Lab Members

Ping Mu Lab Members group photo


Su Deng, Ph.D.

Su Deng, Ph.D.


Su earned her Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Developmental Biology) from Weill Cornell Medical College. This has been very useful for our lab as she has brought up Baby Graduate Students to their full potential. Her research now focuses on understanding the molecular mechanism of resistance driven by these novel drivers and develop new therapeutic approaches to overcome resistance in prostate cancer. In her leisure time, she takes care of everything so that Dr. Mu stop losing his hair. She loves every types of dog and small animals on the planet, except the squirrels. The most famous line said by Su, “Her Majesty the Queen has passed away. Can we kidnap the corgis now?”

Postdoctoral Fellows

Xiaoling Li, Ph.D.

Xiaoling Li, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Meet Xiaoling, the Ph.D. wizard of plants and all things science. With her impressive Ph.D. in cell biology from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, she's no stranger to unraveling the mysteries of the natural world. Xiaoling's research on the role of Lis1 in liver metabolism homeostasis and disease unveiled mind-boggling insights—turns out, a liver without Lis1 not only develops fatty liver disease but also turns into a party hub for tumorigenesis. In the Mu lab, Xiaoling is the go-to source for a diverse range of knowledge. Her expertise perfectly aligns with her study of APOBEC-driven mutagenesis in prostate cancer, where she uncovers the fascinating realm of heterogeneity. But it doesn't stop there—Xiaoling's green thumbs are legendary. She possesses an extraordinary ability to make any plant she touches burst into bloom, as if she were channeling the spirit of Hayao Miyazaki himself. With Xiaoling around, the lab becomes a vibrant mix of scientific discovery, botanical wonders, and spirited debates on which Miyazaki film reigns supreme. So, whether you're seeking intellectual discussions or simply want to witness the magic of blooming plants, Xiaoling is the extraordinary scientist and Miyazaki-inspired garden magician you've been waiting for.

Yaru Xu, Ph.D.

Yaru Xu, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Yaru earned her Ph.D. in cell biology at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. She focused on the exploration of potential apoptotic mechanisms during spermatogenesis and found the interaction of related apoptotic factors in male germ cells induced by cadmium. She loves K-pop culture and is a skilled dancer. However, her love for dance and her talents have been difficult to grow and have gradually dwindled in the land of Texas. In 2022, BLACKPINK heard about her internal calling to be a dancer and hosted a concert in Dallas. Sitting among the audience, her fire was rekindled. She was reborn as the K-pop queen in the Mu lab and is ready to take her place as the K-pop queen in the science world.

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Xiang Li, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Xiang enjoys exploring new horizons, not just in the realm of science but in his everyday life as well. He is an avid hiker, seeking out trails with breathtaking views, and he loves kayaking in clear lakes—steering clear of those muddy Texas ponds. On restless nights, when experiments for the next day swirl in his mind, he often finds solace in scrolling through Google Maps to pinpoint his next adventure spot. Alongside his outdoor activities, Xiang has a profound love for crawfish, indulging in every opportunity to savor these delights, which he considers a hobby in its own right. At home, his time is joyfully occupied with playful antics alongside his energetic dog. They chase toys and imagine the world from a canine perspective, a refreshing escape from daily stresses. His dog's boundless energy keeps him on his toes, reminding him to never overlook his presence.

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"Grey" Quanhui Xu, M.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

"Grey" Quanhui, the proud M.D. graduate from Sun Yat-sen University and the only "REAL" doctor in the Mu lab, often muses on the path not taken in clinical work, finding the puzzles of medical research surprisingly formidable—it’s akin to bench pressing a mountain. Once a regular in the gym, Quanhui now channels that discipline into immunology, where muscles have become as elusive as a rare Pokémon. Despite perennial concerns about body fat and shape, Quanhui has discovered that scientific inquiry might just be the most effective diet. Forget fad diets; who needs them when you have a microscope? Now, Quanhui is ready to flex some serious mental muscle and perhaps slim down a bit in the process of unraveling science’s toughest questions.


Choushi Wang, B.S.

Choushi Wang, B.S.

Graduate Student, GD&D Program 

Choushi, who earned his Bachelor of Science at Wuhan University in Wuhan, China, is a qualified Ph.D candidate who focuses on “memes” and is an expert in any kind of “memes in research.” Don’t have good data and are worried about what will happen in the next lab meeting? Go meet with Choushi and he can offer you a meme that will absolutely comfort your boss! Besides his expertise in memes, Choushi studies the mechanism and key factors that drive neuroendocrine differentiation and enzalutamide resistance in both mouse and human-derived models. Choushi devotes his time to his research and has worked really hard in the first three years and, after his publication, he has devoted his time to vacations, PS5 and Japanese anime, and played really hard…Choushi's most famou quote is "Brad Pitt is perfect". 

Julisa Gonzalez, B.S.

Julisa Gonzalez, B.S.

Graduate Student, Cancer Biology Program 

Meet Julisa, our scientific superstar with a knack for unraveling the secrets of metastatic prostate cancer. Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Human Biology from the University of California, San Diego, she's no stranger to diving deep into the molecular world. During her undergrad days, she was on a mission to uncover the antifibrotic powers of (-)-epicatechin, playing around with the TGF-β1 pathway and cardiac fibrosis in both male and female subjects.In 2019, Julisa caught a glimpse of the research magic at UTSW through the SURF program. She was like a detective, investigating the mysterious Jumonji C histone demethylases in non-small-cell lung carcinomas and human bronchial cells. But don't be fooled by her serious focus – she's not about to let go of the sunny San Diego vibes. That's why you'll find her happily tucked away in the lab, even during those precious afternoons and evenings. Nowadays, Julisa is taking on the challenge of understanding the metastatic potential of antiandrogen resistant prostate cancer. Armed with both mouse and cell line models, she's on a mission to crack the code of this tricky disease. Who knew unraveling the secrets of cancer could be so captivating and cool?

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Atreyi Mukherji, B.S.

Graduate Student, Cancer Biology Program 

Say hello to Ria, the migration mastermind of our lab! She's on a mission to uncover the sneaky ways prostate cancer cells hijack migration mechanisms to explore new horizons in the body. Armed with a Bachelor's of Science degree from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Ria brings her own globetrotting experiences from India to Yankee Land and finally to the promised land of Dallas, Texas, infusing her project with a taste of adaptation, migration, and more adaptation. When Ria isn't busy unraveling the secrets of cancer, she's a true foodie at heart. Her passion for cooking and indulging in diverse culinary delights from various cultures knows no bounds. You'll often find her savoring the flavors of the world, bringing a touch of gastronomic adventure into her lab-bound days. Who says science and taste buds can't go hand in hand?

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Melanie Fraidenburg, B.S.

Graduate Student, GD&D Program 

Melanie snagged her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Nova Southeastern University, where the sun is always shining and the palm trees sway. Before making her mark in Texas, she navigated the bustling streets of NYC, immersing herself in the cutting-edge worlds of cancer immunotherapy and genomics. Now, Melanie is on a quest to unravel how tweaks in ubiquitination programs could be the secret culprits behind resistance to androgen-targeted therapies. When she's not decoding complex biological puzzles, you can find her tending to her beloved plant babies or diving into her latest arts and crafts adventure.

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Amanda Leonita, B.S.

Graduate Student, Cancer Biology Program 

Amanda graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin, where she spent her days charming C. elegans into revealing secrets about longevity. When she’s not coaxing confessions out of worms, Amanda is a globetrotter with a camera in hand, capturing everything from the quaint corners of coffee shops to the unique flavors of new restaurants. Now part of the Mu lab team, she’s on a mission to tackle the mysteries behind prostate cancer resistance, minus the overly technical jargon. Just know, it's pretty important science stuff.

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Juan Bayona

Green Fellow Student  

Diego, a dedicated student from The University of Texas at Dallas, ventured into our lab through the Green Fellowship Program. Hailing from Ecuador, where he once dominated the soccer streets and savored some of the world's finest cuisine, he has found a new arena in Texas. In the lab, Diego is focused on testing small molecule drugs for undruggable protein targets and exploring how AR/GR signaling contributes to castration-resistant prostate cancer. When he’s not engrossed in research, Diego enjoys outmaneuvering his twin brother in any contest they devise and spending time with his four beloved dogs.

Support Staff

Lauren Metang, M.S.

Lauren Metang, M.S.

Lab Manager/Research Associate

Lauren is the unofficial mom of the lab. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Biology from East Texas Baptist University and then went to the magical world of Edinburgh, Scotland where she earned her Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences. Her research was all about figuring out the role of CD46 and Vitamin D in the blood as it relates to multiple sclerosis. Nowadays, Lauren keeps the Mu Lab running like a well-oiled machine. She’s always there to teach and train newbies on all the cool equipment and techniques. Basically. She’s the go-to person when you need help in the lab. Her labmates love to call her “Lab Mom” because she’s always nurturing and supportive. She’s a total rockstar and the lab wouldn’t be the same without her.

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Yuyin Jiang


Introducing Yuyin, our newest team member with a Biology degree from UT Austin. Not only did she guide freshmen through the basics of biology for three years, but she also turned E.coli into caffeine addicts, aiming to revolutionize how we measure caffeine in liquids. Off the clock, Yuyin is on a quest to discover the best local grocery gems and the most authentic Asian eateries, with Yin Tang topping her list. Although a veteran of Latin dance, mastering moves from rumba to jive for nearly a decade, she’s currently on a dance hiatus as the perfect partner is hard to come by. While she’s ready to tackle professional challenges with us, she might just pass on showcasing those dance steps—without the right partner, the dance floor feels incomplete.

Mental Support Team

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Acor Mu

Senior Corgi Patroller 

Acor is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi girl who loves her dad with all her heart.  

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Mulan Deng

Corgi Patroller

Mulan is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi girl who loves judging people, chasing squirrels, destroying the house. 

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Lola Metang

Chief Cuddler

Lola is an elderly American short hair tabby cat who loves giving cuddles when her humans are sick, chasing cockroaches, and giving judgemental glares to anyone who tries to pet her.

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Elmo Li

Golden Chaser 

Elmo is a restless energetic golden retriever (not some great pyrenees pups...). He is a food consumer, a outdoor adventurer, especially swimming and chasing ducks and goose in lakes, as well as trying his best to exhaust his old dad in any hiking trails.

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June Wang & Eleven Zhou

Shadow Twins 

June is always desperate for food and lurking in the corner waiting for anything that dropped to the floor. And Eleven is June's shadow.