Randomized trial of anakinra plus zinc vs. prednisone for severe alcohol-associated hepatitis
Author Collaboration fT, Gawrieh S, Dasarathy S, Tu W, Kamath PS, Chalasani NP, McClain CJ, Bataller R, Szabo G, Tang Q, Radaeva S, Barton B, Nagy LE, Shah VH, Sanyal AJ, Mitchell MC, Chalasani N, Patidar KR, Vuppalanchi R, Samala N, Yoder L, Nephew L, Simonetto DA, Kamath P, Vargas HE, Yang L, Welch N, Bellar A, Attaway A, Dasarathy J, Growley A, Streem D, Herlong HF, Kerr T, Cotter T, Sanyal A, O'Connor S, Luketic V, Asgharpour A, Taylor S, Vatsalya V, Jophlin L, Cave M, Jha SK, Marsano L, Barve A, Frimodig J, Ravi S, Behari J, Shivanekar S, Novelli P 2024 May Journal of Hepatology 80 684-693Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surveillance Patterns and Outcomes in Patients With Cirrhosis
Daher D, Seif El Dahan K, Cano A, Gonzales M, Ransom C, Jaurez E, Carranza O, Quirk L, Morgan T, Gopal P, Patel MS, Lieber S, Louissaint J, Cotter TG, VanWagner LB, Yang JD, Parikh ND, Yopp A, Rich NE, Singal AG 2024 Feb Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 22 295-304.e2A contemporary analysis of 20,086 deceased donor liver biopsies
Wang BK, Chen AY, Prasadh J, Desai D, Shubin AD, Raschzok N, MacConmara MP, Ivanics T, Cotter T, Hwang C, Shah JA, Mufti A, Vagefi PA, Hanish SI, Patel MS 2024 Feb World Journal of Surgery 48 437-445Biliary atresia and liver transplantation in the United States: A contemporary analysis
Anouti A, Patel MS, VanWagner LB, Lee WM, Fung JJ, Cholankeril G, Hwang CS, Mufti AR, Tujios S, Kerr T, Rich NE, Louissaint J, Desai DM, Vagefi PA, Hanish S, Shah J, Singal AG, Cotter TG 2023 Oct Liver International 43 2198-2209Mortality and Morbidity Among Adult Liver Retransplant Recipients
Dakroub A, Anouti A, Cotter TG, Lee WM 2023 Oct Digestive Diseases and Sciences 68 4039-4049Unraveling the roles of excessive alcohol use and liver disease in mortality
Mitchell MC, Cotter TG 2023 Mar Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research 47 429-431Relatively Poor Long-term Outcomes Following Liver Transplantation for NASH in the United States
Jamil OK, Sandikçi B, Faust N, Cotter TG, Paul S, Di Sabato D, Fung J, Charlton M 2022 Oct Transplantation 106 2006-2018Treatment of Mental Health in Patients With Chronic Liver Disease
Cotter TG, Beresford T 2022 Clinical Liver DiseaseNonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 2020: The State of the Disease
Cotter TG, Rinella M 2020 May Gastroenterology 158 1851-1864Global elimination of hepatitis C virus by 2030: The pessimistic view
Cotter TG, Charlton M 2020 Jan 244-249Transected nasogastric tube: a rare complication of nasogastric feeding
Cotter TG, Stier MW, Rao VL 2019 Jan Internal and Emergency Medicine 14 179-180Use of Hepatitis C Positive Organs: Patient Attitudes in Urban Chicago
Couri T, Cotter TG, Chen D, Hammes M, Reddy B, Josephson M, Yeh H, Chung RT, Paul S 2019 Jan American Journal of Nephrology 49 32-40DPRO: Needle Exchange Programs Should Be Instituted to Reduce Hepatitis C Virus Transmission
Cotter TG, Stier MW, Aronsohn A 2018 Dec Clinical Liver Disease 12 170-17258-Year-Old Man With Eosinophilia, Lymphadenopathy, and Proteinuria
Williams SA, Cotter TG, Wittich CM 2018 Sep Mayo Clinic Proceedings 93 e91-e96Recurrent pulmonary alveolar proteinosis in an immunocompromised host
Kamboj AK, Hoversten P, Cotter TG, Bhatia S, Ramar K 2018 Jun Internal and Emergency Medicine 13 609-610Development of a Microscopic Colitis Disease Activity Index: A prospective cohort study
Cotter TG, Binder M, Loftus EV, Abboud R, McNally MA, Smyrk TC, Tremaine WJ, Sandborn WJ, Pardi DS 2018 Mar Gut 67 441-446Case report: Pentoxifylline treatment in microscopic colitis
Cotter TG, Kamboj AK, Hicks SB, Tremaine WJ, Loftus EV, Pardi DS 2017 Nov Medicine (United States) 96Letter: the definition of budesonide dependence in microscopic colitis—authors’ reply
Cotter TG, Kamboj AK, Hicks SB, Tremaine WJ, Loftus EV, Pardi DS 2017 Sep Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 46 636Immune modulator therapy for microscopic colitis in a case series of 73 patients
Cotter TG, Kamboj AK, Hicks SB, Tremaine WJ, Loftus EV, Pardi DS 2017 Jul Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 46 169-174Extended-release Multimatrix Budesonide for Microscopic Colitis
Kamboj AK, Cotter TG, Hicks SB, Tremaine WJ, Loftus EV, Pardi DS 2017 May Inflammatory bowel diseases 23 E21-E22Helicobacter pylori: The Past, Present, and Future in Management
Kamboj AK, Cotter TG, Oxentenko AS 2017 Apr Mayo Clinic Proceedings 92 599-604Relapsing Polychondritis with Myelodysplastic Syndrome: A Case Report
Kamboj AK, Cotter TG, Varghese C 2017 Mar American Journal of Medicine 130 e107-e108Current Approach to the Evaluation and Management of Microscopic Colitis
Cotter TG, Pardi DS 2017 Feb Current gastroenterology reports 1928-Year-Old Woman With Malaise, Cough, Myalgia, and Dark Urine
Gurney M, Cotter TG, Wittich CM 2017 Jan Mayo Clinic Proceedings 92 e1-e5A Case of Abdominal Discomfort Caused by Benign Multicystic Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Cotter TG, Van Arnam JS, Schaffner JA 2016 Dec Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 14 e147-e14873-Year-Old Woman With Pruritus, Jaundice, and Altered Mental Status
Ramos GP, Cotter TG, Sweetser S 2016 Sep Mayo Clinic Proceedings 91 1287-1291Gas and Bloating—Controlling Emissions: A Case-Based Review for the Primary Care Provider
Cotter TG, Gurney M, Loftus CG 2016 Aug Mayo Clinic Proceedings 91 1105-1113Editorial: Additional evidence for drug-induced microscopic colitis
Cotter TG, Pardi DS 2016 Jun Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 43 1343-1344