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Infante Lab

Our laboratory actively studies disease processes that disrupt normal metabolism.

  • Rodney Infante, M.D., Ph.D
Cell and Molecular Biology

Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine (IEEM)

The Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine is a 40,000 square-foot research facility with 12 UTSW faculty working in multiple departments and divisions (Internal Medicine/Cardiology/Pulmonary, Neurology, PM&R, Anesthesiology, Applied Physiology) with up to 20 postdocs, and 40 staff on 70 active protocols and 15 federal grants. It is a research enterprise devoted to the study of human physiology and the limits to human functional capacity in health and disease. 

  • Benjamin Levine, M.D.
  • Tony Babb, Ph.D.
  • Craig Crandall, Ph.D.
  • Qi Fu, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Rong Zhang, Ph.D.
  • Tom Sarma, M.D.
  • James MacNamara, M.D.
  • Christopher M. Hearon, Jr., Ph.D.
  • Renie Guilliod, M.D.
  • James Berry, M.D.
  • Andrew Tomlinson, M.D.

Interventional Psychiatry Research Program

Interventional psychiatry is treatment that combines brain stimulation with medication for difficult-to-treat mental health disorders. At UT Southwestern Medical Center, our psychiatrists have advanced training and expertise in caring for people with treatment-resistant mental health disorders.

We specialize in the latest advances in brain stimulation to bring relief to people who haven’t had success with traditional treatments.

  • Shawn McClintock, Ph.D.
  • Hila Abush Segev, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology

Ishii Lab

The Ishii Laboratory is interested in understanding the bidirectional relationship between brain function and systemic metabolism with an emphasis on metabolic deficits in Alzheimer’s disease and how it differs from normal aging. Our laboratory focuses on generating hypotheses derived from open questions in clinical neurology and neuroendocrinology, testing these hypotheses using molecular genetics and neuroscience techniques in the laboratory, and whenever possible verifying these findings in clinically relevant human research studies. 

  • Makoto Ishii, M.D, Ph.D.

Isogai Lab

We seek to understand how cancer cells harness the cytoskeleton to promote tumor growth, drug resistance and cancer metastasis through non-genetic, morphologic signaling programs.

  • Tadamoto Isogai, Ph.D.
Cancer Biology

Izumi Lab

In the Izumi Lab, with the ultimate goal of identifying druggable molecules/pathways in pediatric genetic disorders, we investigate the molecular mechanisms of pediatric genetic disorders due to chromosomal abnormalities and chromatin protein mutations. We employ novel genetic approaches by using patient-derived samples, induced pluripotent stem cell models and mutant mouse models.

  • Kosuke Izumi, M.D., Ph.D.
Genetics, Development and Disease