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Core Facilities >

Obata Lab

The focus of the Obata Lab is to study how environmental signals (e.g., microbiota, diet, day/night cycles) shape intestinal neural circuits and immune cell networks. A variety of experimental techniques are used, including state-of-the-art imaging technologies, viral tracing of gut innervation, in vivo and ex vivo physiological assays, gnotobiotic systems and multi-omics technologies. The Obata lab is also interested in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of inter-organ communication, including the Gut-Brain axis.

  • Yuki Obata, Ph.D.

Oh Lab

The Oh lab is committed to elucidating how G protein-coupled Receptor (GPCR) works in regulating metabolism and identifying new avenues for developing therapeutics to treat metabolic syndromes such as type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance.

  • Dayoung Oh, Ph.D.
G protein-coupled receptor type 2 diabetes obesity metabolic syndrome
Cell and Molecular Biology

Olson Lab

Olson Lab studies muscle cells as a model for understanding how stem cells adopt specific fates and how programs of cell differentiation and morphogenesis are controlled during development.

  • Eric N. Olson, Ph.D.
Genetics, Development and Disease

Orchard Lab

Orchard Lab at UT Southwestern Medical Center

  • Robert C. Orchard II, Ph.D.
Immunology Molecular Microbiology

Orth Lab

The Orth lab is interested in elucidation the activity of virulence factors from pathogenic bacteria so that we can gain novel molecular insight into eukaryotic signaling systems.

  • Kim Orth, Ph.D.
Signal Transduction and Pathogenesis
Biological Chemistry Molecular Microbiology

Osborne Lab

The Osborne Lab focuses on how regulation of miRNA and mRNA controls the branching of developing cells, and how disregulation of these pathways contributes to aggressive tumor behavior.

  • Jihan Osborne, Ph.D.
Cell and Molecular Biology

Otwinowski Lab

The main research focus of the Otwinowski lab is on developing computational and statistical
methods and protocols for macromolecular structure determination using X-ray crystallography.

  • Zbyszek Otwinowski, Ph.D.

Oz Lab

Oz Lab combines imaging, interventional radiology, radiotracers (novel and known), and animal models to study physiology and disease pathophysiology. 

  • Orhan K. Öz, M.D., Ph.D.
Biomedical Engineering

Pan Lab

The Pan laboratory uses Drosophila and mice as model systems to investigate size-control mechanisms in normal development and their pathological roles in cancer.

  • Duojia (DJ) Pan, Ph.D.
Cell and Molecular Biology Genetics, Development and Disease

Parikh Lab

Our research is focused on mechanisms underlying acute kidney injury and sepsis.  Our laboratory has implicated mitochondrial maintenance via PGC1alpha and NAD+ as a novel pathway for resilience against acute physiological stressors.

  • Samir Parikh, M.D.
Acute kidney injury sepsis mitochondrial maintenance
Cell and Molecular Biology

Park (Jae Mo) Lab

Welcome to the PARK Lab.

Our lab focuses on:

  1. Development of novel noninvasive imaging methods for in vivo metabolism and function
  2. Identification of characteristics in metabolic diseases
  3. Clinical translations of the metabolic imaging methods
  • Jae Mo Park, Ph.D.
glioblastoma brain Liver cardiac skeletal muscle metabolism
Biomedical Engineering

Park (Kevin) Lab

Dr. Park’s research focuses on the visual system and how the projection neurons in the retina, the retinal ganglion cell axons, find their targets and form synapses in the brain. He is investigating two key areas: 1) cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the death of neurons and lack of regeneration in the central nervous system after injury and in degenerative diseases like glaucoma and 2) mechanisms by which neurons form proper connections with each other.

  • Kevin (Kyung) Park, Ph.D.

Parker Lab

We study how cells duplicate their genomic material and how this process goes awry in disease.

  • Matthew Parker, Ph.D.

Parkland Outcomes after Prematurity Study (POPS)

The Parkland Outcomes after Prematurity Study research group focuses on the short- and long-term effects of preterm birth, to improve lifelong health outcomes for current and future patients.

  • Kara Goss, M.D.
  • Charles Rosenfeld, M.D.
  • Luc Brion, M.D.
Prematurity late outcomes parkland nicu database neonatal care
Organic Chemistry

Patel (Suraj) Lab

Our laboratory has a particular interest in hepatic metabolism and its regulation by the immune system. We utilize genetic, epigenetic and proteomic approaches, combined with detailed physiological studies, to understand the complex mechanisms that causally link inflammation to metabolic dysfunction in obesity and fatty liver disease.

  • Suraj Patel

Patwardhan Lab

A major focus of the Patwardhan lab is translational research into mechanisms of pain and potential treatment.

  • Amol Patwardhan, M.D., Ph.D.

Pawlowski Lab

Dr. Pawlowski's laboratory studies how mutant genes affect the structure of the Organ of Corti, and searches for treatments against otitis media and infection of cochlear implants.

  • Karen Pawlowski, Ph.D.

PCOT Blood Pressure Study

Preventing Cognitive Decline by Reducing Blood Pressure Target Trial (PCOT)
Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center are doing a study to prevent cognitive decline in adults by reducing blood pressure.

  • Wanpen Vongpatanasin, M.D.
  • Miguel Vazquez, M.D.

Pediatric Cardiac MR Imaging Lab

Our lab focuses on the use of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) in pediatric and congenital heart disease.

  • Mohammad Tarique Hussain, M.D., Ph.D.
Biomedical Engineering

Pedrosa Lab

The mission of the Pedrosa Lab is to develop and implement new imaging methods that facilitate better morphologic and pathophysiologic characterization of diseases in the body for improved patient outcomes

  • Ivan Pedrosa, M.D., Ph.D.,
Biomedical Engineering

Pence Lab

Translational biophotonics for noninvasive detection of systemic disease.

  • Isaac Pence, Ph.D.
Biomedical imaging biomedical engineering
Biomedical Engineering

Petroll Lab

Petroll Lab applies engineering approaches and design principles to the investigation of fundamental clinical and biological problems in ophthalmology, while providing training to graduate students, medical students, and post-docs. 

  • W. Matthew Petroll, Ph.D.
Corneal wound healing cell mechanics
Biomedical Engineering