Principal Investigator

Samir M. Parikh, M.D.
Dr. Parikh is Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology and Chief of Nephrology at UT Southwestern, where he holds the Robert Tucker Hayes Distinguished Chair in Nephrology, in honor of Dr. Floyd C Rector, Jr., and the Ruth W. and Milton P. Levy, Sr., Chair in Molecular Nephrology.
His research is focused on mechanisms underlying acute kidney injury and sepsis. The Parikh Laboratory has implicated mitochondrial maintenance via PGC1alpha and NAD+ as a novel pathway for resilience against acute physiological stressors. Ongoing studies are examining links between AKI, CKD, and aging and how NAD+ metabolism impacts injury in other organs.
Dr. Parikh graduated magna cum laude from Harvard with a degree in chemistry and received the Founders Medal for highest academic standing from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He completed residency and fellowship training in Nephrology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School and subsequently attained the rank of Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
Lab Members