Meet the Principal Investigator

David Corey, Ph.D.
Dr. Corey joined the UT Southwestern Pharmacology Department in 1992. He was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 1998 and Full Professor in 2003. In 2014, he was named the Rusty Kelley Professor of Medical Sciences. He is also a member of the Department of Biochemistry and the Simmons Cancer Center.
Dr. Corey is an the President of the Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society. He is also Executive Editor for Nucleic Acids Research (responsible for handling 250 manuscript per year) and is on the Editorial Board of Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids, and Oligonucleotide Therapeutics. He is the author of more than 215 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters. He holds twelve approved patents. Dr. Corey has received funding from, among other sources, the Welch Foundation, NIH, the McKnight Award for Neuroscience Research, the American Heart Association, the Cure Huntington Disease Initiative, and Freidreich's Ataxia Association. Dr. Corey has mentored dozens of technicians, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scientists. Almost all scientists who have worked in the Corey Laboratory have left the laboratory with at least one (and in many cases several) first author publications. The laboratory always has openings for scientists who want to learn.
Current Lab Members

Cristina Hofman
Graduate Student
B.S., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Trinity University

Selina Aguilar
Research Associate
B.S., Biology, University of North Texas

Yang Liu, Ph.D.
Research Scientist

Dimitri Ivanov

Lab Alumni

- Yuichiro Aiba
Associate Professor
Nagoya University - Randall Beane
United States Patent Examiner - Robert Bergstrom
Winemaker and Proprietor
Sandar and Hem Wines - Dwaine Braasch
Functional Materials Team Leader
University of Southern Mississippi - Yongjun Chu
Research Scientist
Exact Sciences - Gary Coombs
Waldorf College - David Dodd
Direct of Chemistry
Twist Bioscience - Donald Doyle
Senior Lecturer
Georgia Tech University - Anissa Elayadi
Senior Staff Scientist
Johns Hopkins University - Keith Gagnon
Southern Illinois University - Samantha Johnson
Postdoctoral Fellow
Eli Lilly

- Jessica Hicks
Senior Medical Affairs Advisor
Aesthetics - Kenneth Huffman
Research Scientist
UT Southwestern - Mridula Iyer
Vice President
Strategic Partnerships at Nuclaei - Kunihiro Kaihatsu
Visgene - Roya Kalantari
Research Training Officer
National Institutes of Health - Audrius Kilikevicius
Research Scientist
Eli Lilly

- Yinghui Liu
UT Southwestern - Jing Liu
Research Scientist
Iris Therapeutics - Zhongtian Liu
Postdoctoral Fellow
U. Penn. - Masayuki Matsui
ONO Pharmaceutical Co., Japan - Christopher Nulf
C&R Analytics - Zain Paroo
University of Illinois, Chicago - Hannah Pendergraff
MiNA Therapeutics - Fuminori Sakurai
Associate Professor
University of Osaka - Jacob Schwartz
Associate Professor
University of Arizona - Carla Simmons
Oncology Account Specialist
Incyte - Xiulong Shen
Research Scientist

- John Waggenspack
Southeastern Louisiana University - John Watts
University of Massachusetts - Shinichi Yokota
Research Scientist
Shionogi, Osaka - Scott Younger
Assistant Professor, Genomic Medicine Center
Children’s Hospital, Kansas City - Dongbo Yu
Physician, Thedacare - Adele Yue
Principle Scientist
Abbott Labs - Xin Zhao
Senior Scientist
Abbott Laboratories
The Corey Lab is looking for highly motivated graduate students and postdocs to join the team.