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College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri
Veterinary Surgery
- Jeffrey Bryan, DVM
- Tony Mann, DVM
- Michael Lewis, Ph
The University of Arizona
College of Optical Science
- Ron Liang, Ph.D.
- Nan Zhu, Ph.D.
Washington University of St. Louis, Science of Medicine
- Victor Gruev, Ph.D.
- Shengkui Gao, Ph.D.
Oncologic surgery
- Julie Margenthanler, Ph.D.
- Ryan Fields, Ph.D.
- Deborah Rubin, M.D.
- Steve Edmundowicz, M.D.
- Jeff Arbeit, M.D.
- Gerald Andriole, M.D.
- Farrokh Dehdashti, M.D.
- Christopher Malone, M.D.
Fudan University
Hepatic Surgery
- Zhao-You Tang, M.D.
- Jia Fan, M.D., Ph.D.
- Hui-Chuan Sun, M.D.
- Qing-Hai Ye, M.D.
- Yi-Ming Zhao, M.D.
- Lu Wang, M.D.