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August 2024

Our collaborative paper describing deconstruction of cilia in cerebellar granule neurons published in JCB.

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July 2024

Amy Ternida, a high school STARS program summer student in the lab, presenting poster on her project working together with Vivek.

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May 2024

FASEB cilia meeting: Saikat presents GPR161 structure paper, Vivek presents TULP-IFT-A binding story.

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Feb 2024

Our collaborative paper with Manglik lab on GPR161 regulation by sterols and auto-activation published in NSMB!

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Nov 2023

Article on context dependent regulation of hedgehog signaling by cilia in cover of PLOS Genetics Nov 2023 issue!

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Oct 2023

Sun-hee and Kevin's paper on context dependent regulation of hedgehog signaling by cilia was accepted in PLOS Genetics!

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Oct 2023

Saikat presented in the AKAP meeting in London! He talked about the new insights into GPR161 structure, activation by sterols and function.

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Sep 2023

Vivek received the travel award for attending the ASCB meeting and will present his research in a minisymposium on Protein Compartmentalization and Sorting!

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Aug 2023

Anatupenda Daphrose, a STEP-UP summer research program high school student, presented her project in NIH, Baltimore.

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Apr 2023

Benji Popokh, a first year medical student, was just selected to the Medical Student Summer Research Program 2023 to work in the Mukhopadhyay lab. He will work on understanding role of ciliary signaling in medulloblastoma.

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Mar 2023

Vivek's paper on ARL13B trafficking by TULP3 gets MBoC cover for April issue!

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Feb 2023

IFT-A structure paper from collaborator Ji Sun garners a lot of online attention.

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Nov 2022

Saikat presents in the International Neural Tube Defects meeting in Austin

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Sep 2022

Past grad student Nipunika receives CTF postdoc fellowship! CONGRATS!!! She had 10+ papers from her grad work in Saikat's lab.

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July 2022

Saikat presents in the FASEB PKD meeting in Lisbon, Portugal

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June 2022

Saikat presents in the FASEB cilia meeting in Tuscon, Arizona

JCB paper recommended by Michael Olson at Faculty Opinions

May, 2020

JCB paper recommended by Michael Olson at Faculty Opinions

Osaka Steak and Grill, Addison

December 2019

Lab lunch before holidays 2019

Bandarigoda Nipunika Somatilaka

Sept, 2019

Nipunika receives best postdoc talk award in Neural Tube Defects Meeting 2019, Boston. Congrats!

Vivek award in FASEB Cilia Meeting

Aug, 2019

Vivek gets the 2nd best talk award in FASEB Cilia Meeting. Congrats!

July 2019

Nipunika gets travel award to attend Neural tube defects meeting 2019

July 2019

Vivek gets PKD foundation postdoctoral fellowship

Vivek gets the Society of Developmental Biology Award 2019 for attending the Biology of Cilia and Flagella FASEB Summer Research Conference. Congrats!

June 2019

Society of Developmental Biology Award 2019

Vivek gets the Society of Developmental Biology Award 2019 for attending the Biology of Cilia and Flagella FASEB Summer Research Conference. Congrats!

Role of Gpr161 in forebrain development.

May 2019

Developmental Biology Cover Article on Forebrain development

Role of Gpr161 in forebrain development.

Immunofluorescence image of mouse postnatal day 0 cingulate cortex from conditional knockout of the G-protein-coupled receptor, Gpr161 stained for cortical neuron markers Satb2 (red) and FoxP1 (green) showing excess gyrus formation (polymicrogyria). Shimada et al. demonstrate that derepression of sonic hedgehog signaling upon Gpr161 deletion causes forebrain defects such as that shown in the image, and ventricular abnormalities, including ventriculomegaly and periventricular nodular heterotopia. Image constructed by Bandarigoda N. Somatilaka and John Shelton. See article by Shimada et al., pages 47-62 in volume/issue 450/1.

Sun-hee, Nipunika, Saikat, Vivek, and Kevin.

May 2019

Nipunika's Graduation Commencement, May 2019

RNipiunika's graduation commencement, May 2019.

Sun-hee, Nipunika, Saikat, Vivek, and Kevin.


Kidney cystogenesis paper published in Current Biology

March 2019

Kidney cystogenesis paper published in Current Biology

Sun-hee and Nipunika's paper on Tulp3-mediated ciliary trafficking in renal cystogenesis published in Current Biology

Bandarigoda Nipunika Somatilaka

April 2018

Bandarigoda Nipunika Somatilaka successfully defends her Ph.D.

“Role of Primary Cilium-Mediated Signaling in Development, Disease and Cancer”

Cover article in Cell Reports

February 2018

Cover article in Cell Reports (Jan 30, 2018)

Cover article in Cell Reports (Jan 30, 2018) on the role of Gpr161 in repressing medulloblastoma

February 2017

JCB highlights trafficking of membrane proteins

Drs. Mukhopadhyay and Badgandi, along with colleagues, are highlighted in the article titled "Tubby proteins prove their adaptability" in Journal of Cell Biology for their research on the trafficking of membrane proteins to cilia.

article titled "Tubby proteins prove their adaptability"