December 2024
Dr. Azab is working on the bench !
That " momentous moment" ... when Dr. Azab leaves his office, and get do some work on the bench, it is definitely worth watching and learning! 😍
Notice: we are referring to this event as "News" ... LOL

December 2024
Health Innovation Holiday Happy Hour
Azab Lab members and friends attending the "Health Innovation Holiday Happy Hour", at the Pegasus Park , Dallas, TX

November 2024
Winston's first WIPs
We are proud of our Ph.D. student Winston Liu for his successful first "Work In Progress" seminar in the Cancer Biology Graduate Program at UT Southwestern.

November 2024
Obed's first WIPs
We are proud of our Ph.D. student Obed Asare for his successful first "Work In Progress" seminar in the Cancer Biology Graduate Program at UT Southwestern.

November 2024
50th Anniversary for Establishment of the UTA / UTSW joint Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program
We are proud of our Ph.D. student Anne Alsup for giving a talk at the celebration of "50th Anniversary for Establishment of the UTA / UTSW joint Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program".
It had a series of wonderful talks of the founders of the program, past graduates of the program, and Annie represented the current student. Such a wonderful collaboration, and an incredible student ... I'm looking forward to your bright career!
The University of Texas at Arlington
UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering

November 2024
2024 North Texas Biomedical Engineering Symposium, Dallas, TX
The Azab Lab members presenting their work and having a great time at the "2024 North Texas Biomedical Engineering Symposium"

November 2024
An Evening with DocStars 2024
We are proud of Dr. Seti Arsalani for representing the Azab Lab at "An Evening with DocStars 2024" organized by the Southwestern Medical Foundation. She presented a general overview of the research activity in the Lab, and performed a short demo experiment for drug-eluting biodegradable implants for the treatment of localized cancers. This was an event to strengthen the relationships between our community, in the Dallas area, and the cutting-edge scientific research performed at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering in particular and UT Southwestern Medical Center in general.

October 2024
Wrap up of BMES-2024
The Azab Lab members had a great time, both in science (presenting our recent research and listening to cutting edge biomedical engineering, as well as bonding time for the entire team: Dr. Seti Arsalani, Dr. Camila Diedrich, Katie Rubitschung, Obed Asare , Winston Liu, Anne Alsup, and Mina Maksimos.
It was also a great opportunity to meet my former trainees Luna Zhang (my former MSc student in the Azab Lab and now finishing her PhD at University of Minnesota), and Dr. Pilar de la Puente (my former PostDoc in the Azab Lab, who is now an Associate Professor at University of South Dakota), and she and her group were rocking the conference!
We couldn't be more proud of our team and we are looking forward to BMES-2025 in San Diego!

October 2024
Mina Maksimos presentation at BMES-2024
Congratulations to Mina Maksimos, a Senior Research Associate in the Azab Lab, for the outstanding presentation at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD.

October 2024
Anne Alsup presentation at BMES-2024
Congratulations to Anne Alsup, a PhD student in the Azab Lab, for the wonderful oral-presentation at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD.

October 2024
Dr. Seti Arsalani presentation at BMES-2024
Congratulations to Dr. Seti Arsalani, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Azab Lab, for rocking her poster today at Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD.

October 2024
Cancer Biology Retreat at UT Southwestern Medical Center
Azab Lab graduate students Yun-Cheng (Winston) Liu and Obed Asare showcased their expertise at the Cancer Biology Retreat at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Saeideh (Seti) Arsalani, Dr. Camila Diedrich, and Dr. Azab had the honor of serving as poster session judges alongside them.
Proud of each and every one of them!

September 2024
Obed Asare, a PhD Student in the Azab Lab, received the prestigious "CPRIT Trainee Award" from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.
It is a pleasure to announce that Obed Asare, a PhD Student in our Lab, received the prestigious "CPRIT Trainee Award" from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas. This award recognizes exceptional early stage scientists (PhD students and/or post-docs) to advance their research careers.
On a side note, I was also honored to receive the "CPRIT Rising Star in Cancer Research Award" from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas upon joining UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering. Like mentor, like mentee.
Congratulations, Obedo! Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off. Well deserved, and many more to come!

August 2024
Mihika Desai is a SURF scholar in the Azab Lab
It was such a great experience to host Ms. Mihika Desai for a summer internship in the Azab Lab in UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering, through the SURF program.
Mihika is a smart, dedicated, and hardworking student, who worked on optimizing a special microfluidics system for production of nanoparticles, with a special emphasis on loading of (non-nucleotide) drugs, and presented a poster summarizing her data, under the guidance of Winston Liu.
Mihika, you add so much fun to the Lab!

July 2024
"Drug Delivery course " students' evaluation
One of my most important missions as an academic scientist is teaching and training the next generation of scientists. Over the Spring-2024 semester I taught "Drug Delivery Systems" at the UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering, UT Southwestern Medical Center.
The students were outstanding and I so much enjoyed teaching them, and I am thrilled that the students also liked the course, with and evaluation of an average of 4.56/5.00 and median of 5.00/5.00.
In this opportunity, I would love to thank my guest speaker who had an amazing contribution and added so much diversity and curiosity to the material taught, thank you:
Prof. Omer Aydin (of Turkey)
Prof. Lukas Farbiak, Ph.D. (of UT Southwestern)
Prof. Walter Akers (of UT Southwestern)
Prof. Raiyan Zaman, PhD (of UT Southwestern)
Prof. Isaac Pence (of UT Southwestern)
Dr. Jennifer Sun (of Amgen)
Dr. Cinzia Federico (of Novartis)
Dr. Jared Lurk, Pharm.D. (of Pfizer)
Dr. Victoria (Vicki) Lopez, Pharm D (of St. Louis College of Pharmacy)
Dr. Susheel Kumar, PhD (office of technology management at UT Southwestern)

June 2024
Anne Alsup joys the Azab Lab as a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering through the joint UT Arlington/ UT Southwestern Graduate Program
Please join me in welcoming Ms. Anne Alsup to our Lab! Anne will be joining us as a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering through the joint program between UT Southwestern Medical Center and The University of Texas at Arlington, collaborating with Prof. @Michael Cho.
Anne holds a BSc in Biomedical Engineering from UT Arlington, graduating Magna Cum Laude, and has received numerous awards for her accomplishments. She is actively involved in the community, serving in leadership roles such as President of the UTA Biomedical Engineering Society. With one first-author paper and two co-authored papers already published, Anne is a valuable addition to our team.
In her PhD project, Anne will explore the normalization of disrupted vasculature in diseases such as CVA and cancer, using a combination of computational and wet lab techniques. Her focus will be on studying irregular blood vessel development in cancer and devising innovative methods to normalize them using biological, engineering, and AI-computational approaches.
Beyond her academic pursuits, Anne enjoys quality time with her family on their ranch outside Fort Worth, Texas. As a fellow farm-raised individual, we share a special connection. Anne spends her weekends tending to her garden and caring for her horses, cows, and goats. Her love for exploring new restaurants with friends aligns perfectly with the vibrant culture of our Lab!
Welcome to the Azab Lab family, Anne!

May 2024
Dr. Jennifer Sun, a former PhD student in the Azab Lab, is now an invited speaker in Dr. Aza's Drug Delivery Course
I was recently asked, “What are you most proud of in your scientific career?” Without hesitation, my response was: "My students and trainees!"
In a proud moment, I invited my former doctoral student, Dr. Jennifer Sun, now a scientist at Amgen, to give a lecture in a course I teach at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering, UT Southwestern Medical Center. The topic: “Drug Delivery Systems.”
Dr. Sun shared valuable insights from her experiences as a researcher in cancer immunotherapy at a leading pharma company, offering a unique perspective compared to our academic research in the same field.
Witnessing Dr. Sun transition from a doctoral student to a distinguished researcher has been inspiring for both me and my students. Her integrated plan for success serves as a roadmap for aspiring researchers aiming to excel outside academia.
Thank you, Jennifer, for your valuable contributions! It was a pleasure to have you both academically and personally. Looking forward to your next visit and continued success!

April 2024
Winston Liu joining the Azab Lab as a PhD Student
Please join usin welcoming Mr. (Winston) Yun-Cheng Liu, as a PhD student in the Azab Lab at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering, UT Southwestern Medical Center!
Mr. Liu is an outstanding student, he graduated from National Chung-Hsing University in Taiwan (in only 3.5 years!) with a B.S. degree in Biotechnology. Following his graduation, he worked as a Research Associate at Academia Sinica, the top national research institution in Taiwan. In his previous research, he focused on developing novel liposomal platforms for enhanced drug delivery, especially improving cancer treatments, with the aim of translating findings into clinical applications.
In our lab, Mr. Liu will be focusing on re-activating the immune microenvironment in cancer, in which he will use novel nanoparticle systems to provide non-viral gene editing tools, to enhance T cell activation in vitro and in vivo. His project is extremely translational, and within less than a month of work, I can already see the “claims” of his patent! We are so lucky to have such an innovative and hardworking person with us!
Outside the lab, Winston is a proud Taiwanese, a beautiful country with “the friendliest people and the best food in the world”! In his free time, he enjoys sports, watching movies & TV series, and traveling.
We are thrilled to have Mr. Liu join our Azab Lab family. His sweet personality and great manners make him a blessing to our team.
Once again, welcome, Winston!
April 2024
It was my honor to be a guest speaker at the panel discussion of the Sprague Award ceremony.
The award is the highest community recognition by Southwestern Medical Foundation, and this year it was granted to the RITA CROCKER CLEMENTS FOUNDATION and family.
Their inspiring efforts to drive medical progress in North Texas and their generous support of UT Southwestern Medical Center are truly remarkable. Follow the link to learn more about the Sprague Award 2023 and celebrate the impact of those who are making a difference.
I discussed the cutting-edge science and technology we perform in our Lab at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering, especially novel tissue engineering approaches for personalized medicine in cancer, as well as nanotherapy for cancer immunotherapy.
March 2024
For the second time this spring, I was invited to give a talk in Turkey, this time at Firat University in Elazig!
It was an honor to be hosted by Prof. Dr. Kazim Sahin, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and a Member of the Turkish Academy of Science.
On the professional level, I really enjoyed learning about the tremendous scientific capabilities in Firat University, especially the animal models for cancer research. Dr. Sahin's Lab is multidisciplinary, and has unique expertise in orthotopic cancer models in immunocompetent animals (and not only mice), which provides a unique opportunity for testing novel immunotherapy approaches developed in our lab. In addition, their well-trained staff and well-equipped Lab perform a wide variety of pharmacokinetics and toxicology studies in different animal models, from mice to large animals, which is an amazing opportunity to test our novel drug delivery devices, especially our drug-eliting biodegradable implants.
On the personal level, I couldn't be thankful enough to Dr. Sahin and his family for their great hospitality, they made my family and me feel so much at home. The beautiful nature, landscape, history, and culture of southeast Turkey is captivating, and thank you for showing us the richness of the region's culture, history and geography.
A special shout-out goes to the Students Clubs at First University, first thanks to the Science Club who were responsible for my talk, for the great organization and the wonderful crowd. As well as to the Music Club who shared with us some of their amazing talents, I even got to perform with them, as I played with them on Oud some traditional folk songs unique to southeast Turkey! It was definitely a unique experience.
I am thrilled to start this collaboration! And looking forward to more mutual visits.
March 2024
Kayseri, Turkey, as a guest speaker at the Sağlık ve Yaşam Bilimleri Öğrenci Kongresi / Health and Life Sciences Student Congress.
The conference featured prominent scientist speakers from the US (me), Italy (Drs. Ferdinando Chiaradonna and Sabatino Marione), Norway (Roger Junges), and Turkey (Drs. Yusuf Baran, Mustafa Soylak and Omer Aydin), as well as a poster session by Turkish students. I was deeply impressed by the quality of science presented by all speakers, as well as in the poster session. After the conference, I also had the chance to visit hashtag#BME Labs at Abdullah Gül University and Erciyes University with similar scientific interests to our Lab, which ended up promoting some interesting collaborations.
All of the above was the "usual"! but what was the "unusual/outstanding" is that the whole conference, including all the scientific and administrative aspects, was organized by Undergraduate Students! Such energetic and responsible "kids", which are very rare to find these days!
Thank you so much Burak Ünal, for all the hard work, amazing hospitality, caring, and for being the wonderful human being you are! A special shout-out also to Mine Nur Ayten, thank you for the great conversations ... you made me feel at home! I am sure that this huge effort was a result of the hard work of many people, but I wanted to say " Special Thanks" to Ebrar Beceren, Şeyma Sağlam, and Ferhat Ürek.
February 2024
I am thrilled that I have been awarded the "Synergy Grant Collaborative Research Award" from UT Southwestern Medical Center!
I am honored to share this recognition with my esteemed collaborators, Dr. Raiyan Zaman, and Dr. Joseph Hill.
As a cancer therapy expert, I am excited to venture out of my comfort zone and delve into the world of cardiology, specifically myocadiac ischemia. Our part of the project will utilize targeted nanoparticles to improve the delivery of therapeutic agents to areas affected by ischemia in the heart.
I am enthusiastic about this new research area and look forward to working closely with Dr. Zaman and Dr. Hill. Stay tuned for updates on our progress!
#UTSouthwestern #SynergyGrant #CollaborativeResearch #Cardiology #Ischemia #TargetedNanoparticles
February 2024
Please join me in welcoming Mr. Obed Asare as a PhD student in the Azab Lab at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering, UT Southwestern Medical Center!
Mr. Asare is an accomplished biochemist, having graduated in the top 1% of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana. He then spent a semester studying Molecular Life Science at the University of Bern in Switzerland, before being awarded the prestigious Presidential Research Fellowship Award to pursue a Master of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
In our lab, Mr. Asare will be focusing on understanding the role of macrophages in the immune microenvironment in Multiple Myeloma progression and drug resistance. He aims to translate his understanding of the biological mechanisms into novel treatments of Myeloma. We are excited to have such a talented and driven researcher on our team.
Outside the lab, Mr. Asare hails from Obuasi, Ghana, West Africa, an area with stunning natural beauty and abundant natural resources, including one of the largest gold deposits on earth. He is a lover of cultural diversity and has lived in many places. In his free time, he enjoys playing soccer (football), traveling, sightseeing and playing the piano.
We are thrilled to have Mr. Asare join our Azab Lab family. His charming personality, humbleness, and politeness make him a welcome addition to our team. Once again, welcome, Obed!
October, 2023
Please join me in welcoming Ms. Katie Rubitschung as the first PhD Student joining the Azab Lab at UTSW!
Ms. Rubitschung obtained her BSc in Biomedical Sciences and MSc in Biology at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Her Master thesis focused on the effect of sex hormones on bone metabolism. In addition, before joining our Lab, she worked as a Research Associate at UT Southwestern Radiology, and her research focused on molecular imaging of diabetes.
In our Lab, she will be studying novel patient-derived cancer models for #PersonalizedMedicine and #DrugDevelopment, that closely mimic the tumor biology in the patient, and help make cancer drug discovery more efficient and less costly.
Outside the Lab, Katie likes to run with her dog, she also runs #marathon, and plays the #clarinet ... so talented!
Katie, we are so happy and lucky to have you as part of our family, and we cannot wait to see your amazing success!
October, 2023
I was delighted to be an invited speaker at the Immuno US 2023!
Talk 1: "3D Tissue Engineered Bone Marrow As A Novel Model For Precision Medicine In Immunotherapy".
Talk 2: "Nanoparticle-Based T Cell Engagers To Overcome PK And Antigen-Less Tumor Escape"
Workshop: "Improving The Therapeutic Index For Bispecific T Cell Engagers".

September, 2023
Dr. Kinan Alhallak is now an Assistant Professor
A moment of pride!
Today, we are very proud at the Azab Lab, as Dr. Kinan Alhallak, a former PhD student in our Azab Lab, started a faculty position as an Assistant Professor at Northeastern University.
Big Congratulations! You made us all proud, Professor Alhallak!
We look forward to your amazing career.
August, 2023
Azab Lab Team Preparing to Move
Our Azab Lab team, with T-Shirts from Jerusalem, before we start packing the Lab for moving to the new building of UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering.

August, 2023
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Saeideh Arsalani (Seti) as she joins our Lab as a Post-Doctoral Fellow.
Dr. Arsalani obtained a B.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering from Islamic Azad University, Iran; a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Applied Physics in Medicine and Biology from University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Her doctoral research focused on nano-medicine, focusing on cancer drug delivery using targeted nanoparticles, which makes her a perfect fit for our Lab, as she was the top-ranked candidate among more than 300 applicant competed for this position.
In our Lab, she will be studying the use on nanoparticles for improving immunotherapy in cancer. Focusing on novel methods to activate T cells to fight hard-to-treat cancers, such as pancreatic, liver, and upper-GI (stomach, gallbladder and esophageal).
Outside the Lab, Seti is multi-cultural, she speaks three languages and enjoys traveling and knowing new cultures and cuisines. Musically, she loves listening to classic Persian and classic Western music, and recently she enjoys pop and rock. She is also a talented dancer! She enjoys Persian traditional dance and Brazilian Forro.
Best of luck Setii!
We are so happy and lucky to have you as part of our family!
July, 2023
Good Luck Chenchita!
We are saying a bittersweet farewell to Chenchita Malolan, our fellow friend and BME's Grants & Contracts Specialist. We congratulate her on the new opportunities and adventures she will have as she leaves for California. We are very excited for this next step in her life and wish her good luck in her future endeavors! Thank you Chenchita for all of your hard work and dedication!
July, 2023
Spotlight article "Fatty acid binding proteins in multiple myeloma" published in the journal "Trends in Molecular Medicine"
It is my pleasure that our invited spotlight article "Fatty acid binding proteins in multiple myeloma" written with Camila Diedrich and Mina Maksimos was published today in the journal "Trends in Molecular Medicine" (impact factor 15.2):
The journal editorial team contacted us requesting to write our opinion regard the recently published article "Targeting the fatty acid binding proteins disrupts multiple myeloma cell cycle progression and MYC signaling" in the journal "eLife" by a team of researchers lead by Prof. Michaela Reagan: https://lnkd.in/df5JXb4K.
To summarize, Multiple Myeloma is a hematologic malignancy, known for disrupted protein metabolism including high proteasome activity, where proteasome inhibitors made a dramatic improvement in its treatment. In their recent discovery, Prof. Reagan and her colleagues found Fatty acid binding proteins (transport fatty acids into cells as an alternative energy source) as a novel metabolic pathway in Multiple Myeloma, which will have an impact on understanding the biology and on therapeutic application in Multiple Myeloma. Our "Spotlight" is written in a (relatively) layman-friendly language .
Keep up the great work Prof. Reagan, and we will keep writing Spotlights on your wonderful and groundbreaking research! Congratulations ...
June, 2023
Our NEW Lab at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering is -almost- ready!
This 150,000-square-foot building, located on the East Campus of UT Southwestern Medical Center, is made possible by a transformative gift from Texas Instruments and funds from the Permanent University Fund of the University of Texas System.
The new facility has been named the Texas Instruments Biomedical Engineering and Sciences Building.
June, 2023
Today, I am a proud #mentor!
CONGRATULATION FOR GRADUATION for three outstanding students who worked in our Lab and made a significant contribution to our research, as undergraduates:
Olamide Adebayo, MPH: Worked in our Lab for three years. Graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with BA in Anthropology that she finished in only 3 years, and in parallel she finished a masters degree in public health MPH. Ola is departing the nest to start her medical career as she was accepted to Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Yixuan (Angela) Chen: Worked in our Lab for two years. Graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with BA with a major in Chemistry (Biochemistry Concentration) and two minors in Writing and Computer Science. Angela is departing the nest to start her research as a doctorate student in Biological & Biomedical Science at Yale University.
Berit Lubben: Worked in our Lab for three years. Graduated from Saint Louis University with BA in Investigative and Medical Sciences, with a minor in Health Care Ethics. Berit finished her degree with a "million" honors an recognition including the "Dean's List" every year 2019-2023, SLU Honors, and some key scientific and social leadership positions. Berit is departing the nest for one year of research before medical school as she was awarded the "Post-Baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award" to join research programs at the The National Institutes of Health, which prepares leaders of future medical research.
I could not be more proud of my #mentees... they are the brightest example of excellence of #WomenInSTEM #WomenPower

May, 2023
Welcome Selena Ghaben to our Azab Lab family at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering, UT Southwestern Medical Center.
Ms. Ghaben is joining us from The Ohio State University, she is finishing her Undergraduate studies in Neuroscience and Engineering, and has a considerable experience as undergraduate researcher. In our Lab, she will work on development of novel methods for manufacturing nanoparticles, for drug delivery in cancer therapy.
Selena, was born in Jerusalem, Palestine and raised in Dayton, Ohio. In her spare time she plays the piano, and swims with OSU Club Team. Most importantly, she volunteers at A Moment of Magic Foundation to improve the quality of life of vulnerable and underserved children and inspire them to be brave, strong, and fearless through fun and engaging social wellness activities.
Welcome, Selena! We are lucky to have you with us!
#biomedicalengineering #drugdelivery #cancertherapy #Piano #Swimming #Volunteering #childreninneed
April, 2023
It is my pleasure that two new members are joining our family in the Azab Lab at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering:
Welcome Dr. Camila Diedrich, PhD, a post doctoral fellow. Dr. Diedrich is joining us from Brazil, with 10 years of extensive experience in nanotechnology, development and characterization of nanoparticles,and in vitro and in vivo tumor models. Dr. Diedrich will work on the development of Nano- Immuno- Therapy for different cancers.
Welcome (back) Mr. Mina Maksimos, MSc, a research associate. Mr. Maksimos is joining us from Egypt/Germany, with 7 years of extensive experience in pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, nano-drug delivery systems, and targeted cancer therapy. He also spent a year in our Lab during his MSc Studies. Mr. Maksimos will work on the development of novel therapies that target the tumor microenvironment.
Camila and Mina ... Welcome 🤩🎉... We are so happy to have you with us 🥰... We look forward to many years of scientific productivity... and impactful research that makes a real impact on the lives of patients, who are in dire need for your science and research... Welcome 🤩🎉 ...as part of our family scientifically and personally ❤️
April, 2023
Biomedical engineering retreat
It was such a pleasure to present our Lab work at the biomedical engineering retreat at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering ... what an amazing crowd! loved the energy of our trainees, PhD students, and postdoc's!
The #Lab > #BME as a "magic wand" for solving #clinical problems > #understanding the problem > Conceptualization ...
> #solution: Fooooood!!!!
April, 2023
New Publication!
It is my pleasure that our research was published recently in Blood Cancer Journal (of Springer Nature Group), Titled "E-selectin-targeting lipid nanoparticles improve therapeutic efficacy and reduce side effects of bortezomib in multiple myeloma". The paper is authored by Mina Maksimos, Dr. Barbara Muz, Dr. John Magnani, and Dr. Kareem Azab.
The project is a collaboration between our Laboratory and GlycoMimetics Inc., in which we developed a lipid nanoparticle formulation of bortezomib decorated with E-selectin-targeting molecules, for specific targeting of tumor-associated-endothelial cells, for the treatment of multiple myeloma.
More to come! come to join us at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering.
#multiplemyeloma #tumormicroenvironment #targetedtherapy #drugdelivery #lipidnanoparticles
April, 2023
Rising Star Scholar in Cancer Research!
It's a pleasure and honor that Dr. Azab was awarded a "Rising Star Scholar in Cancer Research" award by the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas-CPRIT, as part of his recruitment package to UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering.
Learn more..February, 2023
Dr. Azab named a “Senior Member” of the US National Academy of Inventors
Congratulations, Dr. Kareem Azab for being named as a "Senior Member" of the US "National Academy of Inventors". #inventor #innovation #nationalacademyofinventors #biomedicalengineer #bioengineer #bme
Learn more..
October, 2022
Great Work Prof. Achilefu!
Attending a plenary session at the annual meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society (#BMES2022) delivered by Prof. Samuel Achilefu, Inaugural Founding Chair of the UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering Department.
Prof. Achilefu is a prolific scientist with over 300 publications and 70 patents, and several startup companies.
But most importantly, Sam is a wonderful human being, caring friend, and supportive leader.
I am so proud to be part of this outstanding team at UT Southwestern Medical Center... come join us, we have opened positions for faculty members, post doctoral fellows, and graduate students.

October, 2022
Proud Moment
One of the most beautiful moments for a #professor/ #mentor, is when he sees his mentee becoming a successful professor/ mentor herself!
This is exactly what I felt today, when I met Professor Pilar de la Puente (a former postdoc in the Azab Lab) and her Lab team attending #BMES2022, leading a session, and presenting innovative science!
Pili, I couldn't be more proud!
And thanks for the delicious dinner!

October, 2022
BMES Annual Meeting
Heading to San Antonio, Texas, for the Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society (#BMES2022) ... "hunting" for #PostDoc fellows 😊 ... please message me if you are there and interested.
Also, come visit our UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering booth #368 (Thu-Sat, 8:00am-4:00pm).

September, 2022
Upcoming lecture in the cancer center at UT Southwestern Medical Center
When: October 6, 2022
Time: 9:00-10:00 AM
Where: Zoom
Contact for Zoom link:
#bme #bioengineering #biomedicalengineering #cancerresearch #utsw #sccc
July, 2022
Recent paper published in Blood Cancer Journal (Nature Publishing Group)
It is a pleasure to work with long term collaborator and friend Dr. Ellen Weisberg from Harvard University, who discovered a novel protein degradation machinery prominent in #AML and #myeloma.
Our role was to validate part of the biologicals mechanism in myeloma cells, thanks to the great work of Dr. Barbara Muz and Dr. Jennifer Sun.
In this work, the team also contracted Cellatrix LLC for further validation of the mechanism and its therapeutic potential in primary cells from biopsies from AML and Myeloma patients.
July, 2022
With mixed feelings, its is time to say goodbye Washington University in St. Louis
It has been amazing 10-Years, with wonderful science, over 70 publications, 12 patents, and over 50 trainees ... but most importantly, I met brilliant collaborators and amazing friends, which I am looking forward to continue collaborating with.
Excited towards the new adventures of great science and new friendships and collaboration at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering .
June, 2022
Starting a new position at Biomedical Engineering-UT Southwestern Medical Center
I am thrilled to announce that I am starting a new position as Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at UT Southwestern Biomedical Engineering-UT Southwestern Medical Center, under the leadership of my great mentor Prof. Samuel Achilefu. I was recruited as a "CPRIT Rising Star Scholar" Awardee from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.
I am so excited towards the great upcoming research that we will be conducting on #nanotherapy, #immunotherapy, #brachytherapy, #tissueengineering , #drugdiscovery, #cancertherapy, #drugresistance, #tumormicroenvironment , and much more.
We will be hiring post-doctoral scholars, graduate students, and more.

June, 2022
Tumor Myeloid -Directed Therapies Summit
Leading a workshop on "Modeling the myeloid compartment in vitro, ex vivo, & in vivo technologies to enhance translation & mechanistic understanding" at the Tumor Myeloid -Directed Therapies Summit, with the spectacular Charles river and Boston skyline in the background. Presenting data from the #AzabLab and from Cellatrix LLC.
I love smaller conferences, you get to meet the highly specialized experts presenting the cutting edge research in the field, much more opportunities to actually meet and interact with people, and build scientific collaborations with academia and industry.
#TumorMyeloid2022 #cancertherapy #Macrophages #drugdevelopment #drugdiscovery

June, 2022
ASCO 2022
The American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting (#ASCO22) picks our paper as "recommended to read". Proud of you Dr. Jennifer Sun.
Impactful research is made here at the #AzabLab, come join us! We are hiring cancer biologists and immunologists, biomedical engineers, drug delivery and nanotechnology experts.

June, 2022
Time for a Science Show!
In addition to mentoring PhDs (as the highest academic degree), our mission, as scientists/researchers, is to encourage science education from the earliest stages of childhood, and to outreach to our community in every way possible to build trust in science and fact-driven thinking.
It was a great pleasure to conduct a "science show" for first-graders at @Shenandoah Valley Elementary school, Chesterfield, MO... I performed some eye-catching "experiments", and I was probably more excited than the kids. My reward was at the end of the "show", when I asked "who wants to be a scientist?" ... You should have heard the kiddos roar "meeeeeee"!
#science #education #community #school #mentoring #children

June, 2022
So proud of you!
As an #academic, I see my first duty as to #mentor the next generation of scientists and researchers.
Today I had the pleasure and honor to participate in the hooding ceremony for Dr. Jennifer Sun at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis.