Effects of COVID-19 Infection on Symptom Severity and Disability in Multiple Sclerosis
Salter A, Lancia S, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Marrie RA 2025 Jan 104 e210149Post-acute sequela of COVID-19 infection in individuals with multiple sclerosis
Salter A, Lancia S, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Marrie RA 2025Unexpected Low Rate of Amyloid-β Pathology in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Brier MR, Schindler SE, Salter A, Perantie D, Shelley N, Judge B, Keefe S, Kirmess KM, Verghese PB, Yarasheski KE, Venkatesh V, Raji CA, Gordon BA, Bateman RJ, Morris JC, Naismith RT, Holtzman DM, Benzinger TL, Cross AH 2024 Sep 96 453-459Access to Care and Health-Related Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis
Marrie RA, Lancia S, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Salter A 2024 Aug 14Focusing on neural mechanisms of exercise training benefits in multiple sclerosis
Sandroff BM, Motl RW, Salter A 2024 Jun 86Polygenic liability for anxiety in association with comorbid anxiety in multiple sclerosis
Kowalec K, Harder A, Dolovich C, Fitzgerald KC, Salter A, Lu Y, Bernstein CN, Bolton JM, Cutter G, Fisk JD, Gelernter J, Graff LA, Hägg S, Hitchon CA, Levey DF, Lublin FD, McKay KA, Patten S, Patki A, Stein MB, Tiwari HK, Wolinsky JS, Marrie RA 2024 Jun 11 1393-1404Increased healthcare utilization in the year before multiple sclerosis diagnosis
Razzak AN, Hernandez RS, Salter A, Obeidat AZ 2024 Mar 83Off-Road Testing: Outcome Reporting Bias in Multiple Sclerosis Trials
Marrie RA, Salter A 2024 Feb 102Investigating the Prevalence of Comorbidity in Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Trial Populations
Salter A, Lancia S, Kowalec K, Fitzgerald KC, Marrie RA 2024 Feb 102Disease-modifying therapy initiation patterns in multiple sclerosis in three large MS populations
Stahmann A, Craig E, Ellenberger D, Fneish F, Frahm N, Marrie RA, Middleton R, Nicholas R, Rodgers J, Warnke C, Salter A 2024 Jan 17Cladribine tablets after treatment with natalizumab (CLADRINA) – rationale and design
Sguigna PV, Hussain RZ, Okai A, Blackburn KM, Tardo L, Madinawala M, Korich J, Lebson LA, Kaplan J, Salter A, Manouchehri N, Stuve O 2024 Jan 17Increased White Matter Aerobic Glycolysis in Multiple Sclerosis
Brier MR, Judge B, Ying C, Salter A, An H, Patel A, Wang Q, Wang Y, Cross AH, Naismith RT, Benzinger TL, Goyal MS 2024Randomised controlled trial of intermittent calorie restriction in people with multiple sclerosis
Ghezzi L, Tosti V, Shi L, Cantoni C, Mikesell R, Lancia S, Zhou Y, Obert K, Dula C, Sen MK, Ge A, Tolentino M, Bollman B, Don AS, Matarese G, Colamatteo A, Rocca CL, Lepore MT, Raji CA, Rahmani F, Wu GF, Naismith RT, Fontana L, Cross AH, Salter A, Piccio L 2024Priority setting: women’s health topics in multiple sclerosis
Ross L, Finlayson M, Amato MP, Cohen JA, Hellwig K, Tintore M, Vukusic S, Salter A, Marrie RA 2024 15Improving the efficiency of clinical trials in multiple sclerosis
Marrie RA, Sormani MP, Apap Mangion S, Bovis F, Cheung WY, Cutter GR, Feys P, Hill MD, Koch MW, McCreary M, Mowry EM, Park JJ, Piehl F, Salter A, Chataway J 2023 Aug 29 1136-1148Severity and worsening of fatigue among individuals with multiple sclerosis
Salter A, Keenan A, Le HH, Gandhi K, Ait-Tihyaty M, Lancia S, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Marrie RA 2023 Apr 9Attitudes of people with multiple sclerosis toward brain donation
Marrie RA, Kosowan L, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Salter A 2023 Jan 14Association of Vitamin D Polygenic Risk Scores and Disease Outcome in People With Multiple Sclerosis
Vasileiou ES, Hu C, Bernstein CN, Lublin F, Wolinsky JS, Cutter GR, Sotirchos ES, Kowalec K, Salter A, Saidha S, Mowry EM, Calabresi PA, Marrie RA, Fitzgerald KC 2023 Jan 10A Systematic Review of the Validity and Reliability of the Patient-Determined Disease Steps Scale
Marrie RA, McFadyen C, Yaeger L, Salter A 2023 Jan 25 20-25Multiple sclerosis progression: time for a new mechanism-driven framework
Author Collaboration IA, Kuhlmann T, Moccia M, Coetzee T, Cohen JA, Correale J, Graves J, Marrie RA, Montalban X, Yong VW, Thompson AJ, Reich DS, Amato MP, Banwell B, Barkhof F, Chataway J, Chitnis T, Comi G, Derfuss T, Finlayson M, Goldman M, Green A, Hellwig K, Kos D, Miller A, Mowry E, Oh J, Salter A, Sormani MP, Tintore M, Tremlett H, Trojano M, van der Walt A, Vukusic S, Waubant E 2023 Jan 22 78-88Etiology, effects and management of comorbidities in multiple sclerosis: recent advances
Marrie RA, Fisk JD, Fitzgerald K, Kowalec K, Maxwell C, Rotstein D, Salter A, Tremlett H 2023 14Physical and Mental Health-Related Quality of Life Trajectories Among People With Multiple Sclerosis
O'Mahony J, Salter A, Ciftci-Kavaklioglu B, Fox RJ, Cutter GR, Marrie RA 2022 Oct 99 E1538-E1548Severity of COVID19 infection among patients with multiple sclerosis treated with interferon-β
Simpson-Yap S, Pirmani A, De Brouwer E, Peeters LM, Geys L, Parciak T, Helme A, Hillert J, Moreau Y, Edan G, Spelman T, Sharmin S, McBurney R, Schmidt H, Bergmann A, Braune S, Stahmann A, Middleton R, Salter A, Bebo B, van der Walt A, Butzkueven H, Ozakbas S, Karabudak R, Boz C, Alroughani R, Rojas JI, van der Mei I, Sciascia do Olival G, Magyari M, Alonso R, Nicholas R, Chertcoff A, Zabalza A, Arrambide G, Nag N, Descamps A, Costers L, Dobson R, Miller A, Rodrigues P, Prčkovska V, Comi G, Kalincik T 2022 Oct 66COVID-19 in the pregnant or postpartum MS patient: Symptoms and outcomes
Salter A, Cross AH, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Li DK, Bebo B, Halper J, Kanellis P, Rammohan K, Newsome SD 2022 Sep 65Racial disparities in skin tone representation of dermatomyositis rashes: A systematic review
Babool S, Bhai SF, Sanderson C, Salter A, Christopher-Stine L 2022 Jun 61 2255-2261Alopecia in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Treated with Disease Modifying Therapies
Porwal MH, Salter A, Patel D, Obeidat AZ 2022 Jun 14Quality Control of Magnetic Resonance Elastography Using Percent Measurable Liver Volume Estimation
Ballard DH, Ludwig DR, Fraum TJ, Salter A, Narra VR, Shetty AS 2022 Jun 55 1890-1899Attitudes toward coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination in people with multiple sclerosis
Marrie RA, Dolovich C, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Salter A 2022 Apr 8Alterations of host-gut microbiome interactions in multiple sclerosis
Cantoni C, Lin Q, Dorsett Y, Ghezzi L, Liu Z, Pan Y, Chen K, Han Y, Li Z, Xiao H, Gormley M, Liu Y, Bokoliya S, Panier H, Suther C, Evans E, Deng L, Locca A, Mikesell R, Obert K, Newland P, Wu Y, Salter A, Cross AH, Tarr PI, Lovett-Racke A, Piccio L, Zhou Y 2022 Feb 76Comparing the MSIS-29 and the Health Utilities Index Mark III in Multiple Sclerosis
Marrie RA, Dolovich C, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Salter A 2021 Dec 12Associations of Disease-Modifying Therapies with COVID-19 Severity in Multiple Sclerosis
Simpson-Yap S, De Brouwer E, Kalincik T, Rijke N, Hillert JA, Walton C, Edan G, Moreau Y, Spelman T, Geys L, Parciak T, Gautrais C, Lazovski N, Pirmani A, Ardeshirdavanai A, Forsberg L, Glaser A, McBurney R, Schmidt H, Bergmann AB, Braune S, Stahmann A, Middleton R, Salter A, Fox RJ, Van Der Walt A, Butzkueven H, Alroughani R, Ozakbas S, Rojas JI, Van Der Mei I, Nag N, Ivanov R, Sciascia Do Olival G, Dias AE, Magyari M, Brum D, Mendes MF, Alonso RN, Nicholas RS, Bauer J, Chertcoff AS, Zabalza A, Arrambide G, Fidao A, Comi G, Peeters L 2021 Nov 97 E1870-E1885NARCOMS and Other Registries in Multiple Sclerosis: Issues and Insights
Marrie RA, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Vollmer T, Tyry T, Salter A 2021 Nov 23 276-285A Survey of Cannabis Use in a Large US-Based Cohort of People with Multiple Sclerosis
Salter A, Fox RJ, Cutter G, Marrie RA, Nichol KE, Steinerman JR, Smith KM 2021 Nov 23 245-252Comparative responsiveness of the health utilities index and the RAND-12 for multiple sclerosis
Marrie RA, Leung S, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Salter A 2021 Oct 27 1781-1789Assessment of Biological Interactions Between Multiple Sclerosis Status and Depression for Mortality
Salter A 2021 Sep 97 617-618Uptake and Attitudes about Immunizations in People with Multiple Sclerosis
Marrie RA, Kosowan L, Cutter GR, Fox R, Salter A 2021 Aug 11 327-334Results of the 2019 Survey of the American Alliance of Academic Chief Residents in Radiology
Ballard DH, Summers D, Hoegger MJ, Salter A, Gould JE 2021 Jul 28 1018-1028The emotional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with progressive multiple sclerosis
Author Collaboration ob, Chiaravalloti ND, Amato MP, Brichetto G, Chataway J, Dalgas U, DeLuca J, Meza C, Moore NB, Feys P, Filippi M, Freeman J, Inglese M, Motl R, Rocca MA, Sandroff BM, Salter A, Cutter G, Feinstein A 2021 May 268 1598-1607Diagnostic performance of LI-RADS version 2018 for evaluation of pediatric hepatocellular carcinoma
Khanna G, Chavhan GB, Schooler GR, Fraum TJ, Alazraki AL, Squires JH, Salter A, Podberesky DJ, Towbin AJ 2021 Apr 299 190-199Increased Utilization of Total Joint Arthroplasty after Medicaid Expansion
Dy CJ, Salter A, Barker A, Brown D, Keller M, Olsen MA 2021 Mar 103 524-531Defining phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of glioblastoma stem cells by mass cytometry
Galdieri L, Jash A, Malkova O, Mao DD, DeSouza P, Chu YE, Salter A, Campian JL, Naegle KM, Brennan CW, Wakimoto H, Oh ST, Kim AH, Chheda MG 2021 Feb 6Data harmonization for collaborative research among MS registries: A case study in employment
Salter A, Stahmann A, Ellenberger D, Fneish F, Rodgers WJ, Middleton R, Nicholas R, Marrie RA 2021 Feb 27 281-289Chemokine Receptor 2–targeted Molecular Imaging in Pulmonary Fibrosis
Brody SL, Gunsten SP, Luehmann HP, Sultan DH, Hoelscher M, Heo GS, Pan J, Koenitzer JR, Lee EC, Huang T, Mpoy C, Guo S, Laforest R, Salter A, Russell TD, Shifren A, Combadiere C, Lavine KJ, Kreisel D, Humphreys BD, Rogers BE, Gierada DS, Byers DE, Gropler RJ, Chen DL, Atkinson JJ, Liu Y 2021 Jan 203 78-89Disease-modifying therapy prescription patterns in people with multiple sclerosis by age
Zhang Y, Salter A, Jin S, Culpepper WJ, Cutter GR, Wallin M, Stuve O 2021 14T cells producing GM-CSF and IL-13 are enriched in the cerebrospinal fluid of relapsing MS patients
Ghezzi L, Cantoni C, Cignarella F, Bollman B, Cross AH, Salter A, Galimberti D, Cella M, Piccio L 2020 Sep 26 1172-1186COVID-19 in people with multiple sclerosis: A global data sharing initiative
Peeters LM, Parciak T, Walton C, Geys L, Moreau Y, De Brouwer E, Raimondi D, Pirmani A, Kalincik T, Edan G, Simpson-Yap S, De Raedt L, Dauxais Y, Gautrais C, Rodrigues PR, McKenna L, Lazovski N, Hillert J, Forsberg L, Spelman T, McBurney R, Schmidt H, Bergmann A, Braune S, Stahmann A, Middleton R, Salter A, Bebo BF, Rojas JI, van der Walt A, Butzkueven H, van der Mei I, Ivanov R, Hellwig K, Sciascia do Olival G, Cohen JA, Van Hecke W, Dobson R, Magyari M, Brum DG, Alonso R, Nicholas R, Bauer J, Chertcoff A, de Sèze J, Louapre C, Comi G, Rijke N 2020 Sep 26 1157-1162Comorbidity is associated with disease activity in MS: Findings from the CombiRx trial
Salter A, Kowalec K, Fitzgerald KC, Cutter G, Marrie RA 2020 Aug 95 E446-E456Developing a crosswalk between the RAND-12 and the health utilities index for multiple sclerosis
Marrie RA, Dufault B, Tyry T, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Salter A 2020 Aug 26 1102-1110A Color Flow Tract in Ultrasound-Guided Random Renal Core Biopsy Predicts Complications
Gagnon MH, Lin MF, Lancia S, Salter A, Yano M 2020 Jul 39 1335-1342Clinical instrument to retrospectively capture levels of EDSS
Ciotti JR, Sanders N, Salter A, Berger JR, Cross AH, Chahin S 2020 Apr 39Outcome of Lesser Metatarsophalangeal Joint Interpositional Arthroplasty With Tendon Allograft
Stautberg EF, Klein SE, McCormick JJ, Salter A, Johnson JE 2020 Mar 41 313-319Dual antiplatelets in IV thrombolysis: How much is too much?
Lioutas VA, Salter A 2020 Feb 94 289-290Infectious disease consultation for candidaemia – Authors' reply
Mejia-Chew C, O'Halloran JA, Olsen MA, Stwalley D, Salter A, Powderly WG, Spec A 2020 Feb 20 165-166Heterogeneity Diffusion Imaging of gliomas: Initial experience and validation
Wang Q, Guzmán Pérez-Carrillo GJ, Ponisio MR, LaMontagne P, Dahiya S, Marcus DS, Milchenko M, Shimony J, Liu J, Chen G, Salter A, Massoumzadeh P, Miller-Thomas MM, Rich KM, McConathy J, Benzinger TL, Wang Y 2019 Nov 14Prospective natural history study of C9orf72 ALS clinical characteristics and biomarkers
Cammack AJ, Atassi N, Hyman T, Van Den Berg LH, Harms M, Baloh RH, Brown RH, Van Es MA, Veldink JH, De Vries BS, Rothstein JD, Drain C, Jockel-Balsarotti J, Malcolm A, Boodram S, Salter A, Wightman N, Yu H, Sherman AV, Esparza TJ, McKenna-Yasek D, Owegi MA, Douthwright C, McCampbell A, Ferguson T, Cruchaga C, Cudkowicz M, Miller TM 2019 Oct 93 E1605-E1617Functional gastrointestinal disorders negatively affect health-related quality of life in MS
Marrie RA, Leung S, Tyry T, Cutter GR, Fox R, Salter A 2019 Oct 9 381-390Measurement repeatability of 18F-FDG PET/CT versus 18F-FDG PET/MRI in solid tumors of the pelvis
Fraum TJ, Fowler KJ, Crandall JP, Laforest RA, Salter A, An H, Jacobs MA, Grigsby PW, Dehdashti F, Wahl RL 2019 Aug 60 1080-1086CT IVC venogram: normalized quantitative criteria for patency and thrombosis
Mityul M, Kim DJ, Salter A, Yano M 2019 Jun 44 2262-2267Clinical trials in multiple sclerosis: potential future trial designs
Manouchehri N, Zhang Y, Salter A, Hussain RZ, Hartung HP, Hemmer B, Linker R, Segal BM, Cutter G, Stüve O 2019 May 1268Ga-Galmydar: A PET imaging tracer for noninvasive detection of Doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity
Sivapackiam J, Kabra S, Speidel S, Sharma M, Laforest R, Salter A, Rettig MP, Sharma V 2019 May 14Validation of the SymptoMScreen with performance-based or clinician-assessed outcomes
Fitzgerald KC, Salter A, Tyry T, Fox RJ, Cutter G, Mowry EM, Marrie RA 2019 Apr 29 86-93Use of eHealth and mHealth technology by persons with multiple sclerosis
Marrie RA, Leung S, Tyry T, Cutter GR, Fox R, Salter A 2019 Jan 27 13-19Image processing to improve detection of mesial temporal sclerosis in adults
Dahi F, Parsons MS, Orlowski HL, Salter A, Dahiya S, Sharma A 2019 40 798-801Evaluating the utility of a postprocessing algorithm for MRI evaluation of optic neuritis
Stunkel L, Sharma A, Parsons MS, Salter A, Van Stavern GP 2019 40 1043-1048Pseudobulbar affect prevalence and association with symptoms inmultiple sclerosis
Fitzgerald KC, Salter A, Tyry T, Fox RJ, Cutter G, Marrie RA 2018 Dec 8 472-481Hepatopancreaticobiliary imaging second-opinion consultations: Is there value in the second reading?
Shetty AS, Mittal A, Salter A, Narra VR, Fowler KJ 2018 Dec 211 1264-1272Evaluation of noncontrast MR enterography for pediatric inflammatory bowel disease assessment
Lanier MH, Shetty AS, Salter A, Khanna G 2018 Aug 48 341-348Intermittent Fasting Confers Protection in CNS Autoimmunity by Altering the Gut Microbiota
Cignarella F, Cantoni C, Ghezzi L, Salter A, Dorsett Y, Chen L, Phillips D, Weinstock GM, Fontana L, Cross AH, Zhou Y, Piccio L 2018 Jun 27 1222-1235.e6Risk factors and prognostic significance of altered left ventricular geometry in preterm infants
Choudhry S, Salter A, Cunningham TW, Levy PT, Hackett BP, Singh GK, Johnson MC 2018 May 38 543-549A survey of dietary characteristics in a large population of people with multiple sclerosis
Fitzgerald KC, Tyry T, Salter A, Cofield SS, Cutter G, Fox RJ, Marrie RA 2018 May 22 12-18Quantitative multiparametric mr analysis of small renal lesions: Correlation with surgical pathology
Yano M, Fowler KJ, Srisuwan S, Salter A, Siegel CL 2018 Apr 43 3390-3399Denali, Tulip, and Option Inferior Vena Cava Filter Retrieval: A Single Center Experience
Ramaswamy RS, Jun E, van Beek D, Mani N, Salter A, Kim SK, Akinwande O 2018 Apr 41 572-577Factors associated with excessive sitting time in multiple sclerosis
Sasaki JE, Motl RW, Cutter G, Marrie RA, Tyry T, Salter A 2018 Apr 21 71-77Analysis of weight changes after left gastric artery embolization in a cancer-naive population
Kim DJ, Raman HS, Salter A, Ramaswamy R, Gunn AJ, Weiss CR, Akinwande O 2018 Mar 24 94-97Treatment satisfaction and bothersome bladder, bowel, sexual symptoms in multiple sclerosis
Wang G, Marrie RA, Fox RJ, Tyry T, Cofield SS, Cutter GR, Salter A 2018 Feb 20 16-21National estimates of self-reported sitting time in adults with multiple sclerosis
Sasaki JE, Motl RW, Cutter G, Marrie RA, Tyry T, Salter A 2018 Jan 4Diet quality is associated with disability and symptom severity in multiple sclerosis
Fitzgerald KC, Tyry T, Salter A, Cofield SS, Cutter G, Fox R, Marrie RA 2018 Jan 90 E1-E11Limbic system damage in MS: MRI assessment and correlations with clinical testing
Wen J, Yablonskiy DA, Salter A, Cross AH 2017 Nov 12The link between smoking status and co-morbid conditions in individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS)
Newland P, Flick L, Salter A, Dixon D, Jensen MP 2017 Oct 10 587-591Author response: High hypothetical interest in physician-assisted death in multiple sclerosis
Marrie RA, Salter A, Tyry T, Cutter GR, Fox RJ 2017 Sep 89 1429-1430Perspectives on marijuana use and effectiveness: A survey of NARCOMS participants
Cofield SS, Salter A, Tyry T, Crowe C, Cutter GR, Fox RJ, Marrie RA 2017 Aug 7 333-343Normative Left Ventricular M-Mode Echocardiographic Values in Preterm Infants up to 2 kg
Choudhry S, Salter A, Cunningham TW, Levy PT, Nguyen HH, Wallendorf M, Singh GK, Johnson MC 2017 Aug 30 781-789.e4Identity Concealment and Chronic Illness: A Strategic Choice
Cook JE, Salter A, Stadler G 2017 Jun 73 359-378Employment and absenteeism in working-age persons with multiple sclerosis
Salter A, Thomas N, Tyry T, Cutter G, Marrie RA 2017 May 20 493-502High hypothetical interest in physician-assisted death in multiple sclerosis
Marrie RA, Salter A, Tyry T, Cutter GR, Cofield S, Fox RJ 2017 Apr 88 1528-1534Trigeminal neuralgia commonly precedes the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
Fallata A, Salter A, Tyry T, Cutter GR, Marrie RA 2017 19 240-246Examining the joint effect of disability, health behaviors, and comorbidity on mortality in MS
Salter A, Tyry T, Wang G, Fox RJ, Cutter G, Marrie RA 2016 Oct 6 397-408Health insurance affects the use of disease-modifying therapy in multiple sclerosis
Wang G, Marrie RA, Salter AR, Fox R, Cofield SS, Tyry T, Cutter GR 2016 Jul 87 365-374Two-group time-to-event continual reassessment method using likelihood estimation
Salter A, O'Quigley J, Cutter GR, Aban IB 2015 Nov 45 340-345Implementation of a two-group likelihood time-to-event continual reassessment method using SAS
Salter A, Morgan C, Aban IB 2015 Oct 121 189-196Risk tolerance to MS therapies: Survey results from the NARCOMS registry
Fox RJ, Salter A, Alster JM, Dawson NV, Kattan MW, Miller D, Ramesh S, Tyry T, Wells BW, Cutter G 2015 May 4 241-249Impact of multiple sclerosis relapse: The NARCOMS participant perspective
Nickerson M, Cofield SS, Tyry T, Salter AR, Cutter GR, Marrie RA 2015 May 4 234-240Prevalence of multiple sclerosis symptoms across lifespan: data from the NARCOMS Registry
Fox RJ, Bacon TE, Chamot E, Salter AR, Cutter GR, Kalina JT, Kister I 2015 5 3-10Patient perspectives on switching disease-modifying therapies in the NARCOMS registry
Salter AR, Marrie RA, Agashivala N, Belletti DA, Kim E, Cutter GR, Cofield SS, Tyry T 2014 Jul 8 971-979Improvement of multiple sclerosis-associated tremor as a treatment effect of natalizumab
Rinker JR, Salter AR, Cutter GR 2014 Jul 3 505-512"Seeing" in NARCOMS: A look at vision-related quality of life in the NARCOMS registry
Salter AR, Tyry T, Vollmer T, Cutter GR, Marrie RA 2013 Jun 19 953-960Disability in multiple sclerosis: A reference for patients and clinicians
Kister I, Chamot E, Salter AR, Cutter GR, Bacon TE, Herbert J 2013 Mar 80 1018-1024Randomized study combining interferon and glatiramer acetate in multiple sclerosis
Lublin FD, Cofield SS, Cutter GR, Conwit R, Narayana PA, Nelson F, Salter AR, Gustafson T, Wolinsky JS 2013 Mar 73 327-340Measures of neurological impairment and disability in multiple sclerosis
Cutter GR, Morgan CJ, Salter AR, Coield SS, Balcer LJ 2011 Dec 56-64Factors that influence adherence with disease-modifying therapy in MS
Treadaway K, Cutter G, Salter A, Lynch S, Simsarian J, Corboy J, Jeffery D, Cohen B, Mankowski K, Guarnaccia J, Schaeffer L, Kanter R, Brandes D, Kaufman C, Duncan D, Marder EJ, Allen A, Harney J, Cooper J, Woo D, Stuve O, Racke M, Frohman E 2009 Apr 256 568-576Retinal architecture predicts pupillary reflex metrics in MS
Salter AR, Conger A, Frohman TC, Zivadinov R, Eggenberger E, Calabresi P, Cutter G, Balcer L, Frohman E 2009 15 479-486Reproducibility of optical coherence tomography in multiple sclerosis
Cettomai D, Pulicken M, Gordon-Lipkin E, Salter A, Frohman TC, Conger A, Zhang X, Cutter G, Balcer LJ, Frohman E, Calabresi PA 2008 Sep 65 1218-1222Break in binocular fusion during head turning in MS patients with INO
Mills DA, Frohman TC, Davis SL, Salter AR, McClure S, Beatty I, Shah A, Galetta S, Eggenberger E, Zee DS, Frohman E 2008 Aug 71 458-460Accuracy of clinical detection of INO in MS: Corroboration with quantitative infrared oculography
Frohman TC, Frohman E, O'Suilleabhain PE, Salter A, Dewey RB, Hogan RN, Galetta S, Lee AG, Straumann D, Noseworthy J, Zee D, Corbett J, Corboy J, Rivera VM, Kramer PD 2003 Sep 61 848-850