Preventing Cognitive Decline by Reducing Blood Pressure Target Trial (PCOT)


Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center and Parkland Health are doing a study to improve brain health and memory in adults by reducing blood pressure.

Purpose of the Study

Currently, we do not know if managing high blood pressure can help reduce memory loss and improve brain health. For this reason we may assign you to upload your readings to the electronic health record based on randomization. Randomization means the group you are assigned to is by chance, like the flip of a coin. Your chance of being in the group that uploads your readings to the electronic health record or doesn't is completely equal. Regardless of the group you will still take your monthly blood pressure readings and complete the cognitive assessments.

Why Me?

Participants are asked to join in this study because they have received primary care at UT Southwestern Medical Center or Parkland Health in the last 2 years, are 70 years of age or older, and speak English/Spanish. Participants must have a smartphone for this study since it is virtual and does not require in-person visits.

What is involved in the study?

This study will last up to four years, and if at any point you do not want to continue participating, you may leave the study. We expect 4,000 people to be enrolled. You will be asked to complete a brief brain health assessment over the phone each year. Then, we will send you an OMRON home blood pressure monitor to measure your blood pressure at home. We ask that you take your blood pressure twice a day for one week every month.

How will the study be beneficial?

You will receive an Omron blood pressure monitor free of charge.

We will gather blood pressure readings uploaded from a provided monitor each month. We may use these readings to provide recommendations to your doctor or care team for managing your blood pressure. It will not cost anything to participate, and participation in research is voluntary. Your care received at UT Southwestern Medical Center and Parkland Health will not change or be impacted.