Improving mental health care access, diagnosis, and treatment
The Cloudbreak Initiative embeds early detection and treatment in primary care through two proven approaches: Measurement-Based Care (MBC), the routine use of repeated, validated measures to track symptoms and functional outcomes over time, and the Collaborative Care Model (CoCM), an integrated approach to the treatment of depression that involves care managers and consultant psychiatrists engaging directly within primary care settings to support the primary care practice. Together, MBC and CoCM have been proven in dozens of studies, and we expect their full real-world implementation to help at least 40% of people treated in primary care for depression achieve full symptom relief and another 25% recover substantially.
The CDRC is participating in a collaboration with Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, winner of the statewide Lone Star Depression Challenge, whose purpose is to scale an innovative, proven, transformative solution that builds healthier, stronger communities throughout Texas to improve the quality of life for all Texans.
The Lone Star Depression Challenge responds by combining and expanding three proven programs to:
- reduce barriers for all Texans with depression
- detect their needs earlier (Cloudbreak)
- care for them more effectively
The programs prioritize and engage people of color, people with disabilities, and people living in poverty
Key Partners
Center for Depression Research and Clinical Care at UT Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School
Our goal is to impact the future of mental health care for all Texans.
Driving Change in Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment
For more than two decades, Dr. Madhukar Trivedi and his colleagues at UT Southwestern Medical Center have conducted cutting-edge research to improve the treatment of depression, including the largest study-to-date examining appropriate treatment sequences for depression.
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Better Research, Better Outcomes
Housed within the Department of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern Medical Center, we have one of the strongest programs in the nation for mood disorders research and treatment.
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Furthering Research into Suicide Prevention
The CDRC has received two grants which fund adolescent research prevention and treatment. Because depression often begins early in life, our goal is to proactively study the disease in young people to ultimately prevent or minimize its impact population-wide.
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Partnering For Change
Be part of the great impact we're having on science and medical care across the globe.
The Center for Depression Research and Clinical Care has one vision: a future free from the burden of depression. More than a center, we are a community of committed faculty and staff, collaborators, clinicians, research participants, and community partners, as well as, the donors and advocates who are critical to our mission.