NTBN Members

DeLila Bergan, M.A., J.D.

Flower Mound, Texas
Interests: Elder law, special-care issues of the elderly, the incapacitated, and the mentally ill.

Susan C. Bowman, M.S.

Parkland Institutional Ethics Board
Interests: Clinical ethics including end-of-life issues, organ transplantation ethics, reproductive ethics, and health care policy.

Gerald W. Casenave, Ph.D.

Clinical Associate Professor, UT Southwestern School of Health Professions
Interests: Health psychology, depression, ethics, loss of earning capacity, philosophy of mind, human spirituality

Jessie Sage Cheng, RN

Managing Legal Nurse Consultant and Owner, Principled Legal Nurse Consulting; Bioethics Graduate Student, The Ohio State University
Interests: Disability bioethics, disability bias in healthcare, issues in futility determinations, controversies in brain death, end-of-life and palliative care, clinical ethics, medical-ethical legal cases

Stephen Couch, MA, ACC, HEC-C

Clinical Ethicist, Children's Health
Interests: Pediatric bioethics, healthcare and clinical ethics, end-of-life decision making, medically non-beneficial 
treatment, human spirituality.

Bryn S. Esplin, J.D., HEC-C

Assistant Professor of Medicine
Department of Medical Education
UNT Health Science Center
Interests: Neuro-Psychiatric Ethics, Clinical Ethics, Rhetoric and Philosophy of Mind, Global Health Law and Policy Sr. Chaplain, Presbyterian Healthcare System

Shari Esquenazi, PhD(c), MPH, MS

(Remote) Sr. Research Project Manager at NYU Langone Health
Interests: Behavioral science, health technology, public health, clinical ethics, mental health, pediatric research and medicine, neuroethics, and implementation science

Patricia Evans, M.D.

Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Chairperson, Section on Ethics, American Academy of Neurology
Interests: Biomedical ethics, autism, distribution of health care, cognitive development

Robert L. Fine, M.D., MACP, FAAHPM, HEC-C

Clinical Director, Office of Clinical Ethics and Palliative Care, Baylor Health Care System
Interests: Clinical ethics including end-of-life decisions, advance directives, medical futility, pain management and palliative care, macro- and micro allocation of resources, professional ethics

Jai Gandhi, MD

Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist, North Texas VA
Email: Email
Interests: racial healthcare disparities, systemic discrimination, ethics of marketing in medicine, ethics of involuntary care,  the meaning of illness, cross-cultural ethics

Lonnie Gentry, MTh, CAGS

Student in the SMU DLS program
Research & Education Associate, Department of Surgery, Baylor University Medical Center
Instructor, Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine
Interests: Bioethics, Virtue Ethics, Christian Ethics, Physician Professionalism

Michael C. Gottlieb, Ph.D.

Independent Practice; Clinical Professor, UT Health Sciences Center; Honorary Clinical Professor, Texas Woman's University
Interests: Ethical issues in mental health treatment, ethical decision-making, professional boundaries, risk management, and treatment of multiple patients.

Elicia Grilley Green, RDH, JD, MBE

Attorney in the Healthcare Practice Group at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
Interests: Healthcare and Clinical Ethics, Distribution of Healthcare, Social Determinants of Health, Public Health, Medical ethics, Reproductive Ethics, Disability Rights

Becket Gremmels, Ph.D.

System Director of Ethics, CHRISTUS Health
Interests: Genetics, gene therapy, beginning of life issues, the confluence of catholic social doctrine and business ethics, clinical ethics

Frederick Grinnell, Ph.D.

Robert McLemore Professor of Medical Science
Department of Cell Biology, Ethics in Science and Medicine Program, UT Southwestern Medical School
Interests: Science policy, science education, philosophy of science, human research ethics, genetic medicine, research integrity

Elizabeth Heitman, Ph.D.

Professor, Program in Ethics in Science and Medicine; Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern
Interests: Research ethics; research integrity/responsible science; clinical ethics consultation; ethics education; international collaboration; culture and religion in medicine

Stephen L. Hines, M.D., FACP

Hospice Physician
Interests: End-of-Life Care, Communication in Healthcare, Medicine and Humanities, Biomedical Engineering, Spiritual Distress in Patients and Their Families

R. Dawn Hood-Patterson, PhD, MDiv, HEC-C

Clinical Ethicist, Children’s Health
Interests: Narrative ethics, pediatric ethics, qualitative methods, theological anthropology, and illness narratives

Tya-Mae Y. Julien, M.D.

Gastroenterologist, Richardson, TX
Interests: Biomedical ethics; palliative and end of life care; intersection of faith/religion and medicine; special-care issues of the elderly; healthcare communication and medical writing

Carie King, M.A., Ph.D.

Clinical Assistant Professor of Communications; Arts and Humanities
UT Dallas
Interests: Technical communication, professional communication, medical rhetoric, patient-to-patient discourse and agency, medical ethics, communication ethics, privacy law, online security, and patients' self-disclosure.

Alida Liberman, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Philosophy
Southern Methodist University
Interests: normative ethics, bioethics, feminist philosophy

Thomas Wm. Mayo, J.D.

Sr Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Professor of Law, SMU/Dedman School of Law
Adjunct Prof, Internal Med, UT Southwestern Med Sch
Interests: Death and dying, human research ethics, reproductive rights, organ transplantation, professional ethics, organizational ethics, pharmaceuticals, stem cells

Charles E. McConnel, Ph.D.

UT Dallas
Interests: Public health economics, the economics of epidemiology, epidemiology of aging, the economics of chronic disease, and trauma

Anne McMillan, J.D.

Editor, Dallas, Texas
Interests: Law and philosophy, law and psychology, medical ethics, and social justice issues

Jessica A. Moore, DHCE, HEC-C

Clinical Ethicist, Ethics Committee interim Co-Chair
Cook Children’s Health Care System
Interests: Ethics Consultation, Pediatric & AYA Ethics, Interdisciplinary Care of the whole person, Effects of Faith and Culture on Medical Decision-making, Supported Decision-Making at the margins of capacity, Human Genetics & Ethics

Zachary Most, M.D.

Fellow in Pediatric Infectious Disease, UT Southwestern
Interests: Medical ethics and philosophy, end-of-life decision making, the autonomy of pediatric patients, technology in medicine

Neely Laurenzo Myers, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Medical Anthropology, Southern Methodist University
Interests:  Ethics in psychiatry, mental health services, and mental health services research globally; medical technology and ethics

Sina Najafi, DO 

Supportive Palliative Care, Baylor Scott and White, Dallas, TX
Interests: Healthcare and Clinical ethics including end-of-life decisions, advance directives, medical futility, pain management and palliative care 

Megan Roe BSN, RN

Operating Room, Children's Health
CVICU, The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano
Interests: Biblical ethics and healthcare, end-of-life decision making, racial reconciliation, reproductive ethics, social justice issues, transplant ethics

Michael A Rubin, M.D., M.A.

Assistant Professor of Neurology and Neurotherapeutics, Neurological Surgery; Division of Neurocritical Care
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Interests: Neuroethics, end-of-life decision making, racial disparity

John Z. Sadler, M.D.

Daniel W. Foster, M.D. Professor of Medical Ethics, Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UT Southwestern
Interests: Philosophy and ethics of psychiatry and mental health, bioethics consultation/hospital ethics committees, human subjects research ethics, philosophical value theory, mental health-related public policy

Angela Scheuerle, M.D.

Professor of Pediatrics and Pathology, Eugene McDermott Center for Human Growth and Development, UT Southwestern
Interests: Ethical issues in genetics

Richard K. Scotch, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology, Public Affairs, and Political Economy
Director of Programs in Sociology and Public Affairs
School of Social Sciences, UT Dallas
Interests: Bioethics and disability; health disparities; cultural issues in access to health care; health and community; local health systems; health policy

Eli Shupe, PhD.

Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Humanities
Co-director, Medical Humanities and Bioethics Program
University of Texas at Arlington
Interests: Medical ethics, transplantation ethics, hospice and end-of-life care, philosophy of mind

Kevin Simmons, J.D., M.A.

Associate Attorney, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Interests: ethics in the law, medical ethics, religion and medicine, business ethics, Catholic social doctrine

Stacy Smith, B.S.N., R.N.

Palliative Care, Children's Medical Center of Dallas
Interests: Bioethics, research ethics, end-of-life care

Carolyn Smith-Morris, Ph.D., M.S., LPC

Professor, Peter O’Donnell Jr. School of Public Health
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Interests: Cross-cultural ethics, transplant ethics, chronic disease, medical anthropology, immigrant health

Heather Stieglitz, Ph.D.

Interests: Health disparities among the underserved, end-of-life care, Clinical ethics, Medical genetics

Karen E. Tatum, Ph.D.

English Professor, Dallas TX
Interests: Literature and medicine, medical humanities, disability and gender studies, memoir and creative non-fiction

Giuliano Testa, M.D., FACS, M.B.A.

Surgical Director, Living Donor Liver Transplantation, Baylor University Medical Center, Annette C. and Harold C. Simmons Transplant Institute.
Fellow of the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics.
Interests: Ethics in surgery, ethics in transplantation medicine, informed consent

Linda B. Uchal, Pharm.D., BCCCP, BCPS-AQ Cardiology

Clinical Pharmacist, Critical Care
UT Southwestern, William P. Clements, Jr. Hospital
Interests: End of life, bioethics education, allocation of resources, ethics in pharmaceutical research/development and marketing, moral distress in healthcare providers

Richard L. Voet, M.D.

Chairman, Bioethics Committee
Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
Interests: Clinical ethics, professional ethics, medicine, and theology

Anji Wall, MD, PhD

Transplant Surgeon, Baylor University Medical Center, Annette C., and Harold C. Simmons Transplant Institute
Interests:  Clinical surgical ethics, global health ethics, ethics in organ transplantation

Richard L. Wasserman, M.D., Ph.D.

Medical Director of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
Medical City Children's Hospital
Interests: Biomedical ethics, research integrity, science ethics, human research ethics

Jennifer Markusic Wimberly, M.D., MA, HEC-C; (she/her/hers)

Chair, Institutional Ethics Committee
Medical Director, Resiliency
Parkland Health & Hospital System
Interests: Informed consent, surgeon training, disclosure, transparency, the physician-patient relationship

Christina Yen, M.D.

Associate Director, Antimicrobial Stewardship, Clements University Hospital, UTSW
Interests: clinical ethics, decision-making, resource allocation, ethics in infection prevention and antimicrobial stewardship, microethics

Heather Zeiger, M.S., M.A.

Research Analyst for the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity; Freelance Science Writer; Instructor with Revolution Preparatory
Interests: Advances in biological technology and its impact on society; the intersection of faith, culture, and science; philosophy and theology of technology and medicine; how bioethics is portrayed in the media