Research_Cancer Biology

Mechanisms of Drug Resistance and Metastasis
& Their Therapeutic Applications

Drug resistance and metastasis are the most challenging aspects of cancer treatment. The dynamic interaction between the tumor cells and their tumor microenvironment (TME) plays a pivotal role in drug resistance development and metastasis. The TME exerts its influence through intricate mechanisms, including cell-cell interaction involving the cancer cells and stromal cells, and endothelial cells, as well as non-cellular factors such as tumor hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply.

Our research is focused on targeting the interactions between cancer cells and the TME, both at the cellular and non-cellular levels, with the ultimate goal of reversing drug resistance and impeding metastatic processes. By unraveling the complex interdependencies within the TME, we developed novel therapeutic strategies that can disrupt these interactions, leading to improved treatment outcomes and enhanced patient survival.

Targeting Cell-Cell Interactions in the TME

Targeting the interaction between tumor and stromal cells (CXCR4)

Targeting the interaction between tumor and Endothelial cells (Selectins, Ephrin and CXCR7)

Targeting Tumor Hypoxia




Drug Resistance