We are looking for motivated, inquisitive researchers interested in studying inflammation and kidney metabolism.
If you are interested in joining the Huen Lab, please email Sarah Huen at Email with a cover letter, CV, and contact information for up to three references.
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Meet the Principal Investigator
Sarah Huen, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Principal Investigator
Internal Medicine-Nephrology
Dr. Sarah Huen is originally from Chicago, IL. She received her initial medical training at Northwestern University. She completed her Internal Medicine residency training at New York University Medical Center. Intrigued by the pathophysiology of acute kidney injury and frustrated by the lack of any viable therapeutic options, she pursued a research nephrology fellowship and a Ph.D. degree in Investigative Medicine at Yale University in the laboratory of Dr. Lloyd Cantley studying the role of macrophages in ischemic kidney injury. She then pursued post-doctoral training with Dr. Ruslan Medzhitov at Yale exploring the role of sickness-induced anorexia. The Huen Lab explores the metabolic programs as defense mechanisms in the context of inflammation and tissue injury.