Science Education Publications

Research Findings

Grinnell, F., Dalley, S., Shepherd, K., and Reisch, J. (2017) High school science fair and research integrity. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0174252

Grinnell, F., Dalley, S., Shepherd, K., and Reisch, J. (2018) High School Science Fair: Student Opinions Regarding Whether Participation Should Be Required or Optional and Why. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202320

Grinnell, F., Dalley, S., and Reisch, J. (2020) High School Science Fair: Positive and Negative Outcomes - PLoS ONE. 15 (2), e0229237

Grinnell, F., Dalley, S., and Reisch, J. (2021) High school science fair: Experiences of two groups of undergraduate bioscience students - PLoS ONE. 16(6): e0252627

Grinnell, F., Dalley, S., and Reisch, J. (2022) High school science fair: Ethnicity trends in student participation and experience. PLoS ONE 17(3): e0264861

Grinnell, F., Dalley, S., and Reisch, J. (2023) High School Science Fair: School Location Trends in Student Participation and Experience | bioRxiv

Policy Recommendations

Grinnell, F. and Dalley, S. (2020) How to Make Science Fairs More Effective. NSTA Reports. 31(5): 3.

Grinnell, F. (2020) Reinventing Science Fairs. Issues in Science and Technology. 36: 23-25.

Grinnell, F. and Dalley, S. (2022) High school science and engineering fairs: Lessons learned. Connected Science Learning 4 (5)