Tower Lab

Center for Organogenesis, Regeneration & Trauma

Department of Surgery

The Tower lab integrates multi-omics-based approaches in the fields of musculoskeletal development, homeostasis, repair and regeneration.

We currently make use of single-cell RNA sequencing, spatial transcriptomics and metabolomic studies to understand the regulatory networks governing cell fate and function. Using transgenic animal models, combined with bioinformatic approaches, our lab currently focuses on understanding the mesenchymal-immune cell interactions which occur within the stem cell niche under physiological conditions, and how these signaling cascades drive regenerative or fibrotic outcomes  following injury. Understanding these divergent signaling mechanisms will hopefully help guide future therapeutic strategies to promote faithful repair of damaged tissue.

Meet the Principle Investigator

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Robert Tower

Robert Tower is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery with appointments in the Center for Organogenesis Research and Trauma and the Charles and Jane Pak Center for Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research. Dr. Tower is originally from Edmonton, AB, Canada where he obtained his BS in Molecular Genetics and his MS in Cell Biology from the University of Alberta, then later conducted his PhD in Germany at the Christian Albrechts University. Dr. Tower has conducted postdoctoral studies at the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University. In 2021, Dr. Tower was recruited to UTSW where his lab focusses on musculoskeletal biology, understanding the complex cellular interactions which occur under physiological conditions, molecular changes which occur following injury, and how these pathways dictate regenerative or fibrotic healing outcomes. Dr. Tower is supported  by grants from the National Institute of Health and the Department of Defense.

Latest News & Events

Oct 2024

New Lab Members

The Tower lab is pleased to welcome Katelyn Hornfischer and Achira Shah to the team

Oct 2024

Collaborative publications

The Tower lab is grateful to be included as co-authors on recent work from the Karner lab (UTSW) published in EMBO, and the James lab (Hopkins) published in Dev Cell

Sept 2024

ASBMR Meet-the-Professor Session

Excited to be presenting a meet-the-professor session on using spatial transcriptomics in bone at the ASBMR annual meeting

July 2024

New Publication

We are pleased to announce our new publication in collaboration with the Rios lab titled "Spatial transcriptomics implicates impaired BMP signaling in NF1 fracture pseudarthrosis in murine and patient tissues" published in JCI Insight

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June 2024

New NIH funding awarded

We are pleased to announce the funding of R01AI186118 from the NIAID

June 2024

Welcome Henry Maxwell

The Tower lab is proud to welcome Henry Maxwell, a membr of STARS Summer Research Program

Mar 2024

New NIH funding awarded

We are pleased to announce the funding of R01HD112474 from the NICHD in collaboration with Drs. Mimi Sammarco from the Mayo Clinic and Anyonya Guntur from Maine Health Institute of Research.

Feb 2024

Welcome Alex Trostle

The Tower lab is proud to welcome Alex Trostle as a new PhD graduate student in the GD&D program.

Dec 2023

TrkA-mediated sensory innervation of injured mouse tendon supports tendon sheath progenitor cell expansion and tendon repair

Happy to be a part of a new paper on using spatial transcriptomics in tendon healing entitled "TrkA-mediated sensory innervation of injured mouse tendon supports tendon sheath progenitor cell expansion and tendon repair" published in Science Translational Medicine

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Nov. 2023

Spatial Transcriptomic Interrogation of the Murine Bone Marrow Signaling Landscape

Happy to announce that our new paper entitled "Spatial transcriptomic interrogation of the murine bone marrow signaling landscape" published in Bone Research

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Oct. 2023

Dr. Tower named as Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Morphogenesis and Patterning

Dr. Tower named as Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Morphogenesis and Patterning, a specialty section of Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology

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Sept. 2023

Congratulations to Janna Crossley

Congratulations to Janna Crossley from the Tower Lab on her paper entitled "Itaconate-producing neutrophils regulate local and systemic inflammation following trauma" published in JCI Insight.

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Aug. 2023

ORS Interview

Interview by ORS on the use of spatial transcriptomics in bone is now out

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July 2023

"Itaconate-producing Neutrophils Regulate Local and Systemic Inflammation Following Trauma" selected for an oral presentation

Abstract entitled "Itaconate-producing neutrophils regulate local and systemic inflammation following trauma" selected for an oral presentation at this years ASBMR coming up in Vancouver, CA Oct 13-16 and awarded the Mid-Career Faculty Travel Grant given to top Mid-Career Investigator members

July 2023

"Spatial Transcriptomic Analysis of a Pre-clinical Model of Nf1-deficient Fractures Pseudarthrosis" selected for an oral presentation

Abstract entitled "Spatial transcriptomic analysis of a pre-clinical model of Nf1-deficient fractures pseudarthrosis" selected for an oral presentation at this years ASBMR coming up in Vancouver, CA Oct 13-16

May 2023


We are pleased to announce grant W81XWH-22-PRMRP-FPA was funded by the department of defense

April 2023

"Itaconate-producing Neutrophils Regulate Local and Systemic Inflammation Following Trauma" invited for an oral presentation

Abstract entitled "Itaconate-producing neutrophils regulate local and systemic inflammation following trauma" invited for an oral presentation at the Advances in Mineral Metabolism Annual Meeting in Snowmass, CO.

Feb. 2023

Dr. Jonathan Rios Collaboration at Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) meeting in Dallas, Tx

Come see our latest work in collaboration with Dr. Jonathan Rios at this year's Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) meeting right here in Dallas, Tx!


Current Lab Openings

Be part of the great impact we're having on science and medical care across the globe. Check out our current openings!

Contact Information

  • Dr. Robert Tower
  • Department of Surgery
  • NL07.120J Kern Wildenthal Biomedical Research Building 6000 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, TX, 75235
  • @Tower_Lab
  • Email