Ultrasound-Guided Procedures

Image-guided intervention often allows for effective and minimally invasive alternatives for diagnosis and therapy of a wide variety of pathologic conditions. For instance, the accuracy, speed, and safety of many superficial needle biopsies are enhanced with the use of ultrasound. Portable, safe, and cost-effective, ultrasound is useful in a wide variety of situations.

Procedures include:

  • Fine needle and core needle biopsies of the thyroid, parotid, and submandibular glands; superficial lymph nodes; and other soft tissue masses
  • Cyst aspiration for symptom relief and cytologic diagnosis
  • Lymph node staging in thyroid and other head/neck cancers

Staff is investigating the use of a newly updated fusion and navigation system, allowing for real-time review of CT, MRI, and PET images alongside the ultrasound, improving diagnostic accuracy and confidence.

Neck diagram