
July 2017

News Tubal Cytology of Fallopian Tube - Promising Tool for Ovarian Cancer

Tubal Cytology of the Fallopian Tube as a Promising Tool for Ovarian Cancer Early Detection

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May 2017

Cervical Cancer Preventions

Specific discussions

November 2016

Tubal origin of ovarian endometriosis

Specific discussions

September 2016

Zheng lab publishes paper in Oncotarget

Endometrial cancer is the sixth leading cause of cancer-related death in women worldwide. Many endometrial cancers occur in young women who have a desire to maintain their fertility. Therefore, conservative medical treatment with progestin is quite common in this patient group. However, approximately 30% of these patients progress although the resistance mechanisms have been unclear. In this article, Dr. Zheng’s group have identified a novel molecular mechanism of progestin resistance that may have therapeutic applications in clinic.

May 2016

Endometrial Cancer Including Lynch Syndrome article

Endometrial cancer including Lynch syndrome related endometrial cancers (May 2016):

Specific discussions

March 2015

Zheng arrives at UT Southwestern

Dr. Zheng joined the UT Southwestern faculty in summer 2015.