Health Services Research

Our lab focuses on both retrospective electronic health records data to evaluate clinical outcomes and prospectively measuring clinical outcomes after interventions. 

Dr. Jain's team focuses on improving health outcomes through improvement in health care delivery. Through CPRIT funding, her team has focused on increasing HCV screening using best practice alert in electronic health record for Baby Boomers. They have also implemented best practice alerts to remind HIV providers to screen HIV patients yearly for HCV in high risk patients. 

    This program began in 2015 to increase screening among baby boomers in order to reduce HCC. We implemented a  Best Practice Alert (in EPIC) coupled with provider education in Dallas and patient navigation. In South Texas we trained primary care providers to treat HCV. We have website focused on HCC and HCV education. In 2018 we expanded our program to include those with abnormal LFTs and added hepatitis B vaccination. We also added Hep B Free group which did outreach to vulnerable communities in North Texas and screened for hepatitis B and hepatitis C. We are in the process of renewing this grant. COVID-19 pandemic temporarily stopped the student outreach program but they are back to having events. 


    We have another HCV CPRIT grant based in Ft. Worth which (1) provides HCV screening in rural North Texas through a Mobile clinic. (2) Implements HCV screening through EPIC through health maintenance tab at safety net hospital in Ft. Worth. COVID-19 pandemic stopped outreach through the mobile clinic.  

    • Jain MK.  Effectiveness of directly-acting antiviral therapy for hepatitis C in difficult-to-treat patients in a safety-net health system: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Medicine  2017; 15:204. Read our paper.  
    • Jain MK, Rich NE, Ahn C, Turner BJ, Sanders JM, Adamson B, Quirk L, Perryman P, Santini NO, Singal AG. Evaluation of a Multifaceted Intervention to Reduce Health Disparities in Hepatitis C Screening: A Pre-Post Analysis. Hepatology. 2019 Jul;70(1). Read our paper. 
    • Strebe J, Rich NE, Wang L, Singal AG, McBryde J, Silva M, Jackson V, Fullington H, Villarreal DL, Reyes S, Flores B, Jain MK. Patient Navigation Increases Linkage to Care and Receipt of Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy in Patients with Hepatitis C. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 May 13:S1542-3565(22). Read our paper.   

    This is a study was funded through a Gilead Sponsored RFA NoCo for HCV microelimination in HIV/HCV. The focus of our study was  to implement a best practice alert to remind HIV providers to screen for HCV yearly in high risk HIV patients. We taught HIV providers to treat HCV. However due to complications related to insurance providers were not as keen to treat. The program was stopped due to COVID-19 pandemic. A new model arose due to need for virtual visits which was lead by PharmD.  Evaluation of the program is ongoing. 

    • Lau AA, Strebe JK, Sura TV, Hansen LA, Jain MK. Predictors of linkage to hepatitis C virus care among people living with HIV with hepatitis C infection and the impact of loss to HIV follow-up. Health Sci Rep. 2022 May 23;5(3):e645. Read our paper.  

    Wong RJ, Jain MK,  Therapondos G, Shiffman ML, Kshirsagar O, Clark C, Thamer M. Race/ethnicity and insurance status disparities in access to direct acting antivirals for hepatitis C virus treatment in four large health care organizations.   Am J Gastroenterol. 2018;113:1329-338. Read our paper.

    Jain MK, Thamer M, Therapondos G, Shiffman ML, Kshirsagar O, Clark C, Wong RJ. Has access to HCV therapy changed for patients with mental health and substance use disorders in the DAA period?  Hepatology  2019; 69:51-63. Read our paper.

    Chen E, North CS, Fatunde O, Bernstein I, Salari S, Day B, Jain MK. Knowledge and attitudes about hepatitis C virus infection and its treatment in HCV mono-infected and HCV/HIV co-infected adults. J Viral Hepat 2013: 20:708-714. Read our paper:   

    Pundhir P, North CS, Oluwatomilade F, Jain MK. Health beliefs and co-morbidities associated with appointment-keeping behavior among HCV and HIV/HCV patients.  J Community Health.  2016;41:30-7. Read our paper.  

    • Nijhawan AE, Kitchell E, Etherton SS, Durate P, Jain MK. Half of thirty-day hospital readmissions among HIV-infected patients are potentially preventable. AIDS Patient Care STDs 2015; 29:465-73.  Read our paper. 
    • Jain MK, Li X, Adams-Huet B, Tiruneh YM, Luque AE, Duarte P, Trombello JM, Nijhawan AE. The risk of depression among racially diverse people living with HIV: the impact of HIV viral suppression. AIDS Care. 2021 May;33(5):645-653. Read our paper.