Radhakrishnan Lab
We are interested in how membrane cholesterol controls diverse cellular signaling pathways to ensure lipid homeostasis, enable cell growth, and protect against infections.
- Arun Radhakrishnan, Ph.D.
We are interested in how membrane cholesterol controls diverse cellular signaling pathways to ensure lipid homeostasis, enable cell growth, and protect against infections.
We are broadly interested in how energy is regulated on a systems level during infection. Our current projects are focused on understanding the role that adipose tissue plays in the response to influenza and SARS-CoV2.
We are driven by the belief that the spatial organization of tissue provides a powerful window into cell-cell interactions, a crucial component of disease progression and response.
Dr. Rajji focuses on improving cognition in older adults with or at risk for dementia through brain stimulation, with cognitive, functional, and pharmacological modalities.
The Ready Lab is engaged in the discovery and synthesis of biologically active small molecules
The Reddy Lab focuses on restoring effective antigen presentation to enhance anti-tumor immunity in breast cancers.
Our lab is broadly focused on the cellular signaling that drives the interactions between the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii and its varied hosts.
In our lab, we investigate the interactions between these multiple pathogens and the immune system.
The Reinecker laboratory unravels and targets molecular mechanisms of key human genetic variants that cause chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer by creating novel genetic mouse and human organotypic model systems.
We are interested in the molecular mechanisms by which nuclear hormone receptors regulate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in the liver, intestine, pancreatic islet, and central nervous system.
We use statistical analysis of genome sequences drawn from thousands of organisms to distill out general patterns describing the organization of cellular systems and individual proteins.
The Rice Lab uses structure, biochemistry, reconstitution, microscopy, computer modeling, and more to study the molecular mechanisms that generate and regulate microtubule dynamics.
We investigate the mechanism of neurotransmitter release using a variety of biophysical approaches, including NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM, molecular dynamics simulations and liposome fusion assays.
Engineered hydrogel biomaterials to improve tissue regeneration and disease modelling
Roberts Lab focuses on understanding the cellular and circuit mechanisms for behavioral learning, learning from social experiences and from example.
The Robertson Lab studies mitochondrial and metabolic homeostasis in the corneal epithelium and the role of homeostatic dysfunction in the pathophysiology of corneal disease.
The Rohatgi Lab focuses on the role of reverse cholesterol transport in atheroprotection.
The Rosen Lab seeks to understand the formation, regulation, functions and internal structures of membraneless cellular compartments termed biomolecular condensates.
The significance of our research is to show effective anti-Aβ42 antibody production in large animals and safety of DNA Aβ42 immunotherapy in these models to proceed with vaccination in patients at risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
Research in the Rothermel Laboratory focuses on deciphering the molecular mechanisms that control cardiac structure and function during normal development and in response to pathological stress.
Our lab specializes in clinical and research informatics, with a diverse portfolio of projects that leverage electronic health record (EHR) data and multimodal research data to enhance clinical care and advance research in the neurosciences.
The Ruan Lab focuses its research on developing statistical methods and computational algorithms for multi-omics data with applications in complex human diseases.