Our lab develops optical technologies for minimally and non-invasive bedside measurement of microvascular blood flow and oxygen saturation, allowing continuous assessment of aerobic metabolism. We utilize diffuse optical and correlation spectroscopies to investigate continuous, quantitative brain and spinal cord health during critical care.
Current projects:
Monitoring cerebral hemodynamics during pediatric extracorporeal circulatory support
Developing minimally invasive tools and techniques to monitor the central nervous system
Collaborators: Lakshmi Raman M.D., Ethan Sanford M.D. (Children’s Health Center), Thomas Floyd M.D. (UTSW), Ann Stowe Ph.D. (University of Kentucky), Jonathan Fisher Ph.D. (NYMC), Imad Khan M.D., Regina Choe Ph.D. (University of Rochester)
- Funding: NIH-NINDS, NIH-NIBIB, McDermott Chair (UTSW), Women's Auxiliary (Children's Medical Center Foundation)
- Previous funding: Hartwell Foundation
Meet the Principal Investigator

Dr. David Busch
Dr. Busch is an assistant professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, with a secondary appointment in Neurology and Neurotherapeutics. His work translates tools and techniques from the physical sciences to solve pressing clinical problems, primarily in monitoring the brain and spinal cord. Much of his research utilizes minimally and non-invasive diffuse optical tools which enable continuous, long-term measurements of the central nervous system. Dr. Busch’s work has been funded by the Fulbright Commission, the Institute of International Education Whitaker Fellowship, the NIH, the McDermott Chair, the Women's Auxiliary, the Thrasher Research Foundation, and the Hartwell Foundation.
Meet the Team
Dr. Margherita Tabet
Dr. Tabet is a medical doctor functioning as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. She is working to understand how skin melanin content can affect pulse oximetry while directly contributing to projects continuously monitoring critical care patients.

RyanCole Weldon-Carroll
RyanCole Weldon-Carroll is a graduate of Southern Methodist University, where he graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering with a Biomedical Specialization on the Premed Track with minors in Chemistry, Biology, and Math. He is improving monitoring technologies which focus on aspects from spinal cord blood flow to cerebral hemodynamics.

Jayesh Sharma
Jayesh Sharma is a Neuroscience graduate from the University of Southern California. He is working towards bridging clinical care with advanced biometrics predicting and improving patient outcomes.

Bill Zhang
Bill Zhang is a medical student attending the University of Texas Southwestern. He is working on examining blood biomarkers as a predictive factor in critical care patient outcomes.

Summer Morris
Summer Morris is a medical student attending the University of Texas Southwestern. She directly works on monitoring critical care patients and managing the information databases paired with our clinical research.
Neuroinflammation and Autoregulation During Pediatric Extracorporeal Life Support
Tabet M, McAtee AM, Custer C, Sanford E, Weldon-Carroll RC, Sharma J, Abioye A, Sirsi D, Singh S, Morriss MC, Turchan-Cholewo JT, Olson DW, Raman L, Stowe AM, Busch DR 2024Neuroinflammation and Autoregulation During Pediatric Extracorporeal Life Support
Tabet M, McAtee AM, Custer CM, Sanford E, Weldon-Carroll RC, Sharma J, Abioye A, Sirsi D, Singh S, Morriss MC, Turchan-Cholewo JT, Olson DW, Raman L, Stowe AM, Busch DR 2024Neuroinflammation and Autoregulation During Pediatric Extracorporeal Life Support
Tabet M, McAtee AM, Custer CM, Sanford E, Weldon-Carroll RC, Sharma J, Abioye A, Sirsi D, Singh S, Morriss MC, Turchan-Cholewo JT, Olson DW, Raman L, Stowe AM, Busch DR 2024Compact, multiwavelength, multidistance speckle contrast spectroscopy (SCOS) for the critical care
Quiroga A, Verma M, Beslija F, Frisk LK, Chetia S, Senciales D, Yaqub MA, Tabet M, Weldon-Carroll RC, Little W, Dave S, Cheruku SR, Choi C, Lahsaei P, Olson D, Busch DR, Durduran T 2024Neuroinflammation and Autoregulation During Pediatric Extracorporeal Life Support
Tabet M, McAtee AM, Custer C, Sanford E, Weldon-Carroll RC, Sharma J, Abioye A, Sirsi D, Singh S, Morriss MC, Turchan-Cholewo JT, Olson DW, Raman L, Stowe AM, Busch DR 2024Compact, multiwavelength, multidistance speckle contrast spectroscopy (SCOS) for the critical care
Quiroga A, Verma M, Beslija F, Frisk LK, Chetia S, Senciales D, Yaqub MA, Tabet M, Weldon-Carroll RC, Little W, Dave S, Cheruku S, Choi C, Lahsaei P, Olson DW, Busch DR, Durduran T 2024Compact, multiwavelength, multidistance speckle contrast spectroscopy (SCOS) for the critical care
Quiroga A, Verma M, Beslija F, Frisk LK, Chetia S, Senciales D, Yaqub MA, Tabet M, Weldon-Carroll RC, Little W, Dave S, Cheruku S, Choi C, Lahsaei P, Olson DW, Busch DR, Durduran T 2024Compact, multiwavelength, multidistance speckle contrast spectroscopy (SCOS) for the critical care
Quiroga A, Verma M, Beslija F, Frisk LK, Chetia S, Senciales D, Yaqub MA, Tabet M, Weldon-Carroll RC, Little W, Dave S, Cheruku SR, Choi C, Lahsaei P, Olson D, Busch DR, Durduran T 2024Multi-Site Optical Monitoring of Spinal Cord Ischemia during Spine Distraction
Busch DR, Lin W, Cai C, Cutrone A, Tatka J, Kovarovic BJ, Yodh AG, Floyd TF, Barsi J 2020 Sep Journal of neurotrauma 37 2014-2022Perfusion Enhancement with Respiratory Impedance After Stroke (PERI-Stroke)
Favilla CG, Forti RM, Zamzam A, Detre JA, Mullen MT, Yodh AG, Kasner SE, Busch DR, Baker WB, Mesquita RC, Kung D, Messé SR 2019 Oct Neurotherapeutics 16 1296-1303Special Section Guest Editorial: Celebration of the Britton Chance Legacy
Li LZ, Busch D, Yodh AG 2019 May Journal of biomedical optics 24Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy Analysis Implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array
Lin W, Busch DR, Goh CC, Barsi J, Floyd TF 2019 IEEE Access 7 122503-122512Noninvasive continuous optical monitoring of absolute cerebral blood flow in critically ill adults
He L, Baker WB, Milej D, Kavuri VC, Mesquita RC, Busch DR, Abramson K, Jiang JY, Diop M, Lawrence KS, Amendolia O, Quattrone F, Balu R, Kofke WA, Yodha AG 2018 Oct Neurophotonics 5Laser safety in fiber-optic monitoring of spinal cord hemodynamics: A preclinical evaluation
Busch DR, Davis J, Kogler A, Galler RM, Parthasarathy AB, Yodh AG, Floyd TF 2018 Jun Journal of biomedical optics 23Noninvasive continuous optical monitoring of absolute cerebral blood flow in adult human subjects
He L, Baker W, Milej D, Kavuri V, Busch D, Diop M, Lawrence KS, Balu R, Andrew Kofke W, Yodh AG 2018Pilot study of blood flow markers during neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Cochran JM, Chung SH, Leproux A, Baker WB, Busch DR, Tromberg BJ, Yodh AG 2018Continuous and minimally invasive measurement of blood flow in the spinal cord
Busch DR, Lin W, Cutrone A, Kovarovic BJ, Tatka J, Goh CC, Yodh AG, Barsi J, Floyd TF 2018Development of a continuous, axially-resolved, optical monitor of spinal cord blood flow
Busch DR, Gao F, Goh CC, Lin W, Yodh AG, Floyd TF 2018Tissue oxygen saturation predicts response to breast cancer neoadjuvant chemotherapy within 10 days
Cochran JM, Busch DR, Leproux A, Tromberg BJ, Yodh AG 2018Optical quantification of placenta oxygenation with ultrasound integrated frequency-domain NIRS
Wang L, Ko T, He L, Kavuri V, Parthasarathy A, Baker W, Busch D, Cochran J, Abramson K, Acker A, Yodh AG, Schwartz N 2018Longitudinal optical monitoring of blood flow in breast tumors during neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Cochran JM, Chung SH, Leproux A, Baker WB, Busch DR, Demichele AM, Tchou J, Tromberg BJ, Yodh AG 2017 May Physics in medicine and biology 62 4637-4653Continuous cerebral hemodynamic measurement during deep hypothermic circulatory arrest
Busch DR, Rusin CG, Miller-Hance W, Kibler K, Baker WB, Heinle JS, Fraser CD, Yodh AG, Licht DJ, Brady KM 2016 Sep Biomedical Optics Express 7 3461-3470Pressure modulation algorithm to separate cerebral hemodynamic signals from extracerebral artifacts
Baker WB, Ko TS, Xiao W, Parthasarathy AB, Busch DR, Licht DJ, Yodh AG 2016 Apr 3Cerebral autoregulation during pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy
Busch DR, Du Pont-Thibodeau G, Mavroudis CD, McCarthy AL, Ko T, Winters ME, Newland JJ, Mensah-Brown K, Griffith KR, Lyncha JM, Schwab PJ, Buckleyf EM, Yodh AG, Licht DJ 2016 AprBlood flow response to orthostatic challenges in health and diseased populations
Busch DR, Gregori-Pla C, Blanco I, Giovannella M, Favilla C, Lynch JM, Winters ME, Mensah-Brown KG, McCarthy AL, Detre J, Yodh AG, Licht DJ, Mesquita RC, Durduran T 2016 AprCerebral autoregulation during pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy
Busch DR, Du Pont-Thibodeau G, Mavroudis CD, McCarthy AL, Ko T, Winters ME, Newland JJ, Mensah-Brown K, Griffith KR, Lyncha JM, Schwab PJ, Buckleyf EM, Yodh AG, Licht DJ 2016 AprBlood flow response to orthostatic challenges in health and diseased populations
Busch DR, Gregori-Pla C, Blanco I, Giovannella M, Favilla C, Lynch JM, Winters ME, Mensah-Brown KG, McCarthy AL, Detre J, Yodh AG, Licht DJ, Mesquita RC, Durduran T 2016 AprMultimodal structural priors for spatially-dense diffuse optical tomography of breast cancer
Cochran JM, Ban HY, Busch DR, Schweiger MJ, Kavuri VC, Pathak S, Arridge SR, Yodh AG 2016 Apr 3Cerebral autoregulation during pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy
Busch DR, Du Pont-Thibodeauc G, Mavroudise CD, McCarthya AL, Kod T, Wintersa ME, Newlanda JJ, Mensah-Browna K, Griffitha KR, Lyncha JM, Schwaba PJ, Buckleyf EM, Yodhb AG, Lichta DJ 2016 Apr 3Cerebral autoregulation during pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy
Busch DR, Pont-Thibodeau GD, Mavroudis CD, McCarthy AL, Ko T, Winters ME, Newland JJ, Mensah-Brown K, Griffith KR, Lynch JM, Schwab PJ, Buckley EM, Yodh AG, Licht DJ 2016Cerebral blood flow response to hypercapnia in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Busch DR, Lynch JM, Winters ME, McCarthy AL, Newland JJ, Ko T, Cornaglia MA, Radcliffe J, McDonough JM, Samuel J, Matthews E, Xiao R, Yodh AG, Marcus CL, Licht DJ, Tapia IE 2016 Sleep 39 209-216Multimodal structural priors for spatially-dense diffuse optical tomography of breast cancer
Cochran JM, Ban HY, Busch DR, Schweiger MJ, Kavuri VC, Pathak S, Arridge SR, Yodh G 2016Scoring system for periventricular leukomalacia in infants with congenital heart disease
McCarthy AL, Winters ME, Busch DR, Gonzalez-Giraldo E, Ko TS, Lynch JM, Schwab PJ, Xiao R, Buckley EM, Vossough A, Licht DJ 2015 Sep Pediatric Research 78 304-309Pressure modulation algorithm to separate cerebral hemodynamic signals from extracerebral artifacts
Baker WB, Parthasarathy AB, Ko TS, Busch DR, Abramson K, Tzeng SY, Mesquita RC, Durduran T, Greenberg JH, Kung DK, Yodh AG 2015 Jul Neurophotonics 2Cerebral autoregulation during pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy
Busch DR, Pont-Thibodeau GD, Mavroudis CD, McCarthy AL, Ko T, Winters ME, Newland JJ, Mensah-Brown K, Griffith KR, Lynch JM, Schwab PJ, Buckley EM, Yodh AG, Licht DJ 2014 JulMultimodal structural priors for spatially-dense diffuse optical tomography of breast cancer
Cochran JM, Ban HY, Busch DR, Schweiger MJ, Kavuri VC, Pathak S, Arridge SR, Yodh G 2014 JulOptically measured microvascular blood flow contrast of malignant breast tumors
Choe R, Putt ME, Carlile PM, Durduran T, Giammarco JM, Busch DR, Jung KW, Czerniecki BJ, Tchou J, Feldman MD, Mies C, Rosen MA, Schnall MD, DeMichele A, Yodh AG 2014 Jun PloS one 9Blood Flow Reduction in Breast Tissue due to Mammographic Compression
Busch DR, Choe R, Durduran T, Friedman DH, Baker WB, Maidment AD, Rosen MA, Schnall MD, Yodh AG 2014 Feb Academic radiology 21 151-161Noninvasive Optical Quantification of Cerebral Venous Oxygen Saturation in Humans
Lynch JM, Buckley EM, Schwab PJ, Busch DR, Hanna BD, Putt ME, Licht DJ, Yodh AG 2014 Feb Academic radiology 21 162-167Introduction to the Special Issue. Britton Chance 100th Commemorative
Pogue BW, Busch D, Li LZ, Zhang H, Shieh DB 2014 Feb Academic radiology 21 137-138Toward noninvasive characterization of breast cancer and cancer metabolism with diffuse optics
Busch DR, Choe R, Durduran T, Yodh AG 2013 Jul PET Clinics 8 345-365Optical malignancy parameters for monitoring progression of breast cancer neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Busch DR, Choe R, Rosen MA, Guo W, Durduran T, Feldman MD, Mies C, Czerniecki BJ, Tchou J, DeMichele A, Schnall MD, Yodh AG 2013 Biomedical Optics Express 4 105-121Computer aided monitoring of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer
Busch DR, Guo W, Choe R, Durduran T, Feldman MD, Mies C, Czerniecki BJ, Tchou J, DeMichele A, Rosen MA, Schnall MD, Yodh AG 2012 Dec BSu5A.7Microvascular blood flow changes in human breast during simulated mammography
Busch DR, Choe R, Durduran T, Baker WB, Foster EK, Averna TA, Friedman D, Rosen MA, Schnall MD, Yodh AG 2012 JM3A.13Microvascular blood flow changes in human breast during simulated mammography
Busch DR, Choe R, Durduran T, Bakera WB, Fostera EK, Averna TA, Friedman D, Rosen MA, Schnall MD, Yodha AG 2012 JM3A.13TU‐E‐201C‐07: Computer Aided Detection for Diffuse Optical Mammography
Busch DR, Guo W, Choe R, Durduran T, Pathak S, Putt ME, Schnall MD, Rosen MA, Yodh AG 2010 Jun Medical physics 37 3405-3406SU‐HH‐BRB‐08: Blood Flow and Volume Changes during Simulated Mammography
Busch DR, Minkoff DL, Choe R, Durduran T, Schnall MD, Rosen MA, Yodh AG 2010 Jun Medical physics 37 3331Computer aided automatic detection of malignant lesions in diffuse optical mammography
Busch DR, Guo W, Choe R, Durduran T, Feldman MD, Mies C, Rosen MA, Schnall MD, Czerniecki BJ, Tchou J, Demichele A, Putt ME, Yodh AG 2010 Medical physics 37 1840-1849Development of a frequency-domain multi-spectral breast diffuse optical tomography instrument
Ban HY, Konecky SD, Busch DR, Chung SH, Pathak S, Choe R, Yodh AG 2010Comparison of imaged ICG and Gd kinetics with a DOT-MRI instrument
Busch D, Intes X, Nioka S, Chance B 2006Two-layer frequency domain property measurements-experiment and hybrid model
Busch DR, Faris GW, Alexandrakis G, Patterson MS 2001 401Two-layer frequency domain property measurementS-EXperi ment and hybrid model
Busch DR, Paris GW, Alexandrakis G, Patterson MS 2001Contact Us
Dept. of Anesthesiology and Pain Management
5323 Harry Hines Blvd
Dallas, Texas 75390
Join Our Lab
Non- and minimally-invasive diffuse optical tissue monitoring
A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of David R. Busch, Ph. D. in the Departments of Anesthesiology and Pain Management & Neurology and Neurotherapeutics at UT Southwestern Medical Center. This laboratory, new to UTSW, focuses on the development and translation of diffuse optical and correlation spectroscopic instrumentation to monitor the central nervous system.
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in physics, biomedical engineering, bioengineering, or a similar field. A solid record of publication is required to demonstrate writing and technical expertise. Candidates with experience in the development of fiber optic probes, diffuse optics (DCS/DOT/DOS), tissue optics, and clinical translation are preferred. Previous work in an operating theater or intensive care unit is helpful.
The fellow will be focused on the translation of diffuse optics into the surgical and critical care setting. This work is performed in close collaboration with enthusiastic clinical collaborators. Current projects include non-invasive monitoring of cerebral hemodynamics during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (Prof. Lakshmi Raman, Children’s Medical Center, PI: Busch, Hartwell Foundation) and minimally invasive monitoring of the spinal cord in animal models (Prof. Thomas Floyd, UTSW, PI: Floyd, NIH U01). The fellow will be expected and encouraged to develop new lines of research, collecting pilot data for their future independent research careers, within the general themes of the lab.
This lab and our collaborators are committed to the professional development of the members, making this position a valuable preparation for those interested in academic, industrial, or entrepreneurial careers. The position has no mandatory teaching or administrative duties.
The initial appointment is for 12 months with the possibility of renewal. Compensation will be commensurate with experience and includes competitive benefits.
Interested individuals should send a CV, statement of interests, expected date of availability, and a list of three references to:
David R. Busch, Ph. D.
UT Southwestern Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390-9068