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KDM6B cooperates with Tau and regulates synaptic plasticity and cognition via inducing VGLUT1/2.
Wang Y, Khandelwal N, Liu S, Zhou M, Bao L, Wang JE, Kumar A, Xing C, Gibson JR, Wang Y, 2022 Aug Mol PsychiatryMIF is a 3' flap nuclease that facilitates DNA replication and promotes tumor growth.
Wang Y, Chen Y, Wang C, Yang M, Wang Y, Bao L, Wang JE, Kim B, Chan KY, Xu W, Capota E, Ortega J, Nijhawan D, Li GM, Luo W, Wang Y, 2021 05 Nat Commun 1 12 2954ZMYND8 expression in breast cancer cells blocks T-lymphocyte surveillance to promote tumor growth.
Wang Y, Luo M, Chen Y, Wang Y, Zhang B, Ren Z, Bao L, Wang Y, Wang JE, Fu YX, Luo W, Wang Y, 2020 Nov Cancer ResA nuclease that mediates cell death induced by DNA damage and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1
Wang Y, An R, Umanah GK, Park H, Nambiar K, Eacker SM, Kim BW, Bao L, Harraz MM, Chang C, Chen R, Wang JE, Kam T, Jeong JS, Xie Z, Neifert S, Qian J, Andrabi SA, Blackshaw S, Zhu H, Song H, Ming GL, Dawson VL, Dawson TM 2016 Science PMID: 27846469 (* Corresponding authors)Multifaceted role of branched-chain amino acid metabolism in cancer.
Peng H, Wang Y, Luo W, 2020 Oct Oncogene 44 39 6747-6756Isolated Erythrocytosis Associated With 3 Novel Missense Mutations in the EGLN1 Gene.
Moore JA, Hubbi ME, Wang C, Wang Y, Luo W, Hofmann S, Rambally S, 2020 Jan-Dec J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep 8 2324709620947256Regulation of branched-chain amino acid metabolism by hypoxia-inducible factor in glioblastoma.
Zhang B, Chen Y, Shi X, Zhou M, Bao L, Hatanpaa KJ, Patel T, DeBerardinis RJ, Wang Y, Luo W, 2020 Feb Cell. Mol. Life Sci.LncIHAT Is Induced by Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 and Promotes Breast Cancer Progression.
Chen L, Bao L, Niu Y, Wang JE, Kumar A, Xing C, Wang Y, Luo W, 2020 Dec Mol Cancer ResCHD4 promotes breast cancer progression as a coactivator of hypoxia-inducible factors.
Wang Y, Chen Y, Zhang B, Bao L, Wang JE, Kumar A, Xing C, Wang Y*, Luo W*. 2020 Cancer Res. 80 3880-3891. (*corresponding author).ZMYND8 is a primary HIF coactivator that mediates breast cancer progression.
Chen Y, Wang Y, Luo W 2018 Mol Cell Oncol 4 5 e1479619ZMYND8 acetylation mediates HIF-dependent breast cancer progression and metastasis
Chen Y, Zhang B, Bao L, Jin L, Yang M, Peng Y, Kumar A, Wang JE, Wang C, Zou X, Xing C, Wang Y*, Luo W* 2018 J Clin Invest. PMID: 29629903 (* Corresponding authors)PHD3-mediated prolyl hydroxylation of nonmuscle actin impairs polymerization and cell motility.
Luo W, Lin B, Wang Y, Zhong J, O'Meally R, Cole RN, Pandey A, Levchenko A, Semenza GL 2014 Sep Mol. Biol. Cell 18 25 2788-96New synaptic and molecular targets for neuroprotection in Parkinson's disease.
Calabresi P, Di Filippo M, Gallina A, Wang Y, Stankowski JN, Picconi B, Dawson VL, Dawson TM 2013 Jan Mov. Disord. 1 28 51-60Poly(ADP-ribose) signals to mitochondrial AIF: a key event in parthanatos.
Wang Y, Dawson VL, Dawson TM 2009 Aug Exp. Neurol. 2 218 193-202Trypsin and trypsin-like proteases in the brain: proteolysis and cellular functions.
Wang Y, Luo W, Reiser G 2008 Jan Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 2 65 237-52Molecular recognition in purinergic receptors. 2. Diastereoselectivity of the h-P2Y1-receptor.
Major DT, Nahum V, Wang Y, Reiser G, Fischer B 2004 Aug J. Med. Chem. 18 47 4405-16Books

Thrombin: Physiology and Disease
Luo W, Wang Y, Reiser G.
The role of thrombin and thrombin receptors in the brain.
Editors: N. Tsopanoglou, M. Maragoudakis, Springer Verlag (2008).