
Mood Disorders Research

Cultivating Knowledge to Impact Positive Change

Community Programming

We provide educational presentations to help raise awareness about the symptoms of depression, available treatments, and specific topics such as risk factors and warning signs for depression and suicide and recognizing depression in youth.

46+ Community Engagements in 2022

Training Academy

From it's inception, the Center for Depression Research and Clinical Care has paved new pathways for understanding, preventing, and treating mood disorders. Part of our next decade of work involves reimagining the conversation around mood disorders and mental health through sharing the knowledge, tools, and techniques learned (and validated) to a wider audience of clinicians, educators, and communities.

Professional Education

Professional education is a large part of our vision of a future free from the burden of depression, and our efforts at UT Southwestern to build a growing number of clinical and research professionals with the knowledge and skills to identify and treat mood disorders.

Quote from Madhukar Trivedi, M.D.

Depression should be seen like any other kind of chronic disease, like diabetes or hypertension. Therefore, we have to always be on the hunt for better treatments.
Madhukar Trivedi, M.D. Founding Director / Center for Depression Research and Clinical Care

Dr. Madhukar Trivedi hosts MedScape's newest podcast series, InDiscussion, all about Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). In these podcasts, Dr. Trivedi interviews experts about a variety of topics related to the diagnosis and treatment of MDD. 

Season 2 of MedScape's InDiscussion podcast series highlights predictors and precision medicine. The latest episode discusses utilizing subtypes and biotypes for personalized treatments with Leanne Williams, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University.   

medscape indicscussion logo
Mood Disorders Research

Training the Future

The CDRC is committed to providing learning opportunities for clinicians, students, and anyone in our community interested in learning more about mental health and resilience. Through many of our programs, we are training the next generation of mental health care providers and increasing the quality of treatments to patients in North Texas.

    Continuing Medical Education (CME) 

    The CDRC holds meetings for providers from all different disciplines to come together and learn about topics ranging from best treatment practices to new antidepressant medications.

    Community Programming 

    We provide educational presentations to help raise awareness about the symptoms of depression, available treatments, and specific topics such as risk factors and warning signs for depression and suicide and recognizing depression in youth.

    If you would like to know more, email us.

    Junior Clinical and Translational Science KL2 Faculty Investigators

    This two-year program is designed for junior faculty who show great promise toward becoming successful, independently funded clinical and translational science investigators. KL2 Scholar salary is partially supported by the KL2 grant. Six KL2 Scholars are supported each year for a two-year term.

    NIH-funded (R25MH101078; MH Trivedi, PI) research track residency program.

    TRAIN participants receive protected time to complete clinical translational didactics and research activities.

    Training for school personnel to serve as Wellness Ambassadors seeks to provide initial support to struggling students, and work with students and their parents to identify important resources (whether it be physical or emotional) to get the student back on track. Part of the training will be to distinguish the level of intervention warranted, which could range from basic coping strategies to outpatient treatment or even hospitalization.

    If you would like to know more, email us.

    YAM Certification for Educational Professionals

    Since the program began in 2016, the CDRC team has reached over 20,000 youth in over 1,100 classrooms with the YAM program. Due to the program’s success, the CDRC team has transitioned to training new facilitators to reach more students and create more sustainable school-based mental health programming.

    Educating About Mental Health

    Programs available through the Risk and Resilience Network will allow adolescents to learn and develop life-long coping and resilience skills that are shown to help teens and young adults avoid high risk and self-destructive behavior that can lead to poor academic achievement, substance abuse, more severe psychiatric conditions, and even suicide.

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    teacher in front of a classroom

    Fostering Community

    The Center for Depression Research and Clinical Care is always striving to build bridges to better mental health and wellbeing for our community in Texas and beyond. Accomplishing this means addressing the particular needs and levels of community involvement that make success possible.

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    multiple hands coming together

    Leading Research in Mood Disorders

    For more than two decades, Dr. Madhukar Trivedi and his colleagues at UT Southwestern Medical Center have conducted cutting-edge research to improve the treatment of depression, including the largest study-to-date examining appropriate treatment sequences for depression.

    Find out more
    Drs. Ayvaci and Chin Fatt presenting

    Solving Depression, Saving Tomorrows

    Be part of the great impact we're having on science and medical care across the globe.

    For more than two decades, Dr. Madhukar Trivedi and his colleagues at UT Southwestern Medical Center have conducted cutting-edge research to improve the treatment of depression, including the largest study-to-date examining appropriate treatment sequences for depression.