Bioethics Publications

Grinnell, F. (1990) The endings of clinical research protocols: Understanding the difference between therapy and research. IRB. 12: 1-4.

Grinnell, F. (1996) Ambiguity in the practice of science. (Editorial) Science, 272: 333

Grinnell, F. (1997) Truth, fairness, and the definition of scientific misconduct, J. Lab. Clin. Med. 129: 189-192

Grinnell, F. (1999) Ambiguity, trust, and the responsible conduct of science. Science and Engineering Ethics. 5: 205-214.

Grinnell, F. (2002) The impact of ethics on research. Chronicle of Higher Education. 49(6): B15.

Grinnell, F. (2004) Human embryo research: From moral uncertainty to death. American Journal of Bioethics. 4:12-3.

Grinnell, F. (2004) Subject vulnerability: The precautionary principle of human research. American Journal of Bioethics. 4:72-74.

Grinnell, F. (2013) Research integrity and everyday practice of science. Science and Engineering Ethics. 9: 685-701.

Grinnell, F. (2014) The interrelationship between research integrity, conflict of interest, and the research environment. J. Microbiol Biol Educ. 15: 162-164

Grinnell, F. (2015) Rethink our approach to assessing risk. (World View) Nature. 522: 257.

Grinnell, F., Sadler, J.Z., McNamara, V. Senetar, K., and Reisch, J. (2017) Confidence of IRB Members in their Assessments of Human Research Risk: A Study of IRB Decision-Making in Action. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics. 12: 140-149

Grinnell, F. (2018) Teaching research integrity – Using history and philosophy of science to introduce ideas about the ambiguity of research practice. HPS&ST Newsletter Opinion Page, November

Grinnell, F. (2020) Biomedical ethics 2.0: redefining the meaning of disease, patient and treatment. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.