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Core Facilities >

Nair-Gill Lab

The Nair-Gill Lab dissects the cellular infrastructure that dictates immune cell survival and fate decisions.

  • Evan Nair-Gill, M.D., Ph.D.
Rheumatology Immunology

Najafov Lab

The mission of the Najafov Lab is to understand the role of cell death in physiology and disease. Our research is focused on necroptosis and how it can be targeted to develop novel strategies for treating cancer.

  • Ayaz Najafov, Ph.D.
Cancer Biology Cell and Molecular Biology

Nam Lab

The Nam lab asks how the shape of an RNA regulates its function. We study the biochemical and structural mechanisms in RNA-mediated gene regulation pathways important for normal and disease states.

  • Yunsun Nam, Ph.D.
Biological Chemistry Molecular Biophysics

Nanes Lab

The Nanes Lab investigates how the keratin intermediate filament cytoskeleton organizes cell regulatory circuits during skin development, wound healing, and cancer.

  • Benjamin Nanes, M.D., Ph.D.
Cell and Molecular Biology

Nanoimmune Therapeutics Lab

The Nanoimmune Therapeutics Lab’s mission is to develop and translate novel immunotherapies, with a particular focus on addressing malignant cancers in humans and animals.

  • Ashish Ranjan, B.V.Sc., Ph.D.
Biomedical Engineering Cancer Biology

Napierala Lab

The mission of Napierala Lab is to contribute to the development of therapies and a cure for Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA) by elucidating molecular mechanisms causing the disease, developing novel cellular and animal models of FRDA, identifying disease biomarkers and testing novel therapeutic approaches.

  • Marek Napierala, Ph.D.

Nesbitt Lab

Shawna D. (Smith) Nesbitt, M.D., M.S., studies hypertension in African-Americans, insulin resistance, and hyperlipidemia. 

  • Shawna D. Nesbitt, M.D., M.S.,

Neuromuscular Diseases Laboratory

The focus of the Neuromuscular Center is the diagnosis and treatment of muscle diseases known as metabolic myopathies, including inherited disorders of muscle fat, carbohydrate, and mitochondrial muscle metabolism.

  • Salman Bhai, M.D.

Ni Lab

We study bacterial colonization of the intestinal tract, to understand how both benign and pathological bacteria affect their environment. Our long-term goal is to treat intestinal diseases by genetically engineering bacteria in vivo.

  • Josephine Ni, M.D.
Molecular Microbiology

Nicastro Lab

The Nicastro Lab studies 3D ultra-structures and cell biological functions of macro-molecular complexes inside cells.

  • Daniela Nicastro, Ph.D.
Structural Cellbiology
Cell and Molecular Biology Molecular Biophysics

Nijhawan (Ank) Lab

The Ank Nijhawan research team is focused on improving outcomes for people living with or at risk for HIV, and ensuring their access to comprehensive healthcare and social support services. We also focus on individuals involved in the criminal legal system, and specifically the overlap of infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections and substance use.

  • Ank Nijhawan, M.D.
Correctional Health Health Disparities Sexually Transmitted Infections HIV Health Equity

Nijhawan-De Brabander Lab

The ultimate goal of the Nijhawan-De Branander Lab is to discover first in class drugs for the treatment of cancer. 

  • Deepak Nijhawan M.D., Ph.D.
  • Jef DeBrebandar, Ph.D.
Drug Discovery
Biological Chemistry

Nitschke Lab

Our lab works with murine disease models and employs BiochemistryMolecular and Cell Biology to investigate brain glycogen metabolism and related neurodegenerative diseases.

  • Felix Nitschke, Ph.D.
Glycogen metabolism
Biological Chemistry Neuroscience

Noch Lab

The Noch Lab is a basic and translational research laboratory focused on identifying novel strategies to target metabolic vulnerabilities in glioma.

  • Evan Noch, M.D., Ph.D.

Noh Lab

Dr. Noh's research specializes in deducing causal inference for time series microscopy images and developing statistical methods for genomic data analysis. Currently, he collaborates with peers in the Green Center for Systems Biology and in the Lyda Hill Department of Bioinformatics to develop statistical methods to resolve complex biomedical data.

  • Jungsik Noh, Ph.D.

Nomellini Lab

Research conducted by the Nomellini Lab utilizes animal models as well as human samples to examine the interaction between the innate and adaptive immune responses that occur after injury or infection, and the heterogeneity of the immune responses that occur in each individual. Led by Vanessa Nomellini, M.D., Ph.D., our lab ultimately aims to develop personalized immune therapies to reverse the immunosuppression that can occur in ICU survivors.

  • Vanessa Nomellini, M.D., Ph.D.
immunotherapy injury repair general surgery emergency s burn trauma critical care surgery ICU
Genetics, Development and Disease

Norgard Lab

The Norgard Laboratory is engaged in three areas of infectious disease research: syphilis, Lyme disease, and tularemia.

  • Michael Norgard, Ph.D.
Bacterial pathogenesis
Molecular Microbiology