Featured Publications
Specific tRNAs promote mRNA decay by recruiting the CCR4-NOT complex to translating ribosomes.
Zhu X, Cruz VE, Zhang H, Erzberger JP, Mendell JT, 2024 Nov Science 6724 386 eadq8587A non-canonical role for a small nucleolar RNA in ribosome biogenesis and senescence.
Cheng Y, Wang S, Zhang H, Lee JS, Ni C, Guo J, Chen E, Wang S, Acharya A, Chang TC, Buszczak M, Zhu H, Mendell JT, 2024 Jun CellNORAD-induced Pumilio phase separation is required for genome stability.
Elguindy MM, Mendell JT, 2021 Jun NatureA ubiquitin ligase mediates target-directed microRNA decay independently of tailing and trimming
Han J, LaVigne CA, Jones BT, Zhang H, Gillett F, Mendell JT 2020 Science 6523 370 eabc9546An Argonaute phosphorylation cycle promotes microRNA-mediated silencing.
Golden RJ, Chen B, Li T, Braun J, Manjunath H, Chen X, Wu J, Schmid V, Chang TC, Kopp F, Ramirez-Martinez A, Tagliabracci VS, Chen ZJ, Xie Y, Mendell JT 2017 Jan NatureNoncoding RNA NORAD Regulates Genomic Stability by Sequestering PUMILIO Proteins.
Lee S, Kopp F, Chang TC, Sataluri A, Chen B, Sivakumar S, Yu H, Xie Y, Mendell JT 2016 Jan Cell 1-2 164 69-80An Essential Mesenchymal Function for miR-143/145 in Intestinal Epithelial Regeneration.
Chivukula RR, Shi G, Acharya A, Mills EW, Zeitels LR, Anandam JL, Abdelnaby AA, Balch GC, Mansour JC, Yopp AC, Maitra A, Mendell JT 2014 May Cell 5 157 1104-16Therapeutic microRNA delivery suppresses tumorigenesis in a murine liver cancer model.
Kota J, Chivukula RR, O'Donnell KA, Wentzel EA, Montgomery CL, Hwang HW, Chang TC, Vivekanandan P, Torbenson M, Clark KR, Mendell JR, Mendell JT 2009 Jun Cell 6 137 1005-17RBM33 directs the nuclear export of transcripts containing GC-rich elements.
Thomas A, Rehfeld F, Zhang H, Chang TC, Goodarzi M, Gillet F, Mendell JT, 2022 May Genes DevMicroRNA turnover: a tale of tailing, trimming, and targets.
Han J, Mendell JT, 2022 Jul Trends Biochem ScieIF5B drives integrated stress response-dependent translation of PD-L1 in lung cancer.
Suresh S, Chen B, Zhu J, Golden RJ, Lu C, Evers BM, Novaresi N, Smith B, Zhan X, Schmid V, Jun S, Karacz CM, Peyton M, Zhong L, Wen Z, Sathe AA, Xing C, Behrens C, Wistuba II, Xiao G, Xie Y, Fu YX, Minna JD, Mendell JT, O'Donnell KA, 2020 May Nat Cancer 5 1 533-545Antisense-Mediated Transcript Knockdown Triggers Premature Transcription Termination.
Lee JS, Mendell JT, 2020 03 Mol. Cell 5 77 1044-1054.e3miR-26 suppresses adipocyte progenitor differentiation and fat production by targeting Fbxl19.
Acharya A, Berry DC, Zhang H, Jiang Y, Jones BT, Hammer RE, Graff JM, Mendell JT, 2019 Sep Genes Dev.PUMILIO hyperactivity drives premature aging of Norad-deficient mice
Kopp F, Elguindy MM, Yalvac ME, Zhang H, Chen B, Gillett FA, Lee S, Sivakumar S, Yu H, Xie Y, Mishra P, Sahenk Z, Mendell JT. 2019 eLife 8 e42650Functional Classification and Experimental Dissection of Long Noncoding RNAs.
Kopp F, Mendell JT 2018 Jan Cell 3 172 393-407Mutations in microRNA processing genes in Wilms tumors derepress the IGF2 regulator PLAG1
Chen KS, Stroup EK, Budhipramono A, Rakheja D, Nichols-Vinueza D, Xu L, Stuart SH, Shukla AA, Fraire C, Mendell JT, Amatruda JF. 2018 Genes Dev 32 996-1007High-Throughput Characterization of Primary microRNA Transcripts.
Chang TC, Mendell JT 2018 Methods Mol. Biol. 1823 1-9Precise let-7 expression levels balance organ regeneration against tumor suppression.
Wu L, Nguyen LH, Zhou K, de Soysa TY, Li L, Miller JB, Tian J, Locker J, Zhang S, Shinoda G, Seligson MT, Zeitels LR, Acharya A, Wang SC, Mendell JT, He X, Nishino J, Morrison SJ, Siegwart DJ, Daley GQ, Shyh-Chang N, Zhu H 2015 Oct Elife 4Identification of miR-145 targets through an integrated omics analysis.
Huang TC, Renuse S, Pinto S, Kumar P, Yang Y, Chaerkady R, Godsey B, Mendell JT, Halushka MK, Civin CI, Marchionni L, Pandey A 2015 Jan Mol Biosyst 1 11 197-207StringTie enables improved reconstruction of a transcriptome from RNA-seq reads.
Pertea M, Pertea GM, Antonescu CM, Chang TC, Mendell JT, Salzberg SL 2015 Feb Nat. Biotechnol.PIPE-CLIP: a comprehensive online tool for CLIP-seq data analysis.
Chen B, Yun J, Kim MS, Mendell JT, Xie Y 2014 Jan Genome Biol. 1 15 R18Tumor suppression by miR-26 overrides potential oncogenic activity in intestinal tumorigenesis.
Zeitels LR, Acharya A, Shi G, Chivukula D, Chivukula RR, Anandam JL, Abdelnaby AA, Balch GC, Mansour JC, Yopp AC, Richardson JA, Mendell JT 2014 Dec Genes Dev. 23 28 2585-90Essential metabolic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumorigenic functions of miR-122 in liver.
Hsu SH, Wang B, Kota J, Yu J, Costinean S, Kutay H, Yu L, Bai S, La Perle K, Chivukula RR, Mao H, Wei M, Clark KR, Mendell JR, Caligiuri MA, Jacob ST, Mendell JT, Ghoshal K 2012 Aug J. Clin. Invest. 8 122 2871-83Role of pri-miRNA tertiary structure in miR-17~92 miRNA biogenesis.
Chaulk SG, Thede GL, Kent OA, Xu Z, Gesner EM, Veldhoen RA, Khanna SK, Goping IS, MacMillan AM, Mendell JT, Young HS, Fahlman RP, Glover JN 2011 Nov-Dec RNA Biol 6 8 1105-14Identifying targets of miR-143 using a SILAC-based proteomic approach.
Yang Y, Chaerkady R, Kandasamy K, Huang TC, Selvan LD, Dwivedi SB, Kent OA, Mendell JT, Pandey A 2010 Oct Mol Biosyst 10 6 1873-82Quantification of global microRNA abundance by selective isotachophoresis.
Persat A, Chivukula RR, Mendell JT, Santiago JG 2010 Dec Anal. Chem. 23 82 9631-5P53-induced microRNA-107 inhibits HIF-1 and tumor angiogenesis.
Yamakuchi M, Lotterman CD, Bao C, Hruban RH, Karim B, Mendell JT, Huso D, Lowenstein CJ 2010 Apr Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 14 107 6334-9Identification of miR-21 targets in breast cancer cells using a quantitative proteomic approach.
Yang Y, Chaerkady R, Beer MA, Mendell JT, Pandey A 2009 Mar Proteomics 5 9 1374-84Lin-28B transactivation is necessary for Myc-mediated let-7 repression and proliferation.
Chang TC, Zeitels LR, Hwang HW, Chivukula RR, Wentzel EA, Dews M, Jung J, Gao P, Dang CV, Beer MA, Thomas-Tikhonenko A, Mendell JT 2009 Mar Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 9 106 3384-9MicroRNA miR-155 is a biomarker of early pancreatic neoplasia.
Habbe N, Koorstra JB, Mendell JT, Offerhaus GJ, Ryu JK, Feldmann G, Mullendore ME, Goggins MG, Hong SM, Maitra A 2009 Feb Cancer Biol. Ther. 4 8 340-6c-Myb oncoprotein is an essential target of the dleu2 tumor suppressor microRNA cluster.
Chung EY, Dews M, Cozma D, Yu D, Wentzel EA, Chang TC, Schelter JM, Cleary MA, Mendell JT, Thomas-Tikhonenko A 2008 Nov Cancer Biol. Ther. 11 7 1758-64Analysis of regulatory network topology reveals functionally distinct classes of microRNAs.
Yu X, Lin J, Zack DJ, Mendell JT, Qian J 2008 Nov Nucleic Acids Res. 20 36 6494-503Widespread microRNA repression by Myc contributes to tumorigenesis.
Chang TC, Yu D, Lee YS, Wentzel EA, Arking DE, West KM, Dang CV, Thomas-Tikhonenko A, Mendell JT 2008 Jan Nat. Genet. 1 40 43-50MicroRNA-126 regulates endothelial expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1.
Harris TA, Yamakuchi M, Ferlito M, Mendell JT, Lowenstein CJ 2008 Feb Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 5 105 1516-21Functional integration of microRNAs into oncogenic and tumor suppressor pathways.
Lotterman CD, Kent OA, Mendell JT 2008 Aug Cell Cycle 16 7 2493-9miRiad roles for the miR-17-92 cluster in development and disease.
Mendell JT 2008 Apr Cell 2 133 217-22Transactivation of miR-34a by p53 broadly influences gene expression and promotes apoptosis.
Chang TC, Wentzel EA, Kent OA, Ramachandran K, Mullendore M, Lee KH, Feldmann G, Yamakuchi M, Ferlito M, Lowenstein CJ, Arking DE, Beer MA, Maitra A, Mendell JT 2007 Jun Mol. Cell 5 26 745-52Augmentation of tumor angiogenesis by a Myc-activated microRNA cluster.
Dews M, Homayouni A, Yu D, Murphy D, Sevignani C, Wentzel E, Furth EE, Lee WM, Enders GH, Mendell JT, Thomas-Tikhonenko A 2006 Sep Nat. Genet. 9 38 1060-5A small piece in the cancer puzzle: microRNAs as tumor suppressors and oncogenes.
Kent OA, Mendell JT 2006 Oct Oncogene 46 25 6188-96MicroRNAs in cell proliferation, cell death, and tumorigenesis.
Hwang HW, Mendell JT 2006 Mar Br. J. Cancer 6 94 776-80MicroRNAs: critical regulators of development, cellular physiology and malignancy.
Mendell JT 2005 Sep Cell Cycle 9 4 1179-84Separable roles for rent1/hUpf1 in altered splicing and decay of nonsense transcripts.
Mendell JT, ap Rhys CM, Dietz HC 2002 Oct Science 5592 298 419-22When the message goes awry: disease-producing mutations that influence mRNA content and performance.
Mendell JT, Dietz HC 2001 Nov Cell 4 107 411-4