We develop new chemical reactions, synthesize biologically active natural products, and collaborate with biologists to discover novel therapeutic agents.
We strive to maintain a productive research program in chemistry while also establishing an inclusive work environment for a diverse group of scientists. Our laboratory culture promotes the practice of science in a rigorous and ethical manner.
Biomedical Research is fundamentally the pursuit of dual goals: to advance our understanding of the world around us and to apply that understanding toward improving the quality of our existence in that world. Chemists work to meet these goals by designing and manipulating molecular structures with a variety of applications in fields such as drug discovery and cell biology.
The Tambar Group develops new strategies and concepts in synthetic chemistry to address some of the most challenging problems in our field. Our chemical discoveries are applied to the synthesis of complex biologically active natural products and their unnatural analogs. In addition to making fundamental advances in the areas of total synthesis and reaction discovery, we take advantage of the unique opportunities at UT Southwestern Medical Center for collaborative undertakings in medicinal chemistry.
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