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CCT and CCT-like Modular Protein Interaction Domains in WNK Signaling.
Taylor CA, Cobb MH, 2021 Jul Mol PharmacolWNK1 Enhances Migration and Invasion in Breast Cancer Models.
Jaykumar AB, Jung JU, Parida PK, Dang TT, Wichaidit C, Kannangara AR, Earnest S, Goldsmith EJ, Pearson GW, Malladi S, Cobb MH, 2021 Jul Mol Cancer TherThe pancreatic ? cell response to secretory demands and adaption to stress
M.A. Kalwat, D. Scheuner, K. Rodrigues Dos Santos, D.L. Eizirik, and M.H. Cobb 2021 Endocrinologya2-Adrenergic Disruption of ? Cell BDNF-TrkB Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling.
Kalwat MA, Huang Z, Binns DD, McGlynn K, Cobb MH, 2020 Front Cell Dev Biol 8 576396Control of Podocyte and Glomerular Capillary Wall Structure and Elasticity by WNK1 Kinase.
Liu Z, Yoon J, Wichaidit C, Jaykumar AB, Dbouk HA, Embry AE, Liu L, Henderson JM, Chang AN, Cobb MH, Miller RT, 2020 Front Cell Dev Biol 8 618898Functional divergence caused by mutations in an energetic hotspot in ERK2.
Taylor CA, Cormier KW, Keenan SE, Earnest S, Stippec S, Wichaidit C, Juang YC, Wang J, Shvartsman SY, Goldsmith EJ, Cobb MH, 2019 Jul Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 31 116 15514-15523OSR1 regulates a subset of inward rectifier potassium channels via a binding motif variant.
Taylor CA, An SW, Kankanamalage SG, Stippec S, Earnest S, Trivedi AT, Yang JZ, Mirzaei H, Huang CL, Cobb MH 2018 Mar Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Amino Acids Regulate mTORC1 by an Obligate Two-Step Mechanism.
Dyachok J, Earnest S, Iturraran EN, Cobb MH, Ross EM 2016 Sep J. Biol. Chem.Phosphorylation or Mutation of the ERK2 Activation Loop Alters Oligonucleotide Binding.
McReynolds AC, Karra AS, Li Y, Lopez ED, Turjanski AG, Dioum E, Lorenz K, Zaganjor E, Stippec S, McGlynn K, Earnest S, Cobb MH 2016 Mar Biochemistry 12 55 1909-17Chemoattractant concentration-dependent tuning of ERK signaling dynamics in migrating neutrophils.
Zhang ER, Liu S, Wu LF, Altschuler SJ, Cobb MH 2016 Dec Sci Signal 458 9 ra122The domain-swapping switch point in Ste20 protein kinase SPAK.
Taylor CA, Juang YC, Earnest S, Sengupta S, Goldsmith EJ, Cobb MH 2015 Jul BiochemistryMenin determines K-RAS proliferative outputs in endocrine cells.
Chamberlain CE, Scheel DW, McGlynn K, Kim H, Miyatsuka T, Wang J, Nguyen V, Zhao S, Mavropoulos A, Abraham AG, O'Neill E, Ku GM, Cobb MH, Martin GR, German MS 2014 Aug J. Clin. Invest.Muscarinic Control of MIN6 Pancreatic ? Cells Is Enhanced by Impaired Amino Acid Signaling.
Guerra ML, Wauson EM, McGlynn K, Cobb MH 2014 Apr J. Biol. Chem.Chloride Sensing by WNK1 Involves Inhibition of Autophosphorylation.
Piala AT, Moon TM, Akella R, He H, Cobb MH, Goldsmith EJ 2014 Sci Signal 324 7 ra41The G Protein-Coupled Taste Receptor T1R1/T1R3 Regulates mTORC1 and Autophagy.
Wauson EM, Zaganjor E, Lee AY, Guerra ML, Ghosh AB, Bookout AL, Chambers CP, Jivan A, McGlynn K, Hutchison MR, Deberardinis RJ, Cobb MH 2012 Sep Mol. Cell 6 47 851-62Protein kinase WNK3 regulates the neuronal splicing factor Fox-1.
Lee AY, Chen W, Stippec S, Self J, Yang F, Ding X, Chen S, Juang YC, Cobb MH 2012 Oct Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 42 109 16841-6Calcineurin increases glucose activation of ERK1/2 by reversing negative feedback.
L. Duan and M.H. Cobb. 2010 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107 22314-22319Rasip1-Mediated Rho GTPase Signaling Regulates Blood Vessel Tubulogenesis via Non-Muscle Myosin II.
Barry DM, Koo YS, Norden PR, Wylie LA, Xu K, Wichaidit C, Azizoglu DB, Zheng Y, Cobb MH, Davis G, Cleaver O 2016 Aug Circ. Res.Differential Regulation of ERK1/2 and mTORC1 Through T1R1/T1R3 in MIN6 Cells.
Wauson EM, Guerra ML, Dyachok J, McGlynn K, Giles J, Ross EM, Cobb MH 2015 Aug Mol. Endocrinol. 8 29 1114-1122G protein-coupled receptors and the regulation of autophagy.
Wauson EM, Dbouk HA, Ghosh AB, Cobb MH 2014 May Trends Endocrinol. Metab. 5 25 274-282Ras transformation uncouples the kinesin-coordinated cellular nutrient response.
Zaganjor E, Weil LM, Gonzales JX, Minna JD, Cobb MH 2014 Jul Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 29 111 10568-73ERK5 signaling gets XIAPed: a role for ubiquitin in the disassembly of a MAPK cascade.
Klein AM, Cobb MH 2014 Jul EMBO J.Regulation of OSR1 and the sodium, potassium, two chloride cotransporter by convergent signals.
Sengupta S, Lorente-Rodríguez A, Earnest S, Stippec S, Guo X, Trudgian DC, Mirzaei H, Cobb MH 2013 Nov Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 47 110 18826-31Amino acid regulation of autophagy through the GPCR TAS1R1-TAS1R3.
Wauson EM, Zaganjor E, Cobb MH 2013 Mar Autophagy 3 9 418-9Minireview: nutrient sensing by g protein-coupled receptors.
Wauson EM, Lorente-Rodríguez A, Cobb MH 2013 Aug Mol. Endocrinol. 8 27 1188-97Ras regulates kinesin 13 family members to control cell invasion pathways in cancer.
E. Zaganjor, J.K. Osborne, L. Weil, L.A. Diaz-Martinez, J.X. Gonzales, S.M. Singel, J.E. Larsen, L. Girard, J.D. Minna, M.H. Cobb 2013 Oncogene in pressA small molecule differentiation inducer increases insulin production by pancreatic ? cells.
Dioum EM, Osborne JK, Goetsch S, Russell J, Schneider JW, Cobb MH 2011 Dec Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 51 108 20713-8Radial spoke protein 3 is a mammalian A kinase anchoring protein that binds ERK1/2
A. Jivan, S. Earnest, Y.C. Juang, and M.H. Cobb. 2009 J. Biol Chem. 284 29437-29445Multiple chromatin-bound protein kinases assemble factors that regulate insulin gene transcription.
M.C. Lawrence, C. Shao, K. McGlynn, B. Naziruddin, M.F. Levy, and M.H. Cobb. 2009 Proc. Natl, Acad Sci. USA 106 22181-22186Biological cross-talk between WNK1 and the transforming growth factor beta-Smad signaling pathway.
Lee BH, Chen W, Stippec S, Cobb MH 2007 Jun J. Biol. Chem. 25 282 17985-96Mxi2 promotes stimulus-independent ERK nuclear translocation.
Casar B, Sanz-Moreno V, Yazicioglu MN, Rodríguez J, Berciano MT, Lafarga M, Cobb MH, Crespo P 2007 Feb EMBO J. 3 26 635-46WNK1 and OSR1 regulate the Na+, K+, 2Cl- cotransporter in HeLa cells.
Anselmo AN, Earnest S, Chen W, Juang YC, Kim SC, Zhao Y, Cobb MH 2006 Jul Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 29 103 10883-8WNK1 activates SGK1 to regulate the epithelial sodium channel.
Xu BE, Stippec S, Chu PY, Lazrak A, Li XJ, Lee BH, English JM, Ortega B, Huang CL, Cobb MH 2005 Jul Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 29 102 10315-20WNK1 phosphorylates synaptotagmin 2 and regulates its ability to associate with membrane vesicles.
B-H. Lee, X. Min, B-e. Xu, S. Chen, H. Shu, E.J. Goldsmith, and M.H. Cobb. 2004 Molecular Cell 15 741-751Regulation of insulin gene transcription by ERK1 and ERK2 in pancreatic beta cells.
Khoo S, Griffen SC, Xia Y, Baer RJ, German MS, Cobb MH 2003 Aug J. Biol. Chem. 35 278 32969-77Activation mechanism of the MAP kinase ERK2 by dual phosphorylation.
B.J. Canagarajah, A. Khokhlatchev, M.H. Cobb, and E.J. Goldsmith. 1997 Cell 90 859-869