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Core Facilities >

Kim (James) Lab

The James Kim Lab examines the communication between epithelia and stroma through the lens of fundamental developmental pathways such as Hedgehog, Wnt, and Notch pathways.

  • James Kim, M.D., Ph.D.
Cancer Biology

Kong Lab

Kong lab aims to harness the cutting-edge technologies in human genetics and genomics, immunology, and molecular biology to better understand the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal inflammation.

  • Xiao-Fei Kong M.D, Ph.D.
Gastroenterology internal medicine genetics clinical immunology

Liu (Zhi-Ping) Lab

The major interest of my lab is to understand the transcriptional regulatory mechanisms involved in human diseases with a focus on cardiovascular diseases and cancer. 

  • Zhi-Ping Liu, Ph.D.
Genetics, Development and Disease

Lu Lab

For decades, the field of tuberculosis (TB) immunology has focused on T cell mediated protection, yet Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) still impacts one in four individuals worldwide today.

  • Lenette Lu M.D., Ph.D.
antibody functions

Maddipati Lab

Using novel multi-omics approaches and model systems to treat pancreatic cancer

  • Ravi Maddipati, M.D.

Malloy Lab

Malloy Lab has all the tools necessary for students at all levels to lean about metabolic imaging of physiology and disease and I am excited to participate.

  • Craig Malloy, M.D.
Biomedical Engineering Molecular Biophysics

Marciano Lab

The Marciano laboratory investigates fundamental aspects of kidney development and regeneration, in both health and disease.

  • Denise Marciano, M.D., Ph.D.
developmental biology tubule formation
Cell and Molecular Biology Genetics, Development and Disease

McFadden Lab

The McFadden lab uses genetically engineered mice and human cancer cells to identify new genes and small molecules that regulate cancer cell growth.

  • David McFadden, M.D., Ph.D.
Biological Chemistry Genetics, Development and Disease

Minna Lab

The main focus of the Minna Lab is translational (“bench to bedside”) cancer research aimed at developing new ways to diagnose, prevent, and treat lung cancer based on a detailed understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of lung cancer.

  • John D. Minna, M.D.
Lung cancer
Cancer Biology Cell and Molecular Biology

Mizuno Lab

Dr. Mizuno's laboratory studies autonomic control of the cardiovascular system, particularly the underlying alterations in circulatory control in type 1 or type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Masaki Mizuno, Ph.D.
autonomic control of the cardiovascular system

Moe Lab

The Moe Lab specializes in translational pathophysiology that spans from individual molecules, in vitro cell models, in vivo animal models, to metabolic human studies. 

  • Orson W. Moe, M.D.
chronic kidney disease Nephrolithiasis Acute kidney injury
Cell and Molecular Biology

Munshi Lab

The Munshi Lab is a dedicated group of scientists seeking to identify the molecular drivers of normal cardiac rhythm and disease-associated dysrhythmias.

  • Nikhil Munshi, M.D., Ph.D.

Nair-Gill Lab

The Nair-Gill Lab dissects the cellular infrastructure that dictates immune cell survival and fate decisions.

  • Evan Nair-Gill, M.D., Ph.D.
Rheumatology Immunology

Najafov Lab

The mission of the Najafov Lab is to understand the role of cell death in physiology and disease. Our research is focused on necroptosis and how it can be targeted to develop novel strategies for treating cancer.

  • Ayaz Najafov, Ph.D.

Nesbitt Lab

Shawna D. (Smith) Nesbitt, M.D., M.S., studies hypertension in African-Americans, insulin resistance, and hyperlipidemia. 

  • Shawna D. Nesbitt, M.D., M.S.,

Nijhawan (Ank) Lab

The Ank Nijhawan research team is focused on improving outcomes for people living with or at risk for HIV, and ensuring their access to comprehensive healthcare and social support services. We also focus on individuals involved in the criminal legal system, and specifically the overlap of infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections and substance use.

  • Ank Nijhawan, M.D.
Correctional Health Health Disparities Sexually Transmitted Infections HIV Health Equity

Nijhawan (Deepak) Lab

The ultimate goal of the Nijhawan lab aims is to discover first in class drugs for the treatment of cancer. 

  • Deepak Nijhawan M.D., Ph.D.
Drug Discovery
Biological Chemistry

Oh Lab

The Oh lab is committed to elucidating how G protein-coupled Receptor (GPCR) works in regulating metabolism and identifying new avenues for developing therapeutics to treat metabolic syndromes such as type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance.

  • Dayoung Oh, Ph.D.
G protein-coupled receptor type 2 diabetes obesity metabolic syndrome
Cell and Molecular Biology

Pence Lab

Translational biophotonics for noninvasive detection of systemic disease.

  • Isaac Pence, Ph.D.
Biomedical imaging biomedical engineering
Biomedical Engineering

Poojary Lab

The goal of our research is to identify key immune checkpoints of gastrointestinal disorders that could be targeted for therapeutic intervention and drug development.

  • Venuprasad K. Poojary, Ph.D.
glioblastoma brain Liver cardiac skeletal muscle metabolism

Rajagopalan Lab

We are broadly interested in how energy is regulated on a systems level during infection. Our current projects are focused on understanding the role that adipose tissue plays in the response to influenza and SARS-CoV2.

  • Kartik Rajagopalan, M.D., Ph.D.

Reddy Lab

The Reddy Lab focuses on restoring effective antigen presentation to enhance anti-tumor immunity in breast cancers.

  • Sangetha Reddy, M.D., M.S.C.I.
Breast Cancer immunotherapy cancer immunology Translational Research Antigen presentation
Cancer Biology Immunology

Reinecker Lab

The Reinecker laboratory unravels and targets molecular mechanisms of key human genetic variants that cause chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer by creating novel genetic mouse and human organotypic model systems.

  • Hans-Christian Reinecker, M.D.
mucosal immunity chronic inflammatory disease Inflammatory bowel disease

Rohatgi Lab

The Rohatgi Lab focuses on the role of reverse cholesterol transport in atheroprotection.

  • Anand Rohatgi, M.D.
Preventative cardiology ASCVD

Rothermel Lab

Research in the Rothermel Laboratory focuses on deciphering the molecular mechanisms that control cardiac structure and function during normal development and in response to pathological stress.

  • Beverly A. Rothermel, Ph.D.
Cardiology Circadian rhythms Down syndrome
Cell and Molecular Biology