Lab Life & Activities

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October 2024

Dr. Henne gave an insightful talk on "Grant writing tips from a reviewer's point of view" at the Cell Biology Career Development Seminar Series.

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October 2024

We had a great Henne Lab outing! We walked through the beautiful Arboretum and enjoyed an amazing lunch. To finish it off, we shared some delicious coffee. It was a fun day with nature, good food, and great company!

October 2024

Holly Merta (Post-Doc) volunteered for mINiTERN, an initiative at Dallas College that partners with UTSW to give community college students an immersive mini internship to develop a research project. She gave a presentation on "Accepting Failure and Criticism in Science" to the students. So Proud!


Holly Merta (Post-Doc) was awarded an ASCB Familycare grant for the 2024 Cell Bio Conference. Congrats Holly!

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Sep 2024

Henne lab grad student Kaitlynn Gov won the design contest for the Cell Biology Department t-shirt.

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Sep 2024

Members of Henne lab attend UTSW's Cell Biology Department Retreat! Rupali (in red) and Kaitlynn (in blue) present poster talks.

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Oct 2024

Dr Henne's trip to SickKids Toronto.

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July 2024

Henne lab grad student Kaitlynn Gov (fifth from left) receives poster award at the FASEB Lipid Droplet meeting! So proud!

May 2024

Holly Merta was awarded an F32 fellowship from NIGMS to study the role of ER tubule-to-actin tethering by Calmin in cell migration. Congrats Holly!

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May 2024

Henne lab Post Doc Holly Merta (row 3rd second from right) won a spot on the HHMI Leading Edge Scholars Program.

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Dec 2023

Henne lab hanging out, Dec 2023

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March 2023

Henne lab grad student Kaitlynn Gov (left) receives an Honorable Mention for her NSF GRFP Fellowship! So proud!

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Dec 2022

Henne lab having fun at our 2022 end-of-the-year outing!

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Dec 2022

Grad student Natalie Ortiz Speer presents her work at ASCB #CellBio2022!

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Dec 2022

Members of Henne lab attend ASCB #CellBio2022 Meeting in Washington DC! Rupali, Natalie, and Mike present talks.

November 2022

UTSW Newsroom publishes article about grad student Sean Rogers work on liquid-crystalline LDs! See link:

Crystalline cholesterol

November 2022

Grad student Chetana Jadhav is awarded an Honorable Mention for her NSF Predoctoral Fellowship. Congrats Chetana!

November 2022

Grad student Natalie Speers is awarded a MAC Travel Award from ASCB to attend the 2022 ASCB Meeting in DC!

October 2022

Mike visits University of Helsinki in Finland for the Minerva Foundation meeting!

July 2022

Henne lab attends the 2022 FASEB Lipid droplet meeting! Mike is elected the co-organizer of the 2024 and organizer of the 2026 FASEB LD Meeting!

February 2022

Graduate student Kaitlynn Gov officially joins the Henne Lab! Welcome Kaitlynn!

January 2022

Green Fellow Rhea joins the Henne Lab. Welcome! Mike also gives virtual seminar to the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

December 2021

The Henne Lab virtually attends the ASCB/EMBO #cellbio2021 conference.

Mike presents a talk on the lab's collaborative work on liquid-crystalline lipid droplets.

October 2021

Mike presents virtual seminars at the Univ of British Columbia & UCSF.

June 2021

Technician Jade "graduates" lab to begin grad school at Cornell! Good luck!

We officially welcome new technician Son Tran to the lab!

April 2021

Mike gives a virtual seminar at Wayne State.

April 2021

Our work dissecting how yeast nucleus-vacuole junctions (NVJs) compartmentalize mevalonate metabolism is published in eLife!

Congrats to first author Sean Rogers!

Our work published in eLife!

March 2021

We receive word that Mike has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure at UTSW!

Congrats to the entire lab for this team effort and victory!

March 2021

Mike gives virtual talk at University of Utah.

February 2021

Mike gives a virtual talk at University of Michigan.

February 2021

Our methods paper showing how to use 14C-acetate to examine lipid metabolic flux is published in JOVE.

Our methods paper

December 2020

Mike co-chairs an ASCB #cellbio2020 virtual mini-symposium for the 2020 ASCB/EMBO meeting.

December 2020

Sanchari and Hanaa both "graduate" the Henne Lab.

Sanchari begins her post-doc at Wash U. Hanaa leaves to begin her own lab at Wayne State U. We will miss you both!

November 2020

Sanchari successfully defends her PhD dissertation! Congrats!

September 2020

Mike gives a virtual seminar for the UTSW Dept of Physiology.

Thanks to Jen Liou for hosting!

September 2020

New lab members Emma and Anastasiia join the lab. Welcome!

August 2020

Our new studies on the spatial compartmentalization of mevalonate metabolism and liquid-crystalline LDs are available on BioRxiv.

Also our collaborative work with Ezgi Wood on the role of inter-organelle contacts in cell fate.

Our new studies

June 2020

Sanchari's new study on Snx14 and its relationship to fatty acid desaturation is posted on BioRxiv.

New study on Snx14

May 2020

Post-doc Hanaa Hariri accepts an Assistant Professor position at Wayne State University, where she will open her own lab in January 2021! Congrats!

March-May 2020

UTSW undergoes partial closure during the COVID19 pandemic. The Henne Lab begins virtual meetings.

January 2020

Sanchari wins the UTSW 2020 Leita Marsh Scholarship Award! Congrats!

December 2019

The Henne Lab attends the 2019 ASCB/EMBO Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Mike and Hanaa present talks, and Hanaa, Sanchari, Jade, Natalie, and Mike present posters!

The 2019 ASCB/EMBO Meeting

November 2019

Sanchari Datta from our lab wins the Norton B. Gilula Travel Award from JCB for her research accomplishments! Big congrats!

Norton B. Gilula Travel Award

September 2019

Rupali's Dev Cell paper is highlighted as an "Editor's Choice" in Science Signaling. Congrats!

Science Signaling

July 2019

Blessy Paul joins our lab as a post-doc. Welcome Blessy!

July 2019

Mike travels to NY to speak at the Cornell Membranes Keck Retreat, and the University of Rochester.

April 2019

Our review on ER, LD, and lysoeome tri-organelle crosstalk is published in Current Opinion in Cell Biology (Henne, COCB, 2019).

Henne, COCB, 2019

December 2018

Henne Lab attends Annual ASCB meeting in San Diego! Mike and Rupali present talks, and Sean and Natalie present posters!

Science Day

November 2018

Henne Lab attends the UTSW Science Saturday event and runs the "Good Fat, Bad Fat" kiosk for the public! Fun!

Cell Bio Dept annual pumpkin carving contest

October 2018

Henne Lab carves their "lysosome" pumpkin for the Cell Bio Dept annual pumpkin carving contest!

June 2018

Mike speaks at 2018 FASEB Lipid Droplets conference in Steamboat, CO

June 2018

Post-Doc Hanaa Hariri is selected to speak at the 2018 FASEB Lipid Droplet Conference as a "Top Trainee". Congrats!

April 2018

Grad student Sean Rogers receives "Honorable Mention" for his NSF Fellowship. Congrats!

March 2018

Our paper on SNX14 and its role in pediatric cerebellar ataxia is accepted for publication in Human Molecular Genetics!

March 2018

Our MBoC highlights article of the ASCB Mini-symposium on Organelles in Metabolism & Stress responses is published in MBoC!

Our MBoC highlights article

February 2018

Congrats to Assistant Instructor Rupali Ugrankar for the acceptance of her paper in Communications Biology!

February 2018

Mike travels to UC Berkeley to speak on inter-organelle contacts and lipid droplet metabolism.

January 2018

Congrats to post-doc Hanaa Hariri for being a Finalist in the National 2018 iBIOLOGY Young Scientist Seminar Contest!

December 2017

We attend the 2017 ASCB Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.

Hanaa presents a talk, Sanchari presents a poster, and Mike co-chairs the mini-symposium "Organelles in Metabolism & Stress Response"!

The Henne Lab chillin' at The Gaylord

December 2017

The Henne Lab chillin' at The Gaylord for our end-of-the-year lab outing!

October 2017

Post-doc Hanaa Hariri gives talks on her work at the Biophysics Retreat & Cell Bio Retreat.

She wins "Best Oral Presentation" at the Cell Bio Retreat and a $1,000 Travel Scholarship. Congrats!

October 2017

Mike presents work on lipid droplet dynamics and lifespan at the UT Dallas Biochemical Society BioResearch Conference.

September 2017

Graduate student Natalie Ortiz joins the lab. Welcome to the team!

The Henne Lab goes to the Dallas Perot Museum

August 2017

The Henne Lab goes to the Dallas Perot Museum for our annual field trip!

June 2017

Graduate student Sean Rogers joins lab and wins placement on Molecular Biophysics T32 grant! Congrats!

June 2017

Annual American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) meeting in Santa Barbara!

Mike presents work on inter-organelle cross-talk and aging.

April 2017

Mike presents research at Annual Searle Scholars Meeting in Chicago, IL!

March 2017

Book chapter "Discovery and Roles of ER-endolysosomal Contact Sites in Disease" is published in Organelle Contact Sites:

From Molecular Mechanism to Disease (Springer Publishers)

August 2016

Mike interviewed as an AFAR rep about recent work in UK linking obesity and brain aging (read WebMD article here, AFAR highlight)

AFAR highlight
Henne Lab group picture with cheetah at Dallas Zoo

July 2016

First annual Henne Lab Retreat to the Dallas Zoo!

Our picture by the cheetah!

April 2016

Mike is named a 2016 Searle Scholar!

February 2016

Sanchari joins the lab as a graduate student! Congrats!

January 2016

Our fly geneticist Rupali joins the lab!

December 2015

Mike and Hanaa attend the Annual ASCB meeting in San Diego, CA, and present their work

November 2015

Our lab technician Ryan joins the lab!

October 2015

Hanaa wins the UTSW Postdoctoral research contest for best poster!

She wins travel funds to attend the ASCB meet in Dec.

October 2015

Mike travels to the UK to give talks at UCL and the Biochemical Society "Organelle Cross-talk" Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland

July 2015

Lab receives grant from the American Federation of Aging Research (AFAR)!

Jan-Feb 2015

Welcome new lab members Lydia Liu and Hanaa Hariri!

September 2014

Henne Lab officially opens!