Busch Lab


Our lab develops optical technologies for minimally and non-invasive bedside measurement of microvascular blood flow and oxygen saturation, allowing continuous assessment of aerobic metabolism. We utilize diffuse optical and correlation spectroscopies to investigate continuous, quantitative brain and spinal cord health during critical care.

Current projects:

Monitoring cerebral hemodynamics during pediatric extracorporeal circulatory support

Developing minimally invasive tools and techniques to monitor the central nervous system

Collaborators: Lakshmi Raman M.D., Ethan Sanford M.D. (Children’s Health Center), Thomas Floyd M.D. (UTSW), Ann Stowe Ph.D. (University of Kentucky), Jonathan Fisher Ph.D. (NYMC), Imad Khan M.D., Regina Choe Ph.D. (University of Rochester) 

  • Funding: NIH-NINDS, NIH-NIBIB, McDermott Chair (UTSW), Women's Auxiliary (Children's Medical Center Foundation)
  • Previous funding: Hartwell Foundation

Meet the Principal Investigator

Dr. David Busch

Dr. David Busch

Dr. Busch is an assistant professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, with a secondary appointment in Neurology and Neurotherapeutics. His work translates tools and techniques from the physical sciences to solve pressing clinical problems, primarily in monitoring the brain and spinal cord. Much of his research utilizes minimally and non-invasive diffuse optical tools which enable continuous, long-term measurements of the central nervous system. Dr. Busch’s work has been funded by the Fulbright Commission, the Institute of International Education Whitaker Fellowship, the NIH, the McDermott Chair, the Women's Auxiliary, the Thrasher Research Foundation, and the Hartwell Foundation. 

Meet the Team

Dr. Margherita Tabet

Dr. Margherita Tabet

Dr. Tabet is a medical doctor functioning as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. She is working to understand how skin melanin content can affect pulse oximetry while directly contributing to projects continuously monitoring critical care patients. 

RyanCole Weldon-Carroll

RyanCole Weldon-Carroll

RyanCole Weldon-Carroll is a graduate of Southern Methodist University, where he graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering with a Biomedical Specialization on the Premed Track with minors in Chemistry, Biology, and Math. He is improving monitoring technologies which focus on aspects from spinal cord blood flow to cerebral hemodynamics. 

Jayesh Sharma

Jayesh Sharma

Jayesh Sharma is a Neuroscience graduate from the University of Southern California. He is working towards bridging clinical care with advanced biometrics predicting and improving patient outcomes. 

Bill Zhang

Bill Zhang

Bill Zhang is a medical student attending the University of Texas Southwestern. He is working on examining blood biomarkers as a predictive factor in critical care patient outcomes.  

Summer Morris

Summer Morris

Summer Morris is a medical student attending the University of Texas Southwestern. She directly works on monitoring critical care patients and managing the information databases paired with our clinical research. 

Contact Us

Dept. of Anesthesiology and Pain Management

5323 Harry Hines Blvd
Dallas, Texas 75390

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Join Our Lab

Non- and minimally-invasive diffuse optical tissue monitoring

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of David R. Busch, Ph. D. in the Departments of Anesthesiology and Pain Management & Neurology and Neurotherapeutics at UT Southwestern Medical Center. This laboratory, new to UTSW, focuses on the development and translation of diffuse optical and correlation spectroscopic instrumentation to monitor the central nervous system.
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in physics, biomedical engineering, bioengineering, or a similar field. A solid record of publication is required to demonstrate writing and technical expertise. Candidates with experience in the development of fiber optic probes, diffuse optics (DCS/DOT/DOS), tissue optics, and clinical translation are preferred. Previous work in an operating theater or intensive care unit is helpful.

The fellow will be focused on the translation of diffuse optics into the surgical and critical care setting. This work is performed in close collaboration with enthusiastic clinical collaborators. Current projects include non-invasive monitoring of cerebral hemodynamics during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (Prof. Lakshmi Raman, Children’s Medical Center, PI: Busch, Hartwell Foundation) and minimally invasive monitoring of the spinal cord in animal models (Prof. Thomas Floyd, UTSW, PI: Floyd, NIH U01). The fellow will be expected and encouraged to develop new lines of research, collecting pilot data for their future independent research careers, within the general themes of the lab.
This lab and our collaborators are committed to the professional development of the members, making this position a valuable preparation for those interested in academic, industrial, or entrepreneurial careers. The position has no mandatory teaching or administrative duties.
The initial appointment is for 12 months with the possibility of renewal. Compensation will be commensurate with experience and includes competitive benefits.

Interested individuals should send a CV, statement of interests, expected date of availability, and a list of three references to:

David R. Busch, Ph. D.

UT Southwestern Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390-9068