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Core Facilities >


The METRICS PROSPR II Research Center studies the multilevel factors that hamper or facilitate the cervical cancer screening process and reduce disparities in vulnerable populations.

  • Jasmin Tiro, Ph.D.
  • Jennifer Haas, M.D., MSPH
  • Aruna Kamineni, Ph.D., MPH
  • Sarah Kobrin, Ph.D.

Psychoneuroendocrine Research Program

The Psychoneuroendocrine Research Program (PNE) at UT Southwestern Medical Center focuses on two different areas of research: substance abuse, particularly dual diagnoses (e.g., depression or bipolar disorder); and the effects of corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone) on mood and memory.

  • E. Sherwood Brown, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology

Psychosocial Research/Depression Clinic

Dr. Robin Jarrett’s Psychosocial Research and Depression Clinic aims to understand how psychosocial factors influence health in mood and related disorders.

  • Robin B. Jarrett, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology

Pulmonary Physiology Lab

The global focus of the Pulmonary Physiology Laboratory is the study of pulmonary exercise physiology, particularly as it pertains to pulmonary disease, normal aging, obesity, ventilatory control during exercise, applied respiratory physiology, and clinical cardiopulmonary exercise testing. The Lab consists of three separate investigative laboratories: the pulmonary function laboratory, the cardiopulmonary exercise physiology laboratory, and the body composition laboratory including DEXA imaging for the determination of percent body fat, lean body mass, bone content, visceral fat, overall fat distribution, and their effects on breathing.

  • Tony G. Babb, Ph.D.
  • Bryce Balmain, Ph.D.