Meet the Principal Investigator

Kenneth Chen, M.D.
Kenneth S. Chen, M.D., is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and the Children's Medical Center Research Institute. He is an Attending Physician in the Gill Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. Dr. Chen received his B.S.E. in biomedical engineering from Johns Hopkins University and his M.D. from UT Southwestern. He then completed a pediatric residency and pediatric hematology-oncology fellowship at UT Southwestern, where he joined the laboratory of James F. Amatruda.
As a physician-scientist, he divides his time between his research laboratory and Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, where he specializes in the care of children with cancer and blood disorders. His research interests in the laboratory focus on understanding the genetic drivers of childhood cancers, especially Wilms tumor and germ cell tumors, and new strategies for treating them.
Current Lab Members
Claudette Fraire
Graduate Student

Jana Hadas
Senior Research Associate

Patricia Tiburcio, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher

Austin Warne
Clinical Fellow

Chelcea Zamora
Research Technician