Reverse Therapy: Impact of Hyperthermia and Rewarming on Newborn Outcomes
Chalak LF, Davidson JO, Gunn AJ 2024 Sep Clinics in Perinatology 51 565-572Key Inflammatory Biomarkers in Perinatal Asphyxia: A Comprehensive Review
Bitar L, Stonestreet BS, Chalak LF 2024 Sep Clinics in Perinatology 51 617-628Genetic and Congenital Anomalies in Infants With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Morell AS, Monsell SE, Cornet MC, Wisnowski JL, McKinstry RC, Mathur AM, Li Y, Glass HC, Gonzalez FF, Mayock DE, Benninger KL, Van Meurs KP, Lampland AL, Wu TW, Riley D, Mietzsch U, Chalak L, Flibotte J, Weitkamp JH, Ahmad KA, Yanowitz TD, Baserga M, Merhar S, Rao R, Sokol GM, Comstock BA, Heagerty PJ, Juul SE, Wu YW 2024 May Pediatric Neurology 154 44-50Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: Changing Outcomes Across the Spectrum
Pappas A, Milano G, Chalak LF 2023 Mar Clinics in Perinatology 50 31-52Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation: rationalizing medical management of neonatal heart failure
Cory MJ, Durand P, Sillero R, Morin L, Savani R, Chalak L, Angelis D 2023 Jan Pediatric Research 93 39-48Mild hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE): timing and pattern of MRI brain injury
Li Y, Wisnowski JL, Chalak L, Mathur AM, McKinstry RC, Licona G, Mayock DE, Chang T, Van Meurs KP, Wu TW, Ahmad KA, Cornet MC, Rao R, Scheffler A, Wu YW 2022 Dec Pediatric Research 92 1731-1736Placental vascular malperfusion lesions in fetal congenital heart disease
Leon RL, Sharma K, Mir IN, Herrera CL, Brown SL, Spong CY, Chalak LF 2022 Oct American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 227 620.e1-620.e8Early brain and abdominal oxygenation in extremely low birth weight infants
Author Collaboration ft, Chock VY, Smith E, Tan S, Ball MB, Das A, Hintz SR, Kirpalani H, Bell EF, Chalak LF, Carlo WA, Cotten CM, Widness JA, Kennedy KA, Ohls RK, Seabrook RB, Patel RM, Laptook AR, Mancini T, Sokol GM, Walsh MC, Yoder BA, Poindexter BB, Chawla S, D’Angio CT, Higgins RD, Van Meurs KP 2022 Oct Pediatric Research 92 1034-1041Placental pathologic lesions associated with stroke in term neonates
Leon RL, Kalvacherla V, Andrews MM, Thomas JM, Mir IN, Chalak LF 2022 Sep Frontiers in Endocrinology 13Trial of Erythropoietin for Hypoxic–Ischemic Encephalopathy in Newborns
Wu YW, Comstock BA, Gonzalez FF, Mayock DE, Goodman AM, Maitre NL, Chang T, van Meurs KP, Lampland AL, Bendel-Stenzel E, Mathur AM, Wu TW, Riley D, Mietzsch U, Chalak L, Flibotte J, Weitkamp JH, Ahmad KA, Yanowitz TD, Baserga M, Poindexter BB, Rogers EE, Lowe JR, Kuban KC, O’Shea TM, Wisnowski JL, McKinstry RC, Bluml S, Bonifacio S, Benninger KL, Rao R, Smyser CD, Sokol GM, Merhar S, Schreiber MD, Glass HC, Heagerty PJ, Juul SE 2022 Jul New England Journal of Medicine 387 148-159Neuroplacentology in congenital heart disease: placental connections to neurodevelopmental outcomes
Leon RL, Mir IN, Herrera CL, Sharma K, Spong CY, Twickler DM, Chalak LF 2022 Mar Pediatric Research 91 787-794EEG phase-amplitude coupling to stratify encephalopathy severity in the developing brain
Wang X, Liu H, Kota S, Das Y, Liu Y, Zhang R, Chalak L 2022 Feb Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 214Cerebral Blood Flow Monitoring in High-Risk Fetal and Neonatal Populations
Leon RL, Ortigoza EB, Ali N, Angelis D, Wolovits JS, Chalak LF 2022 Jan Frontiers in Pediatrics 9Central data monitoring in the multicentre randomised SafeBoosC-III trial – a pragmatic approach
Author Collaboration TS, Olsen MH, Hansen ML, Safi S, Jakobsen JC, Greisen G, Gluud C, Pellicer A, Bargiel A, Hopper A, Truttmann A, Klamer A, Heuchan AM, Memisoglu A, Krolak-Olejnik B, Rzepecka B, Loureiro B, Lecart C, Hagmann C, Ergenekon E, Hatzidaki E, Mastretta E, Dempsey E, Papathoma E, Lou F, Dimitriou G, Pichler G, Vento G, Hahn GH, Naulaers G, Cheng G, Fuchs H, Ozkan H, De Las Cuevas I, Sadowska-Krawczenko I, Tkaczyk J, Sirc J, Zhang J, Mintzer J, De Buyst J, McCall K, Bober K, Sarafidis K, Bender L, Lopez LS, Chalak L, Yang L, Cornette L, Arruza L, Baserga M, Stocker M 2021 Dec BMC Medical Research Methodology 21Neurovascular coupling (NVC) in newborns using processed EEG versus amplitude-EEG
Das Y, Wang X, Kota S, Zhang R, Liu H, Chalak LF 2021 Dec Scientific reports 11Early Use of Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography to Stratify Neonatal Encephalopathy
Natique KR, Das Y, Maxey MN, Sepulveda P, Brown LS, Chalak LF 2021 Nov Pediatric Neurology 124 33-39Bedside and laboratory neuromonitoring in neonatal encephalopathy
Chalak L, Hellstrom-Westas L, Bonifacio S, Tsuchida T, Chock V, El-Dib M, Massaro AN, Garcia-Alix A 2021 Oct Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 26Unanswered questions regarding therapeutic hypothermia for neonates with neonatal encephalopathy
Author Collaboration NB, Sabir H, Bonifacio SL, Gunn AJ, Thoresen M, Chalak LF 2021 Oct Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 26Acetaminophen and the developing brain: A critical review of the evidence
Angelis D, Chalak L 2021 Aug Early Human Development 159Part I. Mechanisms of actions and metabolism of acetaminophen related to the neonatal brain
Angelis D, Savani RC, Jagarapu J, Hu J, Wan-Huen P, Chalak L 2021 Aug Early Human Development 159Extremely Preterm Infant Admissions Within the SafeBoosC-III Consortium During the COVID-19 Lockdown
Rasmussen MI, Hansen ML, Pichler G, Dempsey E, Pellicer A, EL-Khuffash A, A S, Piris-Borregas S, Alsina M, Cetinkaya M, Chalak L, Özkan H, Baserga M, Sirc J, Fuchs H, Ergenekon E, Arruza L, Mathur A, Stocker M, Otero Vaccarello O, Szczapa T, Sarafidis K, Królak-Olejnik B, Memisoglu A, Reigstad H, Rafińska-Ważny E, Hatzidaki E, Peng Z, Gkentzi D, Viellevoye R, De Buyst J, Mastretta E, Wang P, Hahn GH, Bender L, Cornette L, Tkaczyk J, del Rio R, Fumagalli M, Papathoma E, Wilinska M, Naulaers G, Sadowska-Krawczenko I, Lecart C, Couce ML, Fredly S, Heuchan AM, Karen T, Greisen G 2021 Jul Frontiers in Pediatrics 9Historical perspectives for therapeutic hypothermia in the newborn: a life worth saving
Chalak L 2021 Apr Pediatric Research 89 1057-1058Nitric oxide and the brain. Part 2: Effects following neonatal brain injury—friend or foe?
Angelis D, Savani R, Chalak L 2021 Mar Pediatric Research 89 746-752MRI Score Ability to Detect Abnormalities in Mild Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Machie M, Weeke L, de Vries LS, Rollins NK, Brown L, Chalak L 2021 Mar Pediatric Neurology 116 32-38Placental origins of neonatal diseases: toward a precision medicine approach
Mir IN, Leon R, Chalak LF 2021 Jan Pediatric Research 89 377-383Wavelet-based neurovascular coupling can predict brain abnormalities in neonatal encephalopathy
Das Y, Leon RL, Liu H, Kota S, Liu Y, Wang X, Zhang R, Chalak LF 2021 Jan NeuroImage: Clinical 32Cerebral Oxygenation and Autoregulation in Preterm Infants (Early NIRS Study)
Chock VY, Kwon SH, Ambalavanan N, Batton B, Nelin LD, Chalak LF, Tian L, Van Meurs KP 2020 Dec Journal of Pediatrics 227 94-100.e1Statistical rigor and kappa considerations: which, when and clinical context matters
Chalak LF, Pavageau L, Huet B, Hynan L 2020 Jul Pediatric Research 88 5Regional heterogeneity of cerebral hemodynamics in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Tian F, Sepulveda P, Liu Y, Das Y, Liu H, Zhang R, Chalak L 2020Age-specific gray and white matter DTI atlas for human brain at 33, 36 and 39 postmenstrual weeks
Feng L, Li H, Oishi K, Mishra V, Song L, Peng Q, Ouyang M, Wang J, Slinger M, Jeon T, Lee L, Heyne R, Chalak L, Peng Y, Liu S, Huang H 2019 Jan NeuroImage 185 685-698Fetal-placental crosstalk occurs through fetal cytokine synthesis and placental clearance
Mir IN, Chalak LF, Liao J, Johnson-Welch S, Brown LS, Longoria C, Savani RC, Rosenfeld CR 2018 Sep Placenta 69 1-8Best practice guidelines on management of mild neonatal encephalopathy: Is it really mild?
Chalak LF 2018 May Early Human Development 120 74Prospective research on infants with mild encephalopathy: The PRIME study
Prempunpong C, Chalak LF, Garfinkle J, Shah B, Kalra V, Rollins N, Boyle R, Nguyen KA, Mir I, Pappas A, Montaldo P, Thayyil S, Sánchez PJ, Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Sant'anna G 2018 Jan Journal of Perinatology 38 80-85Novel Wavelet Real Time Analysis of Neurovascular Coupling in Neonatal Encephalopathy
Chalak LF, Tian F, Adams-Huet B, Vasil D, Laptook A, Tarumi T, Zhang R 2017 Apr Scientific reports 7Perinatal asphyxia in the delivery room: Initial management and current cooling guidelines
Chalak LF 2016 NeoReviews 17 e463-e470Is preeclampsia associated with fetal malformation? A review and report of original research
Nelson DB, Chalak LF, McIntire DD, Leveno KJ 2015 Dec Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 28 2135-2140Serial aEEG recordings in a cohort of extremely preterm infants: Feasibility and safety
Davis AS, Gantz MG, Do B, Shankaran S, Hamrick SE, Kennedy KA, Tyson JE, Chalak LF, Laptook AR, Goldstein RF, Hintz SR, Das A, Higgins RD, Ball MB, Hale EC, Van Meurs KP 2015 May Journal of Perinatology 35 373-378Development of human brain structural networks through infancy and childhood
Huang H, Shu N, Mishra V, Jeon T, Chalak L, Wang ZJ, Rollins N, Gong G, Cheng H, Peng Y, Dong Q, He Y 2015 May Cerebral Cortex 25 1389-1404Structural development of human brain white matter from mid-fetal to perinatal stage
Ouyang A, Yu Q, Mishra V, Chalak L, Jeon T, Sivarajan M, Jackson G, Rollins N, Liu S, Huang H 2015Obstetric antecedents to body-cooling treatment of the newborn infant
Nelson DB, Lucke AM, McIntire DD, Sánchez PJ, Leveno KJ, Chalak LF 2014 Aug American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 211 155.e1-155.e6Neurodevelopmental outcomes after hypothermia therapy in the era of Bayley-III
Chalak LF, Dupont TL, Sánchez PJ, Lucke A, Heyne RJ, Morriss MC, Rollins NK 2014 Aug Journal of Perinatology 34 629-633Predictive value of neonatal MRI showing no or minor degrees of brain injury after hypothermia
Rollins N, Booth T, Morriss MC, Sanchez P, Heyne R, Chalak L 2014 May Pediatric Neurology 50 447-451Quantitative assessment of global cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) in neonates using MRI
Liu P, Huang H, Rollins N, Chalak LF, Jeon T, Halovanic C, Lu H 2014 Mar NMR in biomedicine 27 332-340Serum biomarkers to evaluate the integrity of the neurovascular unit
Mir IN, Chalak LF 2014 Early Human Development 90 707-711Non-invasive assessment of neonatal brain oxygen metabolism: A review of newly available techniques
Liu P, Chalak LF, Lu H 2014 Early Human Development 90 695-701A "neurovascular unit" approach in newborns with HIE: Can we improve outcomes?
Chalak LF 2014 Early Human Development 90 685Resuscitation of preterm neonates with limited versus high oxygen strategy
Kapadia VS, Chalak LF, Sparks JE, Allen JR, Savani RC, Wyckoff MH 2013 Dec Pediatrics 132 e1488-e1496Change in care among nonenrolled patients during and after a randomized trial
LeVan JM, Wyckoff MH, Ahn C, Heyne R, Sánchez PJ, Chalak L, Jaleel MA, Jeannette Burchfield P, Christie L, Soll R, Badger GJ, Brion LP 2013 Oct Pediatrics 132 e960-e970Low-voltage aEEG as predictor of intracranial hemorrhage in preterm infants
Chalak LF, Sikes NC, Mason MJ, Kaiser JR 2011 May Pediatric Neurology 44 364-369Hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in the term infant-current concepts
Shalak L, Perlman JM 2004 Nov Early Human Development 80 125-141Chorioamnionitis, cytokines, and brain injury [5] (multiple letters)
Freeman JM, Shalak LF, Laptook AR, Perlman JM 2003 Jul Pediatrics 112 206-207Hemorrhagic-ischemic cerebral injury in the preterm infant: Current concepts
Shalak L, Perlman JM 2002 Dec Clinics in Perinatology 29 745-763Clinical chorioamnionitis, elevated cytokines, and brain injury in term infants
Shalak LF, Laptook AR, Jafri HS, Ramilo O, Perlman JM 2002 Oct Pediatrics 110 673-680Complete cleft sternum and congenital heart disease: Review of the literature
Shalak L, Kaddoura I, Obeid M, Hashem H, Haidar R, Bitar FF 2002 Pediatrics International 44 314-316Infection markers and early signs of neonatal encephalopathy in the term infant
Shalak LF, Perlman JM 2002 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 8 14-19