Meet the

Beckham Lab Members

Meet the Lab

Beckham lab member Jen Berger

Jen Berger, Ph.D.

Research Instructor


Jen is a faculty member in the laboratory with an interest in viral immunology. She is interested in vaccine immunology and the innate cellular immune response in the brain following acute RNA virus infection.

Beckham lab member Dustin Heiden

Dustin Heiden

Graduate Student


Dustin is an immunology graduate student with an interest in neuroimmunology. His thesis work focused on the mechanisms by which alpha-synuclein mediates innate immune responses in the brain. When he’s not in the lab, you can find him enjoying great music and the company of his friends.

Beckham lab member Camille Merrick

Camille Merrick

Research Assistant


Camille completed her undergraduate work at University of Colorado and joined the Beckham lab after college to learn about virology research. She’s worked as a research assistant in the lab over the years and is instrumental in the daily operations of the laboratory. When not in the lab, Camille enjoys good music, good food, and spending time with her cat, friends, and family.

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