
Current Projects

  • Genetic tools: We have generated several genetically-engineered alleles with broad uses in biomedical research, including the 2nd-generation endometrial driver, BAC-Sprr2f-Cre, and LSL-PoleP286R.
  • Carcinosarcoma and Fbxw7: Carcinosarcoma is the most aggressive and least understood variant of endometrial cancer, distinguished from usual endometrial cancers by admixed malignant epithelial and mesenchymal components (carcinoma and sarcoma).
  • POLE mutations and endometrial cancer: About 10% of endometrial cancers are initiated by a mutation (most frequently P286R) in polymerase epsilon (encoded by the POLE gene).
  • Early diagnosis and prevention of endometrial cancer: The diagnosis of endometrial precancer (endometrioid intraepithelial neoplasia/EIN) remains a challenging area, with variable criteria and frequent disagreements even among expert gynecologic pathologists, potentially leading to under/overtreatment.