The Wu Lab uses interspecies chimeras to study fundamental biology.
The Wu Laboratory mainly focuses on using stem cell models to gain novel insights in mammalian development and develop regenerative medical applications.
Latest New
October 2021
A commentary on “New concepts for generating interspecies chimeras using human pluripotent stem cells” by Dr. Wu is published in Protein & Cell.
A commentary titled “New concepts for generating interspecies chimeras using human pluripotent stem cells” by Dr. Wu is published in Protein & Cell.
October 2021
Yi Ding joins the lab!
Yi Ding, Ph.D., has joined the Wu Lab as a postdoctoral research fellow. Dr. Ding received his Ph.D. from Kyoto University, mentored by Dr. Tomoya Kitajima in RIKEN. He started from oocytes research to embryo development and now he is interested in generating human embryonic models and interspecies chimeras to study the embryogenesis of mammals and their potential use in regenerative medicine. He speaks Chinese, English, and Japanese.
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