Advances in the clinical management of uveal melanoma.
Carvajal RD, Sacco JJ, Jager MJ, Eschelman DJ, Olofsson Bagge R, Harbour JW, Chieng ND, Patel SP, Joshua AM, Piperno-Neumann S,
2023 Feb
Nat Rev Clin Oncol
Clinical characteristics and postoperative complications as predictors of radiation toxicity after treatment with I125 Eye Plaque Brachytherapy for Uveal Melanomas.
Peters V, Gurayah A, Jin W, Kwon D, Zhao W, Patel NV, Markoe A, Correa Z, Studenski MT, Harbour JW, Samuels SE,
2022 Sep
HDAC11 activity contributes to MEK inhibitor escape in uveal melanoma.
Sriramareddy SN, Faião-Flores F, Emmons MF, Saha B, Chellappan S, Wyatt C, Smalley I, Licht JD, Durante MA, Harbour JW, Smalley KSM,
2022 Mar
Cancer Gene Ther
Pyruvate dehydrogenase inactivation causes glycolytic phenotype in BAP1 mutant uveal melanoma.
Han A, Chua V, Baqai U, Purwin TJ, Bechtel N, Hunter E, Tiago M, Seifert E, Speicher DW, Schug ZT, Harbour JW, Aplin AE,
2022 Jan
Correction to: BAP1 mutant uveal melanoma is stratified by metabolic phenotypes with distinct vulnerability to metabolic inhibitors.
Han A, Purwin TJ, Bechtel N, Liao C, Chua V, Seifert E, Sato T, Schug ZT, Speicher DW, Harbour JW, Aplin AE,
2021 Mar
Analytical Validation and Performance of a 7-Gene Next-Generation Sequencing Panel in Uveal Melanoma.
Alsina KM, Sholl LM, Covington KR, Arnal SM, Durante MA, Decatur CL, Stone JF, Oelschlager KM, Harbour JW, Monzon FA, Cook RW, Borman S,
2021 Dec
Ocul Oncol Pathol
Kinetic Characterization of ASXL1/2-Mediated Allosteric Regulation of the BAP1 Deubiquitinase.
Peng H, Cassel J, McCracken DS, Prokop JW, Sementino E, Cheung M, Collop PR, Polo A, Joshi S, Mandell JP, Ayyanathan K, Hinds D, Malkowicz SB, Harbour JW, Bowcock AM, Salvino J, Kennedy EJ, Testa JR, Rauscher FJ,
2021 07
Mol Cancer Res
Dual Screen for Efficacy and Toxicity Identifies HDAC Inhibitor with Distinctive Activity Spectrum for BAP1-Mutant Uveal Melanoma.
Kuznetsoff JN, Owens DA, Lopez A, Rodriguez DA, Chee NT, Kurtenbach S, Bilbao D, Roberts ER, Volmar CH, Wahlestedt C, Brothers SP, Harbour JW,
2021 02
Mol Cancer Res
Global Retinoblastoma Presentation and Analysis by National Income Level.
Fabian ID, Abdallah E, Abdullahi SU, Abdulqader RA, Adamou Boubacar S, Ademola-Popoola DS, Adio A, Afshar AR, Aggarwal P, Aghaji AE, Ahmad A, Akib MNR, Al Harby L, Al Ani MH, Alakbarova A, Portabella SA, Al-Badri SAF, Alcasabas APA, Al-Dahmash SA, Alejos A, Alemany-Rubio E, Alfa Bio AI, Alfonso Carreras Y, Al-Haddad C, Al-Hussaini HHY, Ali AM, Alia DB, Al-Jadiry MF, Al-Jumaily U, Alkatan HM, All-Eriksson C, Al-Mafrachi AARM, Almeida AA, Alsawidi KM, Al-Shaheen AASM, Al-Shammary EH, Amiruddin PO, Antonino R, Astbury NJ, Atalay HT, Atchaneeyasakul LO, Atsiaya R, Attaseth T, Aung TH, Ayala S, Baizakova B, Balaguer J, Balayeva R, Balwierz W, Barranco H, Bascaran C, Beck Popovic M, Benavides R, Benmiloud S, Bennani Guebessi N, Berete RC, Berry JL, Bhaduri A, Bhat S, Biddulph SJ, Biewald EM, Bobrova N, Boehme M, Boldt HC, Bonanomi MTBC, Bornfeld N, Bouda GC, Bouguila H, Boumedane A, Brennan RC, Brichard BG, Buaboonnam J, Calderón-Sotelo P, Calle Jara DA, Camuglia JE, Cano MR, Capra M, Cassoux N, Castela G, Castillo L, Català-Mora J, Chantada GL, Chaudhry S, Chaugule SS, Chauhan A, Chawla B, Chernodrinska VS, Chiwanga FS, Chuluunbat T, Cieslik K, Cockcroft RL, Comsa C, Correa ZM, Correa Llano MG, Corson TW, Cowan-Lyn KE, Csóka M, Cui X, Da Gama IV, Dangboon W, Das A, Das S, Davanzo JM, Davidson A, De Potter P, Delgado KQ, Demirci H, Desjardins L, Diaz Coronado RY, Dimaras H, Dodgshun AJ, Donaldson C, Donato Macedo CR, Dragomir MD, Du Y, Du Bruyn M, Edison KS, Eka Sutyawan IW, El Kettani A, Elbahi AM, Elder JE, Elgalaly D, Elhaddad AM, Elhassan MMA, Elzembely MM, Essuman VA, Evina TGA, Fadoo Z, Fandiño AC, Faranoush M, Fasina O, Fernández DDPG, Fernández-Teijeiro A, Foster A, Frenkel S, Fu LD, Fuentes-Alabi SL, Gallie BL, Gandiwa M, Garcia JL, García Aldana D, Gassant PY, Geel JA, Ghassemi F, Girón AV, Gizachew Z, Goenz MA, Gold AS, Goldberg-Lavid M, Gole GA, Gomel N, Gonzalez E, Gonzalez Perez G, González-Rodríguez L, Garcia Pacheco HN, Graells J, Green L, Gregersen PA, Grigorovski NDAK, Guedenon KM, Gunasekera DS, Gündüz AK, Gupta H, Gupta S, Hadjistilianou T, Hamel P, Hamid SA, Hamzah N, Hansen ED, Harbour JW, Hartnett ME, Hasanreisoglu M, Hassan S, Hassan S, Hederova S, Hernandez J, Hernandez LMC, Hessissen L, Hordofa DF, Huang LC, Hubbard GB, Hummlen M, Husakova K, Hussein Al-Janabi AN, Ida R, Ilic VR, Jairaj V, Jeeva I, Jenkinson H, Ji X, Jo DH, Johnson KP, Johnson WJ, Jones MM, Kabesha TBA, Kabore RL, Kaliki S, Kalinaki A, Kantar M, Kao LY, Kardava T, Kebudi R, Kepak T, Keren-Froim N, Khan ZJ, Khaqan HA, Khauv P, Kheir WJ, Khetan V, Khodabande A, Khotenashvili Z, Kim JW, Kim JH, Kiratli H, Kivelä TT, Klett A, Komba Palet JEK, Krivaitiene D, Kruger M, Kulvichit K, Kuntorini MW, Kyara A, Lachmann ES, Lam CPS, Lam GC, Larson SA, Latinovic S, Laurenti KD, Le BHA, Lecuona K, Leverant AA, Li C, Limbu B, Long QB, López JP, Lukamba RM, Lumbroso L, Luna-Fineman S, Lutfi D, Lysytsia L, Magrath GN, Mahajan A, Majeed AR, Maka E, Makan M, Makimbetov EK, Manda C, Martín Begue N, Mason L, Mason JO, Matende IO, Materin M, Mattosinho CCDS, Matua M, Mayet I, Mbumba FB, McKenzie JD, Medina-Sanson A, Mehrvar A, Mengesha AA, Menon V, Mercado GJVD, Mets MB, Midena E, Mishra DKC, Mndeme FG, Mohamedani AA, Mohammad MT, Moll AC, Montero MM, Morales RA, Moreira C, Mruthyunjaya P, Msina MS, Msukwa G, Mudaliar SS, Muma KI, Munier FL, Murgoi G, Murray TG, Musa KO, Mushtaq A, Mustak H, Muyen OM, Naidu G, Nair AG, Naumenko L, Ndoye Roth PA, Nency YM, Neroev V, Ngo H, Nieves RM, Nikitovic M, Nkanga ED, Nkumbe H, Nuruddin M, Nyaywa M, Obono-Obiang G, Oguego NC, Olechowski A, Oliver SCN, Osei-Bonsu P, Ossandon D, Paez-Escamilla MA, Pagarra H, Painter SL, Paintsil V, Paiva L, Pal BP, Palanivelu MS, Papyan R, Parrozzani R, Parulekar M, Pascual Morales CR, Paton KE, Pawinska-Wasikowska K, Pe'er J, Peña A, Peric S, Pham CTM, Philbert R, Plager DA, Pochop P, Polania RA, Polyakov VG, Pompe MT, Pons JJ, Prat D, Prom V, Purwanto I, Qadir AO, Qayyum S, Qian J, 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Tyau-Tyau H, Umar AB, Unal E, Uner OE, Urbak SF, Ushakova TL, Usmanov RH, Valeina S, van Hoefen Wijsard M, Varadisai A, Vasquez L, Vaughan LO, Veleva-Krasteva NV, Verma N, Victor AA, Viksnins M, Villacís Chafla EG, Vishnevskia-Dai V, Vora T, Wachtel AE, Wackernagel W, Waddell K, Wade PD, Wali AH, Wang YZ, Weiss A, Wilson MW, Wime ADC, Wiwatwongwana A, Wiwatwongwana D, Wolley Dod C, Wongwai P, Xiang D, Xiao Y, Yam JC, Yang H, Yanga JM, Yaqub MA, Yarovaya VA, Yarovoy AA, Ye H, Yousef YA, Yuliawati P, Zapata López AM, Zein E, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Zhao J, Zheng X, Zhilyaeva K, Zia N, Ziko OAO, Zondervan M, Bowman R,
2020 05
JAMA Oncol
HDAC Inhibition Enhances the In Vivo Efficacy of MEK Inhibitor Therapy in Uveal Melanoma.
Faião-Flores F, Emmons MF, Durante MA, Kinose F, Saha B, Fang B, Koomen JM, Chellappan SP, Maria-Engler SS, Rix U, Licht JD, Harbour JW, Smalley KSM,
2019 09
Clin Cancer Res
Longitudinal Examination of Fellow-Eye Vascular Anomalies in Coats' Disease With Widefield Fluorescein Angiography: A Multicenter Study.
Jeng-Miller KW, Soomro T, Scott NL, Rao P, Marlow E, Chang EY, Ells A, Chau F, Nudleman E, Calvo CM, Patel N, Schwartz R, Cernichiaro-Espinosa LA, Montoya AG, Goldstein J, Harper CA, Baumal CR, Hartnett ME, Harbour JW, Besirli CG, Gupta MP, Chan RVP, Drenser KA, Capone A, Murray TG, Mukai S, Trese MT, Berrocal AM, Wong SC, Yonekawa Y,
2019 04
Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina
Drug and disease signature integration identifies synergistic combinations in glioblastoma.
Stathias V, Jermakowicz AM, Maloof ME, Forlin M, Walters W, Suter RK, Durante MA, Williams SL, Harbour JW, Volmar CH, Lyons NJ, Wahlestedt C, Graham RM, Ivan ME, Komotar RJ, Sarkaria JN, Subramanian A, Golub TR, Schürer SC, Ayad NG,
2018 12
Nat Commun
Comprehensive Study of the Clinical Phenotype of Germline BAP1 Variant-Carrying Families Worldwide.
Walpole S, Pritchard AL, Cebulla CM, Pilarski R, Stautberg M, Davidorf FH, de la Fouchardière A, Cabaret O, Golmard L, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Garfield E, Njauw CN, Cheung M, Turunen JA, Repo P, Järvinen RS, van Doorn R, Jager MJ, Luyten GPM, Marinkovic M, Chau C, Potrony M, Höiom V, Helgadottir H, Pastorino L, Bruno W, Andreotti V, Dalmasso B, Ciccarese G, Queirolo P, Mastracci L, Wadt K, Kiilgaard JF, Speicher MR, van Poppelen N, Kilic E, Al-Jamal RT, Dianzani I, Betti M, Bergmann C, Santagata S, Dahiya S, Taibjee S, Burke J, Poplawski N, O'Shea SJ, Newton-Bishop J, Adlard J, Adams DJ, Lane AM, Kim I, Klebe S, Racher H, Harbour JW, Nickerson ML, Murali R, Palmer JM, Howlie M, Symmons J, Hamilton H, Warrier S, Glasson W, Johansson P, Robles-Espinoza CD, Ossio R, de Klein A, Puig S, Ghiorzo P, Nielsen M, Kivelä TT, Tsao H, Testa JR, Gerami P, Stern MH, Paillerets BB, Abdel-Rahman MH, Hayward NK,
2018 12
J Natl Cancer Inst
Familial and Somatic BAP1 Mutations Inactivate ASXL1/2-Mediated Allosteric Regulation of BAP1 Deubiquitinase by Targeting Multiple Independent Domains.
Peng H, Prokop J, Karar J, Park K, Cao L, Harbour JW, Bowcock AM, Malkowicz SB, Cheung M, Testa JR, Rauscher FJ,
2018 03
Cancer Res
Gain of function of ASXL1 truncating protein in the pathogenesis of myeloid malignancies.
Yang H, Kurtenbach S, Guo Y, Lohse I, Durante MA, Li J, Li Z, Al-Ali H, Li L, Chen Z, Field MG, Zhang P, Chen S, Yamamoto S, Li Z, Zhou Y, Nimer SD, Harbour JW, Wahlestedt C, Xu M, Yang FC,
2018 01
ASXL1 interacts with the cohesin complex to maintain chromatid separation and gene expression for normal hematopoiesis.
Li Z, Zhang P, Yan A, Guo Z, Ban Y, Li J, Chen S, Yang H, He Y, Li J, Guo Y, Zhang W, Hajiramezanali E, An H, Fajardo D, Harbour JW, Ruan Y, Nimer SD, Yu P, Chen X, Xu M, Yang FC,
2017 Jan
Sci Adv
PRAME as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma.
Gezgin G, Luk SJ, Cao J, Dogrusöz M, van der Steen DM, Hagedoorn RS, Krijgsman D, van der Velden PA, Field MG, Luyten GPM, Szuhai K, Harbour JW, Jordanova ES, Heemskerk MHM, Jager MJ,
2017 06
JAMA Ophthalmol
An international survey of classification and treatment choices for group D retinoblastoma.
Scelfo C, Francis JH, Khetan V, Jenkins T, Marr B, Abramson DH, Shields CL, Pe'er J, Munier F, Berry J, Harbour JW, Yarovoy A, Lucena E, Murray TG, Bhagia P, Paysse E, Tuncer S, Chantada GL, Moll AC, Ushakova T, Plager DA, Ziyovuddin I, Leal CA, Materin MA, Ji XD, Cursino JW, Polania R, Kiratli H, All-Ericsson C, Kebudi R, Honavar SG, Vishnevskia-Dai V, Epelman S, Daniels AB, Ling JD, Traore F, Ramirez-Ortiz MA,
Int J Ophthalmol
Epigenetic reprogramming and aberrant expression of PRAME are associated with increased metastatic risk in Class 1 and Class 2 uveal melanomas.
Field MG, Durante MA, Decatur CL, Tarlan B, Oelschlager KM, Stone JF, Kuznetsov J, Bowcock AM, Kurtenbach S, Harbour JW,
2016 Sep
A rare case of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis in a patient with uveal melanoma: case report and review of literature.
Fedorenko IV, Evernden B, Kenchappa RS, Sahebjam S, Ryzhova E, Puskas J, McIntosh L, Caceres G, Magliocco A, Etame A, Harbour JW, Smalley KS, Forsyth PA,
2016 10
Melanoma Res
An Iris Tumor.
Rao RC, Harbour JW,
2016 09
JAMA Ophthalmol
The state of melanoma: challenges and opportunities.
Merlino G, Herlyn M, Fisher DE, Bastian BC, Flaherty KT, Davies MA, Wargo JA, Curiel-Lewandrowski C, Weber MJ, Leachman SA, Soengas MS, McMahon M, Harbour JW, Swetter SM, Aplin AE, Atkins MB, Bosenberg MW, Dummer R, Gershenwald JE, Halpern AC, Herlyn D, Karakousis GC, Kirkwood JM, Krauthammer M, Lo RS, Long GV, McArthur G, Ribas A, Schuchter L, Sosman JA, Smalley KS, Steeg P, Thomas NE, Tsao H, Tueting T, Weeraratna A, Xu G, Lomax R, Martin A, Silverstein S, Turnham T, Ronai ZA,
2016 07
Pigment Cell Melanoma Res
ARF6 Is an Actionable Node that Orchestrates Oncogenic GNAQ Signaling in Uveal Melanoma.
Yoo JH, Shi DS, Grossmann AH, Sorensen LK, Tong Z, Mleynek TM, Rogers A, Zhu W, Richards JR, Winter JM, Zhu J, Dunn C, Bajji A, Shenderovich M, Mueller AL, Woodman SE, Harbour JW, Thomas KR, Odelberg SJ, Ostanin K, Li DY,
2016 06
Cancer Cell
Outcomes of iodine-125 plaque brachytherapy for uveal melanoma with intraoperative ultrasonography and supplemental transpupillary thermotherapy.
Badiyan SN, Rao RC, Apicelli AJ, Acharya S, Verma V, Garsa AA, DeWees T, Speirs CK, Garcia-Ramirez J, Esthappan J, Grigsby PW, Harbour JW,
2014 Mar
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
Prognostic parameters in uveal melanoma and their association with BAP1 expression.
van Essen TH, van Pelt SI, Versluis M, Bronkhorst IH, van Duinen SG, Marinkovic M, Kroes WG, Ruivenkamp CA, Shukla S, de Klein A, Kiliç E, Harbour JW, Luyten GP, van der Velden PA, Verdijk RM, Jager MJ,
2014 Dec
Br J Ophthalmol
Molecular testing prognostic of low risk in epithelioid uveal melanoma in a child.
Dimaras H, Parulekar MV, Kwok G, Simpson ER, Ali A, Halliday W, Shago M, Harbour JW, Héon E, Gallie BL, Chan HS,
2013 Mar
Br J Ophthalmol
Patient-derived xenografts recapitulate molecular features of human uveal melanomas.
Laurent C, Gentien D, Piperno-Neumann S, Némati F, Nicolas A, Tesson B, Desjardins L, Mariani P, Rapinat A, Sastre-Garau X, Couturier J, Hupé P, de Koning L, Dubois T, Roman-Roman S, Stern MH, Barillot E, Harbour JW, Saule S, Decaudin D,
2013 Jun
Mol Oncol
Impaired cholesterol efflux in senescent macrophages promotes age-related macular degeneration.
Sene A, Khan AA, Cox D, Nakamura RE, Santeford A, Kim BM, Sidhu R, Onken MD, Harbour JW, Hagbi-Levi S, Chowers I, Edwards PA, Baldan A, Parks JS, Ory DS, Apte RS,
2013 Apr
Cell Metab
High throughput mass spectrometry-based mutation profiling of primary uveal melanoma.
Daniels AB, Lee JE, MacConaill LE, Palescandolo E, Van Hummelen P, Adams SM, DeAngelis MM, Hahn WC, Gragoudas ES, Harbour JW, Garraway LA, Kim IK,
2012 Oct
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
Notch signaling promotes growth and invasion in uveal melanoma.
Asnaghi L, Ebrahimi KB, Schreck KC, Bar EE, Coonfield ML, Bell WR, Handa J, Merbs SL, Harbour JW, Eberhart CG,
2012 Feb
Clin Cancer Res
Primary vitreoretinal lymphoma: a report from an International Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Collaborative Group symposium.
Chan CC, Rubenstein JL, Coupland SE, Davis JL, Harbour JW, Johnston PB, Cassoux N, Touitou V, Smith JR, Batchelor TT, Pulido JS,
Loss of heterozygosity in a gene coding for a thyroid hormone receptor in lung cancers.
Leduc F, Brauch H, Hajj C, Dobrovic A, Kaye F, Gazdar A, Harbour JW, Pettengill OS, Sorenson GD, van den Berg A,
1989 Feb
Am J Hum Genet