C., Qian, W., Qian, Y., Giltiay, N.V., Lu, Y., Swaidani, S., Misra, S., Deng, L., Chen, Z.J., and Li, X. (2009). Act1, a U-box E3 ubiquitin ligase for IL-17 signalingSci Signal 2, ra63.

Rasmussen, S.B., Jensen, S.B., Nielsen, C., Quartin, E., Kato, H., Chen, Z.J., Silverman, R.H., Akira, S., and Paludan, S.R. (2009). Herpes simplex virus infection is sensed by both Toll-like receptors and retinoic acid-inducible gene-like receptors, which synergize to induce type I interferon productionJ Gen Virol 90, 74-78.

Lei, Y., Moore, C.B., Liesman, R.M., O'Connor, B.P., Bergstralh, D.T., Chen, Z.J., Pickles, R.J., and Ting, J.P. (2009). MAVS-mediated apoptosis and its inhibition by viral proteinsPLoS ONE 4, e5466.

Moore, C.B. Bergstralh, D.T., Duncan, J.A. Lei, Y., Morrison, T.E., Accavitti-Loper, M.A., Madden, V.J., Sun, L., Lich, J.D., Heise, M.T., Chen, Z.J., and Ting., J. P-Y. (2008) NLRX1 is a regulator of mitochondrial antiviral immunityNature 451, 573-577.

Kang, M. J., Lee, C. G., Lee, J. Y., Dela Cruz, C. S., Chen, Z. J., Enelow, R., and Elias, J. A. (2008). Cigarette smoke selectively enhances viral PAMP- and virus-induced pulmonary innate immune and remodeling responses in miceJ Clin Invest 118, 2771-2784.

Coornaert, B., Baens, M., Heyninck, K., Bekaert, T., Haegman, M., Staal, J., Sun, L., Chen, Z. J., Marynen, P., and Beyaert, R. (2008). T cell antigen receptor stimulation induces MALT1 paracaspase-mediated cleavage of the NF-kappaB inhibitor A20Nat Immunol 9, 263-271.

Deng, L., Dai, P., Parikh, T., Cao, H., Bhoj, V., Sun, Q., Chen, Z., Merghoub, T., Houghton, A., and Shuman, S. (2008). Vaccinia virus subverts a MAVS-dependent innate immune response in keratinocytes through its dsRNA binding protein E3J Virol. 82, 10735.

Xiao, H., Qian, W., Staschke, K., Jiang, Z., Qian, Y., Cui, G., Deng, L., Chen, Z. J., Gilmour, R., and Li, X. (2008). Pellino 3b negatively regulates IL-1-induced TAK1-dependent NFkappa B activationJ Biol Chem 283, 14654-14664.

Gack, M. U., Shin, Y. C., Joo, C. H., Urano, T., Liang, C., Sun, L., Takeuchi, O., Akira, S., Chen, Z.J.., Inoue, S., and Jung, J. U. (2007). TRIM25 RING-finger E3 ubiquitin ligase is essential for RIG-I-mediated antiviral activityNature 446, 916-920.

Rasmussen, S. B., Sorensen, L. N., Malmgaard, L., Ank, N., Baines, J. D., Chen, Z. J., and Paludan, S. R. (2007). Type I interferon production during herpes simplex virus infection is controlled by cell-type-specific viral recognition through Toll-like receptor 9, the mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein pathway, and novel recognition systems. J Virol 81, 13315-13324.

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