
How do our brains form long-lasting memories from fleeting experiences?

How do experiences change our behaviors?

How are memories and behaviors altered in neurological disorders?

These are some of the questions that drive our research. Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach, we explore how experience-induced gene programs link experiences to synaptic modifications within neural circuits, ultimately driving persistent behavioral changes.

Learning & Memory

We study molecular and circuitry components of the memory engram, exploring their functions in regulating learned behavioral adaptations.

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We uncover the genetic and environmental factors that influence the formation and development of neural circuits during early postnatal stages, seeking to understand the disruptions observed in neurodevelopmental disorders.

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E/I Balance

We investigate synaptic mechanisms establishing and maintaining the excitatory and inhibitory (E/I) balance within neural circuits.

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Neurogenetic Tool Development

Our discoveries have been facilitated by our ability to develop molecular and genetic tools.

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