Current Azab Lab Members

The Azab Lab strives to cultivate an enjoyable yet intellectually rigorous environment that promotes both scientific and professional development. The diverse cultural and scientific backgrounds of our team members provide us with a unique ability to approach and solve scientific problems with broad perspective, while fostering teamwork and collaboration.

Azab Lab

Principal Investigator

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    Research Staff

      Current Research

      Feda's research focuses on developing ex vivo cancer models to predict therapeutic efficacy in individual patients, advancing the field of personalized medicine.

      Previous Research

      After obtaining her bachelors degree, Feda gained several years of experience in a compounding pharmacy and she relocated to Boston, MA, to join the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School as Lead Research Technician where she discovered her passion for research. Since 2012, she has worked as a research technician in the Azab lab. In 2016, Cellatrix LLC, a startup company originating from the Azab lab, appointed Feda as Senior Scientist to lead its research team, a role in which she continues to consult.


      Degree Area of Study Institution
      B.Pharm. Pharmacy Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

      About Feda

      In her spare time, Feda enjoys engaging in artistic pursuits, particularly crafts and drawing. She also finds joy in immersing herself in literature and experimenting with recipes from diverse cuisines.

        Current Research

        Mina's research centers on the role of the tumor microenvironment in immunotherapy, with a particular emphasis on the discovery of novel tumor-associated antigens.

        Previous Research

        Mina's master's thesis concentrated on nanoimmunotherapy for blood cancer, specifically developing nanoparticle-based immunotherapies aimed at targeting the tumor microenvironment in multiple myeloma.


        Degree Area of Study Institution
        B.S. Pharmacy Heliopolis University, Egypt
        M.S. Microbiology & Immunology Friedrich Schiller University, Germany/Washington University, St. Louis

        About Mina

        Mina showcases a variety of interests and skills beyond his scientific endeavors. He is passionate about physical fitness and enjoys an array of exciting sports, including calisthenics, parkour, and diving.

        Postdoctoral Fellows

          Current Research

          Camila's current research focuses on developing nanoparticles specifically designed to target endothelial cells within the tumor microenvironment for immunotherapy applications.

          Previous Research

          Dr. Diedrich's doctoral research concentrated on the development and characterization of a chitosan-coated nanoemulsion containing luteolin, aiming to optimize its intranasal delivery for the treatment of brain tumors.


          Degree Area of Study Institution
          B.S. Chemistry Federal Technological University of Panra
          M.S. Chemical & Biochemical Technology Processes Federal Technological University of Panra
          Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Midwestern University, Brazil

          About Camila

          In her spare time outside the lab, Dr. Diedrich enjoys gardening, swimming, and engaging in spirited volleyball games. Hailing from Pato Branco, Paraná, Brazil—a city renowned for its technology startups and vibrant medical community—she delights in her favorite dish, Pão de Queijo, a savory Brazilian cheese bread. Dr. Diedrich also enjoys spending time with her ginger cat, Aristoteles, and hopes to adopt a Golden Retriever in the future.

            Current Research

            Seti's research centers on the application of nanoparticles to enhance immunotherapy for cancer. Specifically, the work aims to develop innovative techniques for activating T cells to combat challenging s

            Previous Research

            During her PhD dissertation, Dr. Arsalani developed advanced multifunctional nanoparticles designed for both diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Her research encompassed the synthesis, comprehensive characterization, and rigorous testing of these nanoparticles, specifically for their efficacy in magnetomotive ultrasound imaging and magnetic hyperthermia.


            Degree Area of Study Institution
            B.S. Biomedical Engineering Azad University of Tehran, Iran
            M.S. Medical Physics University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
            Ph.D. Medical Physics University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

            About Seti

            Outside of her professional pursuits, Dr. Arsalani is proficient in three languages—Farsi, English, and Portuguese—and finds pleasure in delving into the customs, culinary delights, and languages of diverse cultures. With a keen interest in music, she derives enjoyment from both classic Persian melodies and Western compositions. Additionally, Dr. Arsalani is passionate about traditional Persian dance and Brazilian Forro.

            Graduate Students

              Katie Rubitschung, M.S.

              Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. Student

              Nanomedicine Track

              Katie Rubitschung, M.S.

              Current Research

              In the Azab Lab, Katie's research seeks to develop novel in vivo and in vitro patient-derived cancer models which accurately recapitulate the tumor microenvironment. Her research strives to enhance personalized medicine and drug development processes while reducing cost to improve accessibility and efficiency.

              Previous Research

              Under the supervision of Dr. Michael Bentley, Katie’s undergraduate research at Minnesota State University Mankato aimed to elucidate the influence of testosterone on bone mineralization. During her Masters, Katie remained in the Bentley lab and expanded upon her previous work by investigating the role of other sex steroids on bone mineralization.

              Upon completing her Masters degree, she joined Dr. Orhan Öz's research lab at UT Southwestern in the Department of Radiology. During this period, she employed tissue-specific transgenic murine models to investigate the physiological effects of aromatase deficiency. Additionally, she contributed to a clinical study comparing the diagnostic efficacy of 99mTc-labelled white blood cell SPECT/CT, MRI, and the established gold standard, bone biopsy, in cases of diabetic foot infection.


              Degree Area of Study Institution
              B.S. Biomedical Science Minnesota State University Mankato
              M.S. Biomedical Science Minnesota State University Mankato

              About Katie

              Originally from Northern Minnesota, Katie's upbringing was enriched by a plethora of outdoor pursuits, including ice fishing, bow hunting, and gardening. Beyond her professional endeavors, she finds fulfillment in the exploration of diverse cultures, animals, and diligently preparing for marathons alongside her canine companion, Batman.

                Obed Asare, M.S.

                Basic Sciences Ph.D. Student

                Cancer Biology Track

                Obed Asare, M.S.

                Current Research

                Obed's research focuses on the immune microenvironment in multiple myeloma, particularly the mechanisms underlying the role of macrophages in myeloma progression and drug resistance. Ultimately, he aims to translate his insights into novel treatments for myeloma.

                Previous Research

                Obed's master's thesis at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), under the supervision of Dr. Kim, focused on elucidating the complex interplay between autophagy and apoptosis in the context of Ultraviolet B (UVB)-induced skin carcinogenesis. This research aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the crosstalk between these two cellular processes and their contributions to the development and progression of skin cancer in response to UVB exposure.


                Degree Area of Study Institution
                B.S. Biochemistry Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
                M.S. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

                About Obed

                Having lived in many places, Obed has developed a deep appreciation for cultural diversity, but is originally from Obuasi, Ghana (West Africa). This area is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and abundant natural resources, including one of the largest gold deposits in the world. In his free time, Obed enjoys playing soccer (football), traveling, sightseeing, and playing the piano.

                  Winston Liu, B.S.

                  Basic Sciences Ph.D. Student

                  Cancer Biology Track

                  Winston Liu, B.S.

                  Current Research

                  In the Azab Lab, Winston's research is centered on reactivating the tumor microenvironment. His work involves developing innovative nanoparticle systems for gene delivery to enhance T cell activation in both in vitro and in vivo settings.

                  Previous Research

                  Following his graduation, he worked as a Research Associate at Academia Sinica, the top national research institution in Taiwan, where he focused on developing novel liposomal platforms for enhanced drug delivery. 


                  Degree Area of Study Institution
                  B.S. Biotechnology National Chung-Hsing University

                  About Winston

                  Proudly Taiwanese, Winston hails from a country renowned for its friendly people and delicious food. Outside the lab, he enjoys sports, traveling, movies, and TV shows.

                  Visiting Students & Researchers

                    Anne Alsup, B.S.

                    Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. Student

                    Computational Bioengineering
                    UT Arlington/UT Southwestern

                    Anne Alsup, B.S.

                    Current Research

                    Anne is currently pursuing her PhD in Biomedical Engineering through the joint UTA/UTSW program, with a concentration in computational bioengineering. Her research focuses on the normalization of disrupted vasculature and the development of computational methods to analyze fluorescence images related to this work.

                    Previous Research

                    Anne's prior research focused on developing a deep learning-based pipeline for the automatic segmentation and tracking of thousands of cells, significantly reducing analysis time and enhancing the accuracy of traditional methods, which require manual cell outlining and multiple software packages. This pipeline enables the identification of specific calcium spiking patterns and spatial localization of cells over time-series image stacks.


                    Degree Area of Study Institution
                    B.S. Biomedical Engineering University of Texas, Arlington

                    About Anne

                    Outside the lab, Anne enjoys quality time with her parents at their ranch near Fort Worth and exploring new restaurants with friends. She spends her weekends contributing to the upkeep of the garden and caring for the horses, cows, and goats.

                      Mihika Desai

                      Summer Undergraduate Research Foundation (SURF) Fellow

                      Biomedical Engineering B.S. Student
                      Purdue University


                      Current Research

                      Mihika is currently pursuing her B.S. in Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University. Her work in the Azab lab focuses on microfluidics.


                      Degree Area of Study Institution
                      B.S. Biomedical Engineering Purdue University

                      About Mihika

                      Originally from Peoria, Illinois, Mihika has also lived in Brazil and India. When she's not in the lab working on microfluidic chips, she enjoys baking, crocheting, singing, and playing the piano.