Kim (Jaehyup) Lab

During my postdoctoral training under Dr Chengcheng (Alec) Zhang (Department of Physiology), I used several techniques including flow cytometry, mass spectrometry and co-immunoprecipitation to study the biology of immune regulatory receptors. I helped identify the ligand of LILRB4 for the first time, which was published in the journal Nature with me as a co-first author (Mi et al, Nature 2018).
Following the completion of my clinical training and post-doctoral research training, I started my own independent lab with the support from NIH Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (5K08CA234544-04, The role of LILRB4 in AML progression and immune suppression).
My lab studies the mechanism of immune regulatory receptor regulation with a special focus on ligand identification and modulation. We have identified a novel class of ligands capable of activating various Ig-like domain containing receptors including PD-1 and TIM-3. Currently, my lab is working on clarifying the contribution of these ligands in various pathological processes including cancer and graft-versus-host disease.
Research Scientist
Senior Research Associate
LILRB4 signalling in leukaemia cells mediates T cell suppression and tumour infiltration.
Deng M, Gui X, Kim J, Xie L, Chen W, Li Z, He L, Chen Y, Chen H, Luo W, Lu Z, Xie J, Churchill H, Xu Y, Zhou Z, Wu G, Yu C, John S, Hirayasu K, Nguyen N, Liu X, Huang F, Li L, Deng H, Tang H, Sadek AH, Zhang L, Huang T, Zou Y, Chen B, Zhu H, Arase H, Xia N, Jiang Y, Collins R, You MJ, Homsi J, Unni N, Lewis C, Chen GQ, Fu YX, Liao XC, An Z, Zheng J, Zhang N, Zhang CC 2018 Oct Nature 7728 562 605-609Mathematical calculation of lifespan of transfused RBCs in sickle cell disease patients.
Kim J, Usmani A, De Simone N, Sarode R 2018 Feb Transfus. Apher. Sci. 1 57 46-49Mesenchymal stromal cells are present in the heart and promote growth of adult stem cells in vitro.
Lushaj EB, Anstadt E, Haworth R, Roenneburg D, Kim J, Hematti P, Kohmoto T 2011 Apr Cytotherapy 4 13 400-6Characterization of mesenchymal stem cells from human vocal fold fibroblasts.
Hanson SE, Kim J, Johnson BH, Bradley B, Breunig MJ, Hematti P, Thibeault SL 2010 Mar Laryngoscope 3 120 546-51Mesenchymal stem cell-educated macrophages: a novel type of alternatively activated macrophages.
Kim J, Hematti P 2009 Dec Exp. Hematol. 12 37 1445-53Heat shock protein 108 mRNA expression during chicken retina development.
Shin DH, Kim HJ, Kim J, Bae SR, Cho SS 2003 Jun Neurosci. Lett. 1 344 25-8Ultramicroscopical immunolocalization of PAX6 in the adult chicken retina.
Shin DH, Kwon BS, Chang YP, Bae SR, Kim J, Kim JW 2003 Acta Histochem. 3 105 267-72Email address:
Phone Number: 214-648-4115
Lab Location: NB7.226
Mailing Address
Jaehyup Kim Lab, NB7.226
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390-9072